Saturday, July 30, 2016

30/7/2016 - Sometimes a walk will do...

So today was just about moving.  I have started this journey (again) and while it feels good it also hurts quite a bit.  My muscles don't know what is going on and they are adjusting and while they adapt they are in a world of pain.  It's a pain I was used to and now am getting to know all over again.

With that in mind I knew today was going to be easy, it had to be. 

My husband and I had a nice little sleep in, some late breakfast and then went for a leisurely walk - to chase Pokemon.  Yes, Pokemon.

I understand everyone has an opinion on this new game that is taking over but can we all just agree to keep our opinions and thoughts on the matter to ourselves whichever side of the fence you sit on.  At the end of the day it's a harmless game that is ultimately getting people out of the house and exploring all different areas of the city and to me that is enough.

There are the haters who say that it's keeping people's head down in their phone, never looking up to appreciate the world around them and isolating them from actual social interaction but if you go out there you will see that is not remotely true.

Shaun and I spent over an hour meandering around McCallam Park in South Perth.  A place we probably never would have visited except that there were rumours of a high population of Pokemon lurking around (it was true).  It was a beautiful sunny afternoon if not a little on the chilly side of things with the monster winter wind.

We saw so many people out and about of all ages, joyfully playing a harmless game and guess what - they were interacting with each other.  Sure a few people were out solo but so many were in groups and sharing their finds with each other, strangers even.  Sharing smiles and successful captures.  It was fun.

It wasn't a major workout but I was moving and having fun just as we did the weekend before wandering around Lake Monger doing the same thing (just not as successfully).

I'm all for a game that gets people out and seeing parts of the city they might not venture to otherwise and I'm happy enough to call this my exercise for the day.

Friday, July 29, 2016

29/7/2016 - Just Keep Moving...

Day 2

That alone makes today a success but on top of that I feel good, a little sore but still alive so gotta take that as a big accomplishment.

Today I followed Southern Crossfit's main site programming as I had all the equipment to do it at home which was fun.  My husband is at the gym right now doing the same so I'm sure we will compare notes later as all crossfitting couples do.

***Side note: at heart I'm a Southern Crossfit member though currently have put my membership on hold due to financial reasons.  I miss training there, more specifically I miss the community there as they are all good people but I make every effort to stay in touch with everyone and will definitely be back training there in the future (hence why I love following their programming when/where I can).  Also, as noted - my husband is training there still***

My dear friend Stephanie so clearly pointed out that using 35kg yesterday was actually quite huge considering if was my first day back.  In my mind I didn't see it that way (as my mind hasn't quite caught up to how my body feels) but in hindsight she was so very right.  I felt a little sore today and I know that to get better I have to keep going but also that I need to not push too hard that I start to hate it, am too sore to keep moving each day, or worst of all that I injure myself.

So today was more about mindset and realigning my ego to where I am now not comparing myself to where I was way back when.  What used to be easy isn't right now and taking a step back in order to move forward is okay so that was my headspace heading into today.

So what was on tap for today?

10-8-6-4-2 (every 2:30)

With my hamstrings feeling a little stiff and my shoulders tight I knew that I was going to start easy and keep it (relatively) easy on the thrusters which was good.  I could have probably pushed harder/ heavier but I knew it wasn't about that, but rather about reintroducing my body to the movement patterns that it hasn't used in a while.

I focused on good form, staying on my heels and exploding through the hips to get the bar overhead.

***(Another) Side Note: for new readers - I'm not a crossfit coach, actually I'm not a coach at all so if you're new to all this then please find yourself some good coaching (see Southern Crossfit), I have however been coached by some really solidly qualified people who are great at both teaching great movement patters, correcting poor form and giving quality cues throughout so things that I may mention here have come from them embedding them into me over and over again through the years)***

I was happy overall with the thrusters as a way to get my whole body moving through a range of motion and easing out some of the stiffness I was feeling from yesterday.

7 minute AMRAP
5 KB snatch (left) 32/20kg
5 KB snatch (right) 32/20kg
5 Goblet Squats 32/20kg
5 rounds (16kg KB)

This WOD was really fun.  Painful but still fun.  I'm generally not one to really like KB snatches which is funny since DB snatches are my favorite movement ever but still enjoyed the programming on this one.

I used a 16kg KB as it is the only one I have so there was no other choice.  It was probably a bit heavy for where I am at but surprisingly it wasn't the weight that got me as much as my lungs which are still not on board with this new party we are starting. 

The number of reps was perfect for going unbroken through the movement and to keep moving but also enough to catch up pretty quick as the rounds piled up.

I had some solid music blasting through my ears which added to my pleasure (exactly what little Taylor Swift will do for a WOD right Jono?). 

My mantra through this was 'just keep moving'.  It was easy between movements to rest for longer than necessary especially with the snatches as you are essentially resting one arm as you progress to the other and the squats are quick to get through so it was just that... keep moving.

Day 2 is in the books and am actually a little bit excited to see where this new (reestablished?) adventure takes me.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

28/7/2016 - (Re-)starting is the Hardest Part

It's been a while... over 1000 days apparently, a very long time.  So what happened...

First I just stopped blogging about my workouts - in hindsight it came about for a number of reasons including being a bit discouraged by my words being taken out of context and then because I was just happy being and not documenting every effort.  I think though that as I drifted away from this space over time I also drifted away from my why of training. 

Such a small thing but so important in the grand scheme of it all. 

Documenting my workouts here helped me to relive the fun and enjoyment of it all that I didn't always see in the process of doing.  It allowed me to see progress over time of how far I had come, to celebrate simple achievements and take the pressure off that sometimes comes with being in (what can be) a competitive environment.

Training changed, life changed and I changed some good, some bad and so just off track so here I am, getting back on track, starting again, taking one day at a time and documenting this journey.

Today was Day 1. 

Training in my back yard

strict press

The strict press was solid for all rounds, felt heavy as I haven't picked up a barbell in 6 months or so but still happy with them.  My shoulders were a little creaky but that's just moving out the rust from all this time off.

3 rounds
10 hang power clean
5 push press
5:09 (35kg)

Initially I was planning on 5 rounds but my wrists had something to say about that so cut it short at 3 - not trying to kill myself just looking to ease my way back in and avoid sustaining any injuries so listening to what my body is telling me.

I broke all the rounds into 9 HPC's, rest, 1 HPC and 5 push press unbroken.  Best efficiency for the work but I think I spent more time staring at the barbell between movements than I did actually moving the bar but as they say - starting is the hardest part.

Day one down, happy I moved my body and am starting back on this track.  Not going to judge myself or finding any fault, just focus on the good and working my way back.  I can't wait to see what this journey brings...

Tomorrow - Day two and also my whys - they have been coming at me from all directions tonight and I'm excited to explore them further.  But now... dinner.