Thursday, June 20, 2013

6/19 - 'Dirty 30'

Well, I was planning on taking yesterday as a rest day after ‘Diane’ and ‘Karen’ and the aching shoulders still from the weekend but I’ve never done Dirty 30 (or Filthy 50) for that matter and I always love me a good chipper so… I had to go to this.  I wasn’t sure about the wall balls, or the lunges, or really anything that required the use of my legs but I was game.

As a side note – I forgot to mention – when I got in the car after ‘Karen’ I almost didn’t think I’d be able to drive home – when I stepped on the clutch my leg started shaking uncontrollably.  It was a fun little journey with me sitting in neutral at all the lights and throwing it back into first at the last minute before having to accelerate.  Ah crossfit, the things you do to me.

We had a pretty quick warm-up and mobility session – the air squats were a killer but got through them then it was a whole lot of set up for the WOD – it was organized though – as much as could be – different areas for each movement with some of us choosing to throw our ropes outside to finish up out there (a good call overall).

WOD 'Dirty 30'
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (16kg/12)
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push press, 20kg/15
30 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 10kg/5 ball
30 Burpees
30 Double unders
12:38 Rx

I was in the first group to go and was planning on breaking up the box jumps into sets of 10 but the boys around me didn’t stop and so neither did I.  I think I almost ate it at about 14 reps – not so pretty – box felt really, really high – but kept going pretty much unbroken.  I got off the box jumps fairly quickly overall but that hurt me on the jumping pull-ups – my legs started to rebel.  I think I did three sets of 10 or something, just trying to get through them as quick as possible.  The kettlebell swings were super light which was amazing – I was trying to minimize use of my legs on this knowing that the lunges and wall balls were still ahead.  My arms felt good and I went unbroken quite quickly.  The walking lunges hurt way less that I expected – way less than they did the other week in sports class though then we had a 15kg plate overhead.  They were over fast and it was on to knees to elbow – I swear this is worse than toes to bar.  It was a painful struggle all around but got through them – broke them up quite a bit though – I think 10-10 then 5-5. 

Similar to the KB swings, I tried to minimize use of my legs on the push press – again, 15kg was light so it wasn’t too hard to strict press it mostly, tiny little dip-drive only.  I did them in two sets of 15.  The back extensions really hurt though I was pushing to get done in the time cap – knowing that the wall balls and burpees would take me some time.  I tried to minimize the rest and get done with them, moving on to the wall balls.  I wasn’t wearing my oly shoes or my knee sleeves which felt odd but there were only 30 reps.  My form wasn’t great – Coach Hayden at one point commented to both Ali and I to stay on our heels – good cue, not great follow through from me.  My intent was to do three sets of 10 but that fell apart rather quick.  10-8-4-4-4.  I was aiming for 8-7-5 but couldn’t hold on after those 4 reps.  It killed and so did the burpees.  I did three sets of 10 moving ever closer to the door between each, finishing the last set of 10 outside (thankfully it was cooler out there).  I then grabbed my rope for the DU’s which went quick thankfully though I did stuff up once.  It hurt but I’m happy that I did it, that I survived and that I came in under the time cap.  I can’t imagine doing this for 50 reps of each but I’m sure the day will come.

It was funny afterward both in thinking about the WOD and watching the next class go through parts of it – I mentally blocked some of it out – I know I did it but can’t quite remember doing it/ it was a blur.  I guess in some ways that might be a good thing?  Or perhaps the pain was just too bad.  Who knows.  Definitely earned tonight as a rest day.  My body needs it as I can barely sit down/ get up from my chair.   Ugh.

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