Friday, January 28, 2011

Tonight's Run...

Another long week night run with Kimberley in the darkness... it was great.  Planning on doing it once a week even after the half marathon.

We did 8 x 10 on 1 and though the third piece really seemed to hurt the rest wasn't too painful UNTIL... she made me do sprints at the end - first it was 20 strides (approx. 15-20 seconds) each minute (starting with 3:30 left) then it was the entire last 30 seconds of sprinting.

GPS fail tonight - it stopped somewhere along the line and said we only did 1.64 km in 88 minutes (um, no).  Estimated our distance and it seemed about 13.7km (8.6 miles)

10.2 min/mile (6.4 min/km) - though taking that in stride due to gps fail...
17 days til the half marathon!!! OMG!

Oh, and freezing again... why oh why?!?!?

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