Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday WOD

So Saturday was a great morning... met up with a cute (and very fit) boy Rob and goofed around doing handstand walks (very hard uphill)...  then we he made up a mini-wod at the park...

WOD #1
5 rounds
5 pull-ups (on the low monkey bars)
10 dips
20 box jumps*

I did jumping pull-ups because I am still working up to unassisted but it was still good.  We did 1.5 rounds of box jumps before our bench started to get sketchy (it was already falling apart) so we switched to a sprint around this tree instead.  It was a lot of fun though I was still easily caught as I sprinted my hardest on the last run.  Enjoyed just being silly with it though.

WOD #2
45ish minute run

I heard the question I was dreading the most - want to go for a run? Heh.  Reluctantly I said yes and I'm so glad I did.  Rob was good with going at my (sloooow) pace and letting me lead though I really had no idea where I was going. He was surprised when I kept heading right instead of left - getting further away from home knowing I still have to run back.  For the first little bit it was good as we had roads to cross which gave me a little breather as we got to stop briefly but then I ushered us down a road with no lights for which to stop at.  Ugh!  I struggled mentally a little, just wanting to stop (for no reason really) but Rob kept me going telling me to stop thinking about it and distracting me with stories.  We ran along the train tracks by the Roundhouse and then I had a "brilliant" idea - at least with regards to getting a breather - we ran through the park which has this wicked rope climbing structure at the playground.  I climbed to the top while Rob watched me, quite amused (as far as I could tell) from the bottom.  It was awesome indulging my inner child though it was brief and then I was forced to run again. Haha.  Finished with a sprint up the last block (just for Kimberley) and then made it home for coffee on the porch.  Perfect.

It was a good run - maybe 45 minutes in all and I ran it consistently (except for crossing the streets and park detour) which for me is a big thing as I usually run/walk when on my own.  I enjoyed having Rob there to distract me with stories and pushing me with his fitness that kept me running (there was no way I was going to stop with him there).   I would workout with him any day even though he kicks my ass in everything - he is very encouraging and I don't get left behind - it makes me strive harder and I'm better for it, stronger.

It was quite a sweaty run and I'm not sure how I'm going to survive working out in the heat all summer - maybe I'll be acclimatized to it by then if I continue slowly getting used to it.

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