Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/14 - iWod...

I'm taking a break this week from using my shoulder - rest is the only treatment and so I am officially on the iWod program as my box likes to call it... i(njury)Wod. 

keg lifts

Our coaches did the strongman competition with Rob Orlando on the weekend and were eager to pass along some of the fun on the first day back.  We played around with the kegs then did sets of 10 squats and presses (I skipped these).  It was fun and new but I still think I'm a fan of barbells though definitely can see the added challenge that the kegs provide.

Box Jumps (24")
Get-up jumps (?)

The programmed wod was the same format with KB swings and push-ups so I couldn't do any of it.  I decided since Coach Match had suggested box jumps to go with the 24" box just to push myself (normally women's programming is 20") and it was a good challenge.  I managed a few times to string two jumps together but the second jump took a lot out of me as I concentrated on not killing myself.  I liked it though.  The trouble was...

The second movement - I'm calling them get-up jumps but really I don't know the "technical" name - basically you lay (fell) back flat onto the ground and then did a situp straight back up onto your feet (I had to tuck a leg under because I can't just roll onto my feet like some can) and then jump up to touch the bar - almost like a reverse burpee if that makes any sense.  Anyway, they kind of suck just as much especially with the jumping at the end.  So much jumping.

The standard wod was designed to take about 6 or so minutes for the group - I was on 5's when the rest of the class was finished - yes, it was a hard iwod.  Coach Pete was awesome as he literally counted me through the rest of my sets, every.single.one.  I kept moving throughout, didn't take too much rest but setting myself up to actually make the jumps (on both movements) was what took up more time.  I finished just after the 10minute cut-off and while the rest of the class had already moved on to the afterwod.

30 ab mat sit-ups, run 300m, 30 ab mat sit-ups

I started this after everyone else had finished but was still happy to do it.  Steady on the sit-ups and fast on the run, I really pushed the run knowing I only had to do it once.  I felt fast but who really knows.  I need to do some track repeats or something to get a better idea of how long sprints actually take me.  The second set of sit-ups hurt but were steady and it was over.

All I could think today is how beastly my legs are going to be after this week... Ha!

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