Friday, May 4, 2012

5/3 - pistols! abs!

Today was going to be a light day no matter what the programming.  We have an online team comp this weekend and my body needs a break (at least a little one).  I also still feel beaten up especially now after my deep tissue massage that has left me more bruised than the heavy cleans earlier in the week have.

It was nice to see a little couplet on the board. 

OHS (30/45kg)
11:11 (25.5kg)

This was the first time I've ever Rx-ed pistols and they were hard.  I was glistening all over when I finished from the sweat - unbelievable.  My left side is way weaker than my right so that's an area to work on but I was definitely happy to get full depth without any assistance even with a few no reps in there (lifting shoes definitely helped). 

OHS were solid, have been getting lots of practice with the lifting specific sessions.  I went light more because of my shoulders than anything - felt okay. 

Core work – hollow body and ab mat sit-ups

This was some solid core work.  We did hollow body flutters - hollow body hold while pumping your arms by your sides - we did sets of 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 (all had to be unbroken).  It took me 2:12 - I didn't have much rest until I got into the higher numbers.  The fact that Coach Pete has been having us do so many hollow body holds has definitely helped.

We all thought this was the end of our day but we were otherwise surprised.  Yes, it is indeed ab mat sit-ups week so of course there'd be some today.  It was max attempt at ab mat sit-ups, no stopping but you could go as fast or as slow as you wanted to.  The record before us was 136 reps.  I had planned to stop at about 100 but Kayla (on my team for Saturday) kept going and I realized beating the previous wasn't far off... once at 136, 150 seemed close enough but again, others were still going.  To be honest I could have done these for a really long time - you get to a point where you just accept the ache and keep moving - Kayla stopped at 225 and I did the same.  It was a draw - though we both could possibly still be there if we didn't decide to stop.  It's not good however that I've already sneezed twice today - the general hurt isn't there but the sneezing, that does hurt.

Team WODs were posted this morning for the comp this weekend, they look fun...

WOD 1 - Get over it
6 mins of hanging squat clean and jerk and partner over-unders
Score = total over-unders x total (male + female) HSCJ
 WOD 2 - Max Tonnage
24 minutes for max tonnage of:
10 chest to bar pull-ups (M) / pull-ups (F)
20 jump lunges
1 deadlift
Score = total kg of deadlifts lifted (total tonnes by all team members)

WOD 3 - Wall Ball KB Swing
Progress as far through the ladder as possible in 12 minutes:
1 wall ball/ 1 KB swing (32/24kg)
2 wall ball/ 2 KB swing...
Only one team member doing wall balls at a time - each person goes through one before moving on...
Score = total number of kettlebell swings completed for your team

Should be a fun day, we have a wicked team (Pete, Tim, Kayla, myself)... looking forward to it!

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