Friday, May 18, 2012

5/17 - my burning lungs...

Another fun night at the box... though I would (always) much rather do double-unders (1/3 less of course) than singles that's not what Coach Match had on board for our programming tonight.  It was very cardio intense but good during a week when I'm still resting my shoulder...

We had a fun warm-up.  Coach Tim had us bring a light weight KB with us on our warm up run and we stopped around the back of the box and did some swings (squats for me) and a bit more running - backwards, high knees, etc) and then we divided up into two teams for a bit of a relay - run 50m with your KB, do 10 swings and sprint back to tag the next person (do shoulder swings, jumping jacks, etc. while waiting).  Was a great way to change things up and perfect evening to be outside. 

100m run + 100 single-unders
200m run + 200 single-unders
300m run + 300 single-unders
200m run + 200 single-unders
100m run + 100 single-unders

Felt good to be out running the sprints but the single-unders were a mental battle all the way through - that and a lesson in counting (but that's a completely different item).  I felt solid in the sprints and love running hard now that it's not a million degrees outside.  It's also great that it's getting dark now as well - it makes me feel faster.  The singles were a challenge in that I just can't go any faster on them and when I'd trip up (only once typically per round) - I'd do it back to back - as in the first skip after a stop I'd trip again.  That was frustrating.  But alas... 

10 ab mat sit-ups + 10 KB swings box jumps (24")
20 ab mat sit-ups + 20 KB swings box jumps
30 ab mat sit-ups + 30 KB swings box jumps
20 ab mat sit-ups + 20 KB swings box jumps
10 ab mat sit-ups + 10 KB swings box jumps

Still the week of no arm work for me and so I substituted box jumps (again) for KB swings.  I'm really starting to love box jumps and while 20" is typically the standard for women I'm enjoying the challenge of the 24" box.  On one of the rounds I had just finished the sit-ups and Coach Match was in the corner and called me out to get right on the box jumps and I did and managed to do 5 consecutive - dropping down and bouncing right back up - which I'd never done before, I struggle with this on the 20" box let alone the 24" but it's faster and I was all about being more efficient.  It took a bit more out of me but I can't wait to get better at it.  I did a few more with 2 or 3 consecutive jumps which made me quite happy - the only thing I worry about is missing and my shin being destroyed by the side of the box (short people problems).

I go back today for more needling on my shoulder (which is strangely still bruised from last weeks session) and hopefully that's the end of it.  It's feeling mostly good - just some movements that are a little sore and while I could probably do the wods as written I don't want to rush back into things just to have another set back - I'd rather take the extra time and fully heal before going hard again.  Metal struggle for sure but I know that it'll be better in the long run.  Hoping to get out on my surfski this weekend - that should be good for mobility of my shoulder without using the paddling muscles which are why I have this recurring issue.

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