Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/22 - tired legs...

Back at it today and man my legs are really feeling tired.  The warm-up on it's own was pretty tough (your workout is our warm-up? ya, about that)...  that being said, it was Coach Pete's warm-up - always dynamic, varied and sure to include hollow body holds (that last forever)...

300m jog
2 rounds
10 hand release push-ups (I did ring rows instead)
10 jumping squats (ouch my tired legs)
10 deadlifts (using biggest blue bands)
45 second hollow body hold (told you)

We followed this up by doing partner sprints... but wait, there's a catch (isn't there always) - we did these with resistance - using the blue bands - one partner had the band around their waist, the other was behind them trying to hold them back.  I was partnered with Kayla and she could stand there and hold me back even as I was running as hard as I could - so not fair.  She did manage to ease up on me (a tiny bit) to allow me to get to the other side of the room.  We each did 5 sprints and then again - two each - but this time with the partner holding you back by your hips for a few strides then letting go - it was like a rocket launch - you had to be ready or you would fall over your feet.  It was fun.  And... that was the warm-up.  I was definitely feeling the millions of box jumps and quad work I've done over the past week but... I kept on going.

Work up to 3 RM back squat

Stopped at 55 due to fatigue.  Not even my PR but enough for the day.  I need to find the balance between getting below my hip crease and not getting too low where I lose the connection to the squat (which I'm trying to get away from doing).  Was good to be working in partners for this and getting the instant feedback.  I also managed to keep the bar lower on my back this time (improvement from last go round - yay!)

15 minute AMRAP
1 x 200m run
3 x back squat (around 70% of 3RM - used 45kg)
5 x burpees (subbed forward burpee things)
7 x box jumps (used 24" box)
9 x push-ups (subbed ring rows)

This was structured a bit differently and was quite fun.  We worked in pairs (or threes for some groups).  the first person ran 200m and then 'tagged' their partner.  The 15 minute clock didn't start until the first person got back from the run.  From there on out you just proceeded through the WOD - there were no other tags or waiting on partner, etc. but you *could* pass your partner if it got to that point.  Thankfully Kayla didn't lap me though if the WOD had been longer she might have (she finished her 6th round as I finished the run on my 6th).

The first round of back squats was really hard - I swear my legs were barely functioning after the run - it was quite a weird sensation.  The 'forward' burpees are (still) horrible but five wasn't too bad - it's not the getting up part but rather the jump to reach the bar that gets me (and my tired legs).  The box jumps were a lot of fun.  I've been practicing!  I try to set myself up at the top so that I can hit the ground and rebound up.  I'm starting to just ignore the fact that I could do some serious damage to my shins and just go for it and it's working.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  The ring rows were solid and I think I did all but one round unbroken.  It was a good one.

It was also a lot of fun to cheer for others during the run and provide motivation when possible.  There was one run that Glen was struggling on and as I caught him he said 'I'll run this with you' so that was good even as he called me some names at pushing him to keep at it... it was good and the fist bump at the end made it all worth it as I could tell he was happy to have pushed himself just a bit more.  Sometimes it's all we need - that little outside voice to keep us at it.

Rest tonight and my legs are really looking forward to it.

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