Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5/13 – Oly Monday

Decided to skip the all rowing WOD tonight and just focus on Oly as normally I try and squeeze in the 4:30 WOD then oly following which leads to one of two things:

1. I skip Oly because I’m too destroyed from pushing hard in the WOD or
2. I go lighter at Oly because I’m too destroyed from pushing hard in the WOD

So Oly only was the deal for tonight.

Barbell Club
Clean and Jerk
5 x (2+1) – two cleans one jerk
Warm-up 35-40-45
Working 50-50-50(fx 2 cleans)-50-50-50

Clean Pulls
Working 55-55-55

Back Squats
Warmup 10x20kg-5x 40kg
Working – 55-55-55

First day using my new knee sleeves and love them.  I’m not sure if it’s because my knees are toasty warm, if they remind me that my knees are there and need to be kept strong and from collapsing in, if it’s because they add some support or a combination of all of the above.  Regardless, it’s love.

The cleans and jerks felt really good.  It was nice to be a bit heavier on them.  I wanted to go up closer to my 1RM but it’s been a while since I’ve been up there and wanted to get some solid reps in so didn’t push it too much.  The only comment Coach Claire gave was that I wasn’t being solid on my jerk which reflects what Coach Jono said to me a while back about just having confidence in the jerk, just going for it so something to focus on.  In the third set I spectacularly failed both cleans.  Claire had told me to focus on keeping my knees out and I think I was doing this to the detriment of every other part of the movement and the first one I collapsed forward and the second over compensated and ended up on my ass.  Oops.  I shook it off then got back to good reps.

The clean pulls were good.  I probably should have gone heavier but my lower back was feeling a little sore so instead of pushing the weight I focused on the movement.

Struggled through the back squats, not necessarily because they were hard but because I just didn’t really want to do them/ don’t love them.  Felt solid though throughout.   Again, should have gone heavier but honestly I was being quite lazy.  Time to step it up though, primal isn’t too far off.

Glad to have the solid focus on Oly though.  Love it.

1 comment:

  1. nice working sets ;) where did you get your new knee sleeves btw? im keen to get a pair myself!
