Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9/2 – A week of rest, a new month

After a full 9 days of nothing more than lying on a beach, working on my tan (sunburn?), eating and drinking (the island dry of beer) and a little bit of learning to fly a kite it was back at it on Monday and boy did it hurt (in a good way – I’m still not sure).

3rds for reps
3min ON / 3mins REST
Row 500m then
Max Ring Dips

1:49/ 10 (yellow band)
1:57/ 5 (orange band)
1:59 (run)/ 10 (orange band)
+60 burpees*

*For those of us in the competitive program for every second we were over 1:30/1:45 we incurred a 2 burpee penalty to be done after the class (or whenever I guess as this wasn’t really specified).  It also wasn’t specified who had to do the burpees either so some of us decided it was better to share.  Sharing is caring (or something like that).

I felt okay on the first row – well, for the first 300m of it at least.  It was a struggle to hold on and even more so when I needed to get back on it.  3 minutes seems like a long time but really it wasn’t much at all.  The second row was a killer.  I finished and could barely feel my legs – well, I could feel them cramping up.  I did a measly 5 ring dips and then during the ‘rest’ I lost feeling completely in my legs – from the arches of my feet right up to my glutes they were solid – ouch.  I could barely walk let alone try and convince myself to get back on the rower.  I decided that I’d run the last round instead (Tara was running the WOD due to a shortage of rowers anyway).  It was a struggle but I think overall it turned out best for my legs as it got some circulation going a bit.  Still a struggle.

Ali and I were alternating on the WOD and since Tara was running she incurred no burpee penalties so Ali and I added ours together and split them three ways.  Ended up doing 4 sets of 11 each and we rotated through so we got to rest while the others were working – this definitely helped with the motivation factor to keep pushing through it.  When we finished Cam still had 150 left (yup!) so we pooled together and helped him out – Ali managed to rope in Lewis and Matt as well so the 6 of us worked doing sets of 6 to get through it.  The last 5 Cam and I did together and he went crazy fast, it was a challenge but I did it.  I ended up doing another 30 (6x5) with his so overall did more than my initial 60.  Was actually fun though doing them that way rather than just on our own.  There were a lot of burpees acquired that day that’s for sure.

My body hurts, feeling everything especially tight in the traps and pecs.  Good to be back into it again though.

Also, thanks to Steph for being awesome George and I are registered for Primal Pairs in October.  Can’t wait.  Should be fun.

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