Friday, January 14, 2011

An easy run...

This is a easy week for my 1/2 marathon training, and by easy I mean easy now... I can remember not that long ago the dread I would feel at having to run four minutes straight, and then having to do that 7, 8, 9, 10 times... it was horrifying and now that I've knocked off runs of 6 and 8 minute pieces, it's not so scary. Training for the win!

Last nights run:

7 x 4 on 1, 3.03 miles (4.85 km), 35 minutes

Average pace: 11.55 min/mile (7.22 min/km)

I was actually running the on pieces faster (between a 10 - 11 minute mile... 5.5-6 on the treadmill speed) but since there was more walking in this run my average pace doesn't reflect that.

Reminder to self: Say no to peanut butter before working out... celery and peanut butter snack must be confined to morning time only to allow for sufficient digestion.

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