12.4 km (7.8 miles)
7.25 min/km (11.5 min/mile) - much slower than I have been running
ran outside at lunch time - found it hard to figure out what to eat before my run... ended up having half a banana before (though it normally doesn't sit well with me I had no problems today probably because I just ate half) and finished it off right after the run (which was good)
Extra credit to: Lady Gaga, Pink, Liz Phair (who gave me a rendition of 'I am extraordinary' at just the right time)
Other details to track: quads hurt afterwards today - new soreness, the 5 flights of stairs I had to walk up before my last piece killed my hip flexors again, chafing - for the first time (I've been lucky I guess)... funny because I wore the same style sports bra that I normally do (I have two that are identical except for colour) though this version rubbed in the wrong place - didn't realize til I got into the shower though which is good, blister on the bottom of my left baby toe (and slightly on the right)...
I was judgemental today - mostly to myself... I had to quiet the voice in my head that kept reminding me how slow I was and trying to change it with the voice that was cheering me on just for being out there and knocking it out... The last 3 pieces were the worst though my speed dropped halfway through the 7th piece. I guess it's an accomplishment that I maintained a consistent (albeit slower) pace for the first hour. More on the judgemental thing later... that requires it's own post and discussion... but to celebrate I DID IT!!!
Though this picture kinda represents how I felt after the workout (about my relationship with running at least):

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