start - managed to find Jen lining up just before the start which helped to distract me/ calm my nerves a little bit... just needed to get moving...thought of just how many watches had been "started at that moment' it was funny to see everyone pushing that little button...
between mile 0 and 1 - realized my gps han't picked up the satellites and therefore was not measuring distance (my race plan of walking the first minute of a mile and then running the next was thrown out the window) - time to adapt the plan - had my trusty timex and was feeling good so set it to run 11 and walk 1 (1 more minute of running than I had ever done training but was feeling good (managed this for the first 6 pieces - almost half way then went to 10 and 1)
mile 3.12 - hit the 5km mark at 31 minutes - wow, went out fast considering my PR 5 km time in training runs is just over 30 minutes
mile 5 - just as my gps decided to find satellites my hip flexors started talking to me - in a bit of a loud, disgruntled voice letting me know they were there and they weren't too impressed. Hit this point around 1:01
mile 6.5ish - walked for two minutes instead of 1 and decided to switch to 10 and 1 pieces (from 11 and 1). Had a gel and was feeling the hurt. Just as my walk piece ended and I started to run - Chumbawamba's Tubthumping came on my ipod to push me along "
I get knocked down but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down"
mile 8 - halfway through a 10 minute piece I notice a woman running beside me at the exact same pace - she comments on this and we proceed to pull each other through the next 5 minutes. I thought she was just pulling me along but I saw her at the finish line and she thanked me in return as she was tempted to walk at that point but we both kept on moving
mile 8.5 - ran past Siwash rock and was spurned on by the encouragement and support that Patti has provided me during a lot of my training.
mile 9 - had to go back around lost lagoon... it's only about 1 mile around but it felt like forever I think because it's a divergance near the end rather than a straight back shot
mile 11 - thought a lot about Kim and how I had to push myself because if she were running beside me she wouldn't let me slack off (and we had run that route a few times together
mile 11 and a bit - my race plan went out the window - running 10 minute pieces was killing me at this point - I was down to running about 5 and walking one - a little bit less even on the running at times but kept telling myself that running would get me to the end faster so I kept pushing on
mile 12 - big struggle and I was almost in tears at this point knowing that I was doing something I had never done before and pushing my body through all the pain - the side of my left knee (IT band) felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife was was twisting it an it barely moves at the moment (3 hours after finishing). Ouch!
mile 12.5 - almost to the finish - could picture the turn into the finish line and there was a slight downhill at this point so I just kept the feet moving and the tears at bay and knew it would soon be over.
mile 13 - bit of an extra kick in my step (thanks Kim for all those finishing sprint pieces from our training runs)... made the last turn and could see the finish and picked up the pace. Was watching the time and made sure I came in just under 2:28... figured I'd finish between 2:20 and 2:30 so I'm happy. Could definitely use some more distance as I had a positive split but it was my first time out and I'm happy it's over. Had anyone I know been at the finish line I probaby would have started bawling but I got my medal and kept walking (or some version thereof). Grabbed my bag from gear check and went to the food tents and in that time the rain had started. Thanks for holding off just long enough for me to finish - there was even sun in parts though I was a little too warm when directly in it).
I'm sure there is more but I'm too tired to recall the rest at this point. Just want to add thanks to everyone that supported me through the training, gave words of encouragement (loved the texts coming in last night) and inspiration that came from so many places...
Everyone is now asking if I'm ready for the next one and I think that the pain of this one has to wear off first before I'll even consider it. I have however realized that (at least for now) a marathon is not in my future - I can't imagine going through that for more than twice the time. I'm immensely impressed for all you marathoners out there.
And now it's time for my well earned nap... I'm fed and clean and sleepy... after all the crazy dreams I had last night (it's true, I didn't sleep well at all) I need some rest. The only good thing was that in my dream I was going to be late for the race and this made me sad - it was that message from my subconscious that gave me a boost of confidence this morning - that message was telling me I was ready. And I was. I DID IT!

definitely look tired but I DID IT (and got the medal to prove it)