5 x 5 push presses
started at 18kg, 20.5kg, 23kg, 25.5kg, 25.5kg (max - 56 lbs)
WOD # 2:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
hanging power cleans (30/45kg)
Used 23kg (51lbs) for weight (could have possibly done 25.5kg but didn't want to sacrifice form)
WOD # 3:
30 ground to overhead (snatch/clean & press/clean & jerk)
same weight as you used in WOD # 2
Press/clean & jerk at 23 kg (51 lbs)

Note - it's interesting being in a country that is completely metric - not just half-assed metric (I'm looking at you Canada)... I'm getting used to it thought, slowly.
Also - Jack gets a solid 8/10 for his music selection at the box last night!!!
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