Sunday, August 14, 2016

12/8/2016 - Friday Finisher

Quick one on Friday as it was a busy day but still wanted to get something done.  It worked.  Felt it on Saturday even though I kept it quick and light.  Goes to show that doing something (however small) is always better than doing nothing.

10 minute AMRAP
10 pushups
15 barbell lunges (15kg)
20 situps
3 rounds + 10 pushups + 3 lunges

The Southern Crossfit WOD was double this in all ways - 20 minute AMRAP with 20 handstand pushups (HSPU), 30 lunges (apparently in the back rack but I didn't know this going in) at 30kg and 40 situps.  Half of the work was still plenty for me.

As mentioned in a previous post that included pushups, they are still a bit of a struggle so the majority of my time was spent on those - this also impacted the lunges as my shoulders were crying out but survived them (glad I halved the reps).

The situps were strong and consistent and helped slow me down a little to get back to the pushups.  It was a good one.

Steph has given me a WOD to do from her end of things but it involves running and I have yet to measure any distances out and also because with our set up I would have to lock/ unlock our house up every time I left on a run so might have to try and schedule this one in when Shaun is home to keep an eye on things.  Will figure it all out in time.  In the meantime, sorry Steph. 

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