The start of another week.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a rest day. My legs were rebelling making even the simplest things very difficult. Walking was the hardest thing ever and so I knew I needed to relax. Listening to my body is what is going to keep me on this journey and I know it well enough to back off a little when needed.
It was enough to get me feeling better for a good start to the week today.
I'm going to follow the programming at Southern Crossfit as much as possible with what equipment I have here at home which I mentioned in a previous post and today was another one of those days.
E2MOM for 12 minutes
1 rep clean
Was very happy for this one. I was going to start at 35 kg and jump up 2.5kg every round but couldn't help myself after how good the first one felt. They all felt solid and probably could have tried to go heavier but as I keep saying I'm easing back into it.
It's a funny what you realize after more than 6 months off (or any time off for that matter) - the strength is really easy to get back (if it even ever left to begin with), it's the lungs that are the struggle and doing multiple reps of lifts is really taxing too but singles with adequate rest can (almost) make you think you might not have lost anything at all. Funny to realize I guess.
8 minute AMRAP
2,4,6,8,10,12... etc
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) 60/40kg
Clean 60/40kg
74 total reps (25kg) 10 +12 SDHP and 2 cleans
This got gassy really quick and I'm happy I kept with a lower weight. I did most of the SDHP's unbroken until the last two rounds and they went pretty quick, quick enough that I didn't feel my back jack up until the first couple of cleans.
***Sidenote: for those following along - a clean is a full squat clean (not that it should need to be spelled out that way) - a clean is always to full depth and at SXF when written as a clean it is a full clean, ALWAYS. When it is meant to be a power clean that is when it is specified otherwise. I know (some) of our coaches find the term 'squat clean' quite laughably redundant***
This WOD tested me mentally to just keep moving and keep chasing a completed round. I pushed really hard through the last minute to finish up the round of 10 cleans and get into the next round with the SDHP's being quick and getting right back onto the bar to get through a couple cleans. Was happy with how it went. Feeling good and glad to be moving again even though it's on my own - good tunes help though.
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