I had every intention of working out yesterday with the
Southern Crossfit WOD (with a little modification as I don’t have a rower) but
the day got away from me and I just didn’t do it.
I have no excuse as I have all day to get it done but my
schedule needs a bit of tweaking if I’m going to stay consistent. I have always done the afternoon
WOD at the gym as it fit in after work and I’m not at all a morning person so
it was all good but now that I’m home all day my schedule is not as routine as
it was, specifically my eating patterns and so by the time late afternoon
arrives and I’m gearing up I’m also very hungry and low on energy because of it
so I either need to train when I train or be more conscious of when and what
I’m eating. Anyway, that will come
in time or I’ll just power through like I did today.
Another Southern Crossfit WOD on the cards with a bit of
improvisation around the equipment I have (again).
5 rounds for time (RFT)
10 dumbbell shoulder to overhead (5 each arm) 25/20kg
50 double unders (DU’s)
10 dumbbell sit ups 25/20kg
15:49 (16kg KB
instead of dumbbell for S2OH and 10kg plate for sit ups)
I’m really glad that I didn’t look at the times posted for
this one as it was titled ‘Sprint’ on the website and it most definitely was
not – at least for me.
It was however the stimulus I have been missing so far from
my workouts – that pure lung burning intensity with a side of shoulder ache
thrown in for good measure. On a
positive I know that it’s possible to get through a workout without any ability
to breathe in oxygen. Heh.
The 16kg KB for the shoulder to overhead (S2OH) was
heavy. I started with push presses
for the first couple of rounds then had to bust out the push jerks. I managed them all unbroken but not
without a bit of struggle and lots of pain* something else.
I was happy my DU’s haven’t disappeared after being
neglected for so long. In my early
crossfit days the gym I trained at didn’t have rowers so we did a lot of
burpees, running and skipping which helped me develop my DU’s fairly quickly
because we were forced to practice so often. I am happy I have them in big chunks even when my lungs
revolt and have me take long breaks in between. Each set I started with a minimum of 25 reps so that was
positive but the second half often devolved into 10-15 reps at a time. Baby steps.
As I’m training at home on my own I’m not sure of the gym
standard for this WOD in regards to the DB situps but given I was using a plate
I touched over head and at my feet for a full rep. Again there was an ache in my shoulders but also a burning
in my lungs that makes it a bit more difficult to push through sit ups. A challenge for sure.
My lung capacity and endurance is definitely weak at the
moment which means that there is nowhere else to go but up. I’d like to challenge myself to try
this one again in a few months to see the progress as I think I could hold a
more steady pace per round with a bit more lung capacity and (hopefully) going
unbroken on the DU’s. Less rest
more work and time will come down a lot I think. My first round was just over 2 minutes to complete but then
went downhill quickly after that given that the next 4 rounds took 14 minutes –
over 3 minutes a round.
As a side note to this – I have seen many people through the
years with DU’s and have often been questioned on how they can develop them to
be more consistent – I think if you ask anyone who has them that the only true
answer is to practice, practice, PRACTICE. This is truly the best way – sure there are drills you can
do with jumping teching and without using a rope but eventually you’re just
going to have to practice. One or
two reps together will eventually be 6 or 7 then 10 and 20 and more. Relax and have fun – getting frustrated
will only make them harder as you’ll tense up and throw everything off. Relax, breathe and find your
*I’m trying to keep
working out fun and positive – a bit of an adventure and exploration as you
will – and as such I’m going to avoid using words that tend to have a negative
connotation such as pain, hurt, suck, dying, etc. from this place forward so
I’m looking for some POSITIVE and HAPPY substitutes (they don’t even have to
make sense – unicorns? Lilacs? Rainbows?
Who knows – I’m looking for suggestions here so post away in the
comments and I’ll be searching the thesaurus for alternatives too
And a big happy birthday to my best girl Steph… this was was
for you (give it a go!!) – I’ll tell you that the 16kg S2OH was way harder than
it was a few years back when we randomly did them in sync at Primal Throwdown
(photo). Love you girl and can’t
wait til the next time we can work out together. Miss you. xo
Aww, thanks Jac!! A little late checking in to this post, but I'm so glad I did. I will for sure be doing this WOD - looks killer! Miss you heaps. (looking at photos and btw, what the HELL was that rubber chicken all about??). That Primal Throwdown photo of our syncronised KB snatches... brings back so many fond memories of you, my fav friend and training partner. miss you!! :-*