Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/26 - shoulders! KBs! squats!


Shoulder mobility with bands
KB swings (with a weight that you think you can do 15 consecutive reps with) – 15 reps (consecutive)
KB swings (with the next heavier KB than you just used) – 15 reps (consecutive)
With empty barbell two rounds of
10 front squats
5 strict presses
Load bar up to WOD weight 

4 rounds
15 KB swings
10 front squats (45/60kg)
5 strict presses
9:49 (20kg KB, 28kg bar)

For the warm-up I immediately picked up the 20kg KB knowing I did significantly more than 15 reps consecutively at the primal pairs on the weekend and as we were just about to swing realized that at primal pairs we only had to do Russian swings (to above shoulder) rather than American swings (fully overhead) but I went with it anyway.  I managed the 15 and it really forced me to use my hips.  I then went up one KB to 22kg and did another 15 consecutive reps but knew there was no way I was going to do 4 rounds at 22kg unbroken so for the WOD I went back to the 20kg KB – this was good though as the 20kg felt considerably lighter than it had just moments before when I started.

I started with 30.5kg on the bar and did the first round at this weight but as I struggled through the last two reps of the strict presses knew I was only going to do damage to my already achy left shoulder if I tried that weight for 3 more rounds so I shed the 1.25kg weights on either side and dropped down to 28kg for the final 3 sets.  Even at this weight I broke up both the front squats and presses rather than doing them in one set of 15 which was the ultimate goal.  I always linked the strict presses with the last reps of front squats but put the bar down once on both the front squats and strict presses.  It was good though being forced to do strict presses is tough as you want to involve your legs especially as you get tired and this obviously isn’t an option. 

Post WOD 
Tabata Hollow Body

Again, this is part of Coach Match’s plan to give us six packs for Christmas.  I did the first 4 rounds with both my arms and legs stretched out which is a major improvement for me.  I could feel the burning in both my upper and lower abs at this point however and while I tried to mostly keep my arms overhead my legs were bending in and at times I was alternating between keeping one extended and the other bent.  It was good though I definitely felt the work. 

Muscle-Up School 
1 minute static ring hold (accumulate time)

Vini pulled out his iphone and him, Ric and myself all did static ring holds – accumulating a minute of holding time.  I only managed 10 seconds at a time but did do 6 rounds of it.  Definitely hard.

I didn’t do much after that in terms of muscle up school mostly because Coach Match told me to try  a static muscle up and I could barely pull myself up at all – didn’t even have a static pull-up at that point.  

Pecs and lats

Counted/ timed Coach Tim doing the mainsite WOD as well.  100 L-sit pull-ups for time.  It was inspiring since those of us who tried it couldn't really get it (so hard) and he did 100.  I did however manage to get one strict pull-up before I left and a few kipping HSPU's from an ab-mat. 

WLC Day 12 (am losing count)… 

Another perfect day.  It’s easy during the week.  For lunch I had leftover Thai red curry with beef which is my current addiction.  I think I’ve made this for the past three weeks.  It’s so easy and tasty and the leftovers are awesome and I still want more.  I had Angie’s spicy meatballs with zucchini ‘pasta’ for dinner and when I took it out figured I’d split it between dinner and lunch but that didn’t happen.  It was so tasty I ate it all up in one go.  Thanks Angie.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! you're welcome Jac ;) I got inspiration for the Eat Drink Paleo website.. It has some awesome ideas !!
