Wednesday, November 30, 2011


WOD #1
Accumulate 30 ring dips or 30 box dips

Managed to do a static hold on the rings for a few seconds but that was about all I had.  Did about 15 dips on the boxes but the angle was hurting my shoulder so I didn't push it.  Definitely a skill I need to work out.

WOD #2
100 burpees for time – do 3 pull-ups on the minute, every minute
90 completed in 10 minute

Last week when I solely did 100 burpees for time I was just over 11 minutes so I was scared of this one but did fairly well.  I could have easily completed the 100 burpees without the pull-ups in under 10 minutes which is a huge improvement (and quite possibly related to the 100% humidity last time I did this).  I'm pretty proud that I did another complete WOD with only the orange band on all the pull-ups (30 reps total), ripped a callus though (oops!)

WOD #3

A solid steady sprint to finish out the day.

Was playing around with Shonelle and Vini after class and did some DU's - first attempt and I got 52 in one go so I left it at that.  New PR!

Also, adding WOD #4 on the day - sweeping out my yard... heavy work!  Haha.

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