Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/22 - KB Swings and Box Jump Fun...

I think I’m enjoying seeing the WODs posted before I hit up crossfit.  Gives me time to mentally prepare.  That being said if I ever see ‘7 minute AMRAP burpees’ or ‘run 5km ‘ (which btw SXF has had recently) I might cringe just a little though I’d still try and go as it will just make me better overall to face the things that are less fun to me.

Tonight’s WOD played right into my strengths though – light KB swings and (low for me) box jumps but I’ll get to that in a bit.

200m run
10 x each (I used a 10kg KB)
-Russian KB Swing
-Goblet Squat
-KB swing
-1 arm KB swing
-alternating arms KB swing
-1 arm KB snatch pull
-1 arm KB snatch

Banded Mobility (pretzel stretch)

5 x each of the same KB movements above

It was a great warm-up though made me realize how much I have to work on my KB snatches – the list of things I have to work on is long, think that will need to be another post.  Another thing I noticed was that I had no issues with keeping my knees out on the goblet squats.  Not sure if it’s the weight near my chest that is making it easier for me to keep my chest up and therefore my glutes (posterior chain in general) engaged or what but this is also something for me to work on.  Learning these things is fun.

(20 minute cut-off)
200m run
KB Swings (16/24kg)
Box Jumps (18/24”)
11:32 Rx

This was a good one for me, playing into my strengths with the KB being relatively light (for me) and the box jumps being relatively low (for me).  One good thing from having a period with a bad shoulder was the number of box jumps that I did – being able to rebound on a 24” box really helps when the height is lower.  The change up is good.

I tried to go hard on the runs without smashing myself.  I tried to run right back to my KB when I got back into the box even as the thick hot air because hard to breathe in.  After the set of 21’s I was out the door not far behind Rhys but he pulled more distance on me every run we did.  Guess running is something else I need to work on.  I did all the KB swings unbroken and the only rest I took on the box jumps was when I’d lose my rhythm and have to reset to keep going again.  Once again I forgot to properly empty my bladder right before we started which once again made it annoyingly hard to not wet my pants but I somehow managed, definitely have to stop doing that though. 

I really enjoyed this WOD, there wasn’t any room to stop and breathe fully but yet it was hard enough to hurt.  It took me a long time to get my breathing back after it was over.


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