Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/29 - 21-15-9

Back to the box after a full 4 days off.  I was exhausted after a 3:30am (is that even morning yet?) wake up on Friday to make it to sports class.  Bit of a wimp out there but necessary for my body to be fully functional again.  Saturday morning through Monday night were spent on Rottnest and while running shoes were brought over and thoughts of WODing danced through our heads we ate ice cream and napped instead.  The beauty of vacations.  We did however bike around the island (slowly) while beaching (often) on Sunday so that was a nice little 22.5km bike ride – given the years since I’ve been on a bike, my quads and butt paid for it so I’ll put that one down as a vacation WOD (this time).

Push-press (45/30kg)
6:11 Rx

Pretty full class after the long weekend but still sufficient space to all WOD.  We did two mobility stretches in the warm-up – banded hip opening stretch and barbell shoulder mashing so we traded off with partners for this one and then on the WOD in the same pairs we switched off on WOD-ing/ cheering.  I was with John and he (thankfully) allowed me to go first so it was over with quicker but painful all the same.

I did better this week on the push press than last week. I’m getting a better feel for the movement and not wanting to double dip in my legs (push jerk) which was good.  I did the first 11 push presses unbroken then the next 10 (I think).  It’s funny how much easier (relatively speaking) 5kg less in weight feels (30kg compared to the 35kg last week).  In the round of 15 I went 6-5-4 which was my game plan (as things were getting harder) and then 6-3 on the final round mostly because I couldn’t count, the plan was actually 5-4.

The pull-ups started strong. I did the first 6 and then 5 and then it was downhill after that with me only doing 2 or 3 reps at a time.  I think it was mostly due to my hands hurting though.  We had done some beat swings and pull-up practice in the warmup and it felt so hard so on the first few reps in the WOD I think I kipped extra hard as I was well beyond chest to bar.  Good to know that’s in me when needed.  On the round of 15 when I went to my spot on the bar I saw Ali (she had been in the spot next to me which was taken by someone else).  Not really sure what happened but I didn’t want to wait.  I knew Rhys was already finished (he smashed it) and tried to jump up to the bar that he had been on but my fingertips barely brushed it when I jumped (it was high) and so I found another spot on the wall for a few reps before Ali finished up and I could move back over.  The pull-ups felt hard and I know it’s due to the extra weight I’m currently carrying.  Need to stop eating crap, need to stop eating crap.  I really need some motivation here.  Told Cam about my plan to go strict paleo starting (at the latest) next week and he’s on board to help/ keep me accountable.  Fingers crossed it has the right overall effect on my body – leaner and meaner.  Heh.

Did some forearm mashing with my knee and rolled out my pecs and abs with the ball.  It’s nice that everyone gets right into this post WOD.

Back to it tonight with some one-arm dumbbell snatching.  I’ve only done this once in a warm-up with a light weight so it’ll be interesting to see how it goes in the middle of a WOD.  Can only make me stronger…

Crossfit Open 2013
Sign up day today for the open even though it’s still a month away from starting.  I love how eager everyone is to get in there right away though also laugh a little at how confused people are since it’s January 30th here in Australia but still the 29th and going by last year everything revolves around California time (Pacific Standard Time – PST).   This only gets (a lot) confusing when daylight savings occurs in early March as well as WOD posting and scoring times all get altered by an hour.  Something to keep in mind heading into it. 

I was updating my profile today in anticipation of the sign up and it was cool to see how my PR’s have changed in a year, specifically my strength.

Comparing last year to now
Clean and Jerk – 45kg (2012)/ 62.5kg (2013)
Snatch – 34kg (2012)/ 45.5kg (2013)
Deadlift – 90kg (2012)/ 102.5kg (2013)
Back Squat – 60kg (2012)/ 77.5kg (2013)

Can’t wait to see what the open brings and where I’m going to be a year from now.

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