Thursday, January 24, 2013

1/24 - Hanging from the Bar...

Another rush out of work to get to the 4:30 class. 

Car park run
5 push-ups (arms close to body, hands closer to hips)
5 rolling sit-ups
5 dive bombers
5 back extensions
5 ring rows

Pretzel mobility (90 seconds each side)

Repeat of movements above

Liking the repeating of the same mobility movement through the week.  Reinforces the technique and also hammers the same area (that likely needs a lot of hammering) over the course of a week. 

Before the WOD we spent time going through kipping and then butterfly technique (still working on this one) and some toes to bar and pull-ups.  I can kind of get the butterfly going but need to really push through on the down portion to keep the momentum.  The same movement is also what is limiting my ability to link toes to bar – that push through and actively lowering of my legs rather than losing the tension.  It’s good to get this feedback and it’s just another thing on the list (of many) for me to focus on.  It’s great.  Told Jase that I’m loving the coaching on these things.  Lots to think about.

7 minute AMRAP
10 toes to bar
10 pull-ups
100m run
3/5 Rx

My hands were in worse shape that I thought going into this class and/or I’m just not yet used to the grip on the bar.  Also, thinking about it in hindsight, the extra 1.5kg I’m carrying since the holidays (and since continuing to eat not great) also isn’t helping.  I need a paleo(ish) reset (more on that below). 

I struggled to link the t2b and therefore had an extra half swing in between each which slows me down.  The pull-ups though were also quite difficult.  I struggled to keep on the bar and was quickly doing only sets of 2-3 at a time.  Not that great.  Still, I kept at it and tried to minimize the time I was on the ground, focusing on hitting the ground and getting ready to jump back up.

The run was fine, they were over quick and I tried to run most of the way back to the bar rather than hitting the door and then walking which takes a lot more time.

Dead animal abs

These were okay, basically arms and legs start straight in the air with core engaged and back on the ground.  You bring one (or both) arms extended over your head and then slowly lower a leg down to the ground (count of three down) then back up, repeating a few times on one leg before switching then repeating with the other arm.  The key is to try and keep your  legs straight and engaged but most of us had shaking quads quite quickly trying to do this after the WOD.  It was actually quite amusing, but good.

Forearm mashing
Lower abdominal rolling (with ball)
Pec stretch

Jase took us through some mobility after class.  The forearm mashing is a good one – rest one forearm on the ground and roll it out using the opposite leg.  Works wonders.

The lower ab rolling was also fantastic.  I need to do more of this as I’m pretty sure I’m (currently) blissfully unaware of how tight my abs are.  For this one you basically find the spot between your belly button and hip bone and put the ball in there and lie on it, rolling around to find the tight areas.  Once you have a spot you take a big belly breath and then exhale to get right into it.  Repeat. 

I did a bit more stretching on my pecs before calling it a day.  I’m definitely looking forward to taking tonight off and then sports class tomorrow night before a fun long weekend at Rotto.  I am feeling surprisingly good after three straight days of training too, I think because I’ve spent more time stretching and mobilizing after class lately – it is more social as everyone is doing it as a group so you catch up and chat and don’t notice how much time you’ve actually spent stretching/ working out the kinks.  Used to do this when Angie and I trained together but that wasn’t as consistent and it gets boring on your own so it’s a refreshing change.


I still eat decently but more and more lately things I don’t typically eat are creeping into my diet.  I’m starting to realize that it’s happening more often than I think it is and I just need a little kick in the butt to get back on track.  A reset if you will.  I’m not going to stay strict forever but rather go through a three week period of strict and then slowly reintroduce the things I really can’t live without (flat whites on occasion for instance).

I know that the mantra is ‘just start today’ on these things but I’m realistic and if I try and start without being organized/ without the strict commitment then I’ll give it up quite quickly so having looked at my calendar I’m going to start strict on February 4th for a solid three weeks – ending February 24th.  This leaves me with another week and a half before the open starts to keep on track and be in a good place.  Anyone up for the challenge with me?

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