Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6/1 – Sports Class

WOD #1
9-13 minute Virtuosity Session
3 rounds
5-10 HSPU (strict)
20 pistols
5-10 pull-ups (strict)
5 strict HSPU/20 pistols/3 strict pull-ups

This was a fun warm-up.  Coach Hayden explicitly told us if we finished before the 9 minute mark that he’d make us do burpees until everyone else had finished.  The goal was good form not to speed through.  I wasn’t sure about the strict HSPU’s as it’s been a while since I’ve done them but they worked.  I did sets of 5 unbroken down to 2 ab mats/ an abmat on a plate.  The pistols got easier as I got into it more and they started to flow as I bounced out of the bottom.  The strict pull-ups really hurt my shoulder even though I only did 3 reps each round.  Not the best idea.  Oops.

WOD #2
10 shoulder to overhead (40/60kg)
10 pull-ups
30kg (missed minutes 2 and 4)

This was tough and I was smart to drop the weight down from Rx.  Given that my abs still ached something fierce I struggled a lot.  It (surprisingly?) takes a ton of core strength/ activation to do both shoulder to overhead and pull-ups.  The rule was that if you didn’t finish the 20 reps in the minute then you’d miss a round and have to wait to the start of the next minute to go again.  As such I missed both the second and fourth minutes as it took me about 10-15 seconds over the minute to finish the reps.

WOD #3
5 rounds
250m row
5 backsquats
Bailed after 1 round and a 250m row

I went light on the backsquats (40kg I think) and still bailed after the row on the second round as I was hurting.  My abs were no longer working at all and rather than set myself back further by pushing I walked away.  I could barely even row so it was a good thing.  Instead while everyone finished up I worked on trying to stretch my abs a bit – this still hurt but also probably helped a little in the long run.  It sucked to walk away, I rarely ever do this but I also have learned over time that I need to listen to my body and not push beyond the sore/ tired to the hurt phase, it’s a fine line and a struggle to face sometimes but in this case I still feel like it was the right one.

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