Friday, August 16, 2013

8/14 – Snatches and Pistols

Power Snatch 60/42.5kg
Pistol (alt legs)
10:55 (35kg snatch, Rx pistols)

Challenging one tonight but also snatches which I love (and also hate at the moment with my mental issues toward them).

I got stuck in traffic on the way to crossfit – crazy, insane, worst traffic I’ve ever been in in this city where people don’t know quite how to drive.  There was a big crash and all lanes were blocked (or so the radio told me) – I took a detour to avoid finding out.  Instead of stressing or road raginga s I would have done in the past I resigned myself to switching up my schedule.  I knew I could do some of the extra work when I got there and then jump in on the 5:30 wod and finish up anything else before the other side closed at 7pm.  No worries, no stress, just life.  It was in thinking these thoughts that I saw a rainbow.  Have I mentioned how amazing my life is?  Love it.

Anyway, back to the WOD. 

We worked through the progressions of the snatch and pistols (I got to demo box pistols – again, how much does Coach Tara love me… haha).  The bar (15kg) felt crazy heavy – I couldn’t even muscle snatch it.  Yup.  Knew that the snatches were going to be rough.  I wanted to do a minimum of 35kg so that I could have 10kg plates on the bar and be able to drop it (not an option with anything less than the 10kg plates).  Thankfully I snagged some black plates (which don’t bounce as much as the greens) and survived at 35kg – even though the few warm-ups were hard and singles.  It was going to be one of those WODs – I was looking forward to being able to finish it – cut-off was 12 minutes.  I was facing Rhys which spurned me on at the start – he did I think 3 touch and go reps a few times so I followed suit – I did this twice before succumbing to dropping the bar after every rep.  I still tried to maintain sets of 3 – getting right back on the bar after a drop and then taking a bit of a bigger break in between those.  It was one of those WODs where you just have to chip away at the reps because they are hard and neverending.

The pistols were surprisingly good relatively speaking.  My legs are pretty heavy in a general sense from all the squatting but even still I managed to alternate in sets of 3 or 4 reps at a time before hurting.  That was a bonus.  I found it easier to step into the pistol and not hold my foot (though occasionally held my calf).

Finished it and that made me happy though had to then follow it up with squats.  Thankfully I’d already done half of the extra work before class.  Another fun day but Thursday is rest day… so happy!!

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