Monday, August 12, 2013

8/9 – Rope Climbs and KB Swings

5 Rounds
2 Rope Climbs
20 KB Swings (32/20kg)
14:32 Rx

This was challenging – both mentally and physically though with rope climbs it’s still the mental that I struggle with.  Still – ever since the repeated falls from the second day of Primal Throwdown 2012 when I fell from the ropes several times.  It’s funny though that whenever we do rope climbs at Southern (the same place the second day of Primal Throwdown took place) I gravitate toward the same rope that I was on that day – perhaps it’s to get my confidence back from the rope that stole it.  It’s working.

I knew that this one was going to be forearm intensive right from the start especially with the heavy KB swings.  I had a plan going in to break up the sets of 20 right from the start and this helped (it clearly didn’t hurt at least).  Ali and I were sharing a rope so we alternated on the first two climbs and I felt solid on them.  It also helped to have a bit of encouragement from her as well knowing my fear – she did this later on in the WOD too in passing and it was really nice.

The KB swings were okay at least initially.  I threw a few over my head somehow over the course of the WOD but just tried to keep going when I did.  I split the first 3 two rounds into two sets and then the last 3 I had to rest twice.  It was tough just to hold on to the KB with the way my forearms were feeling. 

The rope climbs overall were good.  I managed to get my feet high on each pull – rock climbing the night before definitely helped (though not with the tiredness in my forearms).  I realized though that I don’t always trust my feet and because of this when I’m moving my hands up the rope I’m also gripping the rope in between my thighs which leads to a lot more rope burn where I don’t want rope burn.  Good to know now and hopefully I can focus on it as I get more comfortable up there.  Rich questioned why the rope is between my legs at this point rather than running up the side of my leg which isn’t something I’d considered before – I think it’s more just what I’m used to from rock climbing – keep the rope in between your arms/ legs so that you don’t spin out.  Lots of good stuff.

I managed to just sneak in under the 15 minute time cap.  Going into the final round I wasn’t sure I would finish in time especially as I stared up at the rope and willed myself enough strength and confidence to get to the top.  It’s harder as I get tired to trust that I can and there was definitely a lot of self motivation going on inside my head about how I could do it, how I had done it, to trust my feet, big pulls, and all that. It seemed to work.  I definitely did a bit of a happy dance and a shout of joy which Ali witnessed when it was over.  Sometimes it’s not about the time on the clock or the weight on the bar, sometimes it’s just about the confidence and achievement of making it through the WOD (I want to expand on this theory at some point too).

Oh, and I was honored to be the photo of the day for this workout on the Southern blog - even though it made George want to hate me throughout the workout (it's not *my* fault)... heh. 

Steph and I representing... haha
Awesome editing... the photo

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