WOD #1
Accumulate 30 ring dips or 30 box dips
Managed to do a static hold on the rings for a few seconds but that was about all I had. Did about 15 dips on the boxes but the angle was hurting my shoulder so I didn't push it. Definitely a skill I need to work out.
WOD #2
100 burpees for time – do 3 pull-ups on the minute, every minute
90 completed in 10 minute
Last week when I solely did 100 burpees for time I was just over 11 minutes so I was scared of this one but did fairly well. I could have easily completed the 100 burpees without the pull-ups in under 10 minutes which is a huge improvement (and quite possibly related to the 100% humidity last time I did this). I'm pretty proud that I did another complete WOD with only the orange band on all the pull-ups (30 reps total), ripped a callus though (oops!)
WOD #3
A solid steady sprint to finish out the day.
Was playing around with Shonelle and Vini after class and did some DU's - first attempt and I got 52 in one go so I left it at that. New PR!
Also, adding WOD #4 on the day - sweeping out my yard... heavy work! Haha.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Last night I:
- completed 52 consecutive double unders after the WOD while playing around with Shonelle and Vini. I was so excited about this - 20 more than my previous PR. I love my speed rope!
-officially graduated myself from the red pull-up band to the orange - for the past two WODs (Monday and Tuesday) I grabbed both the orange and red (just in case) and didn't use the red for either (45 total reps Monday, 30 Tuesday) so I think I'm officially done with the red band.
-ripped a callus off of my hand - this wasn't something I was happy about especially since I've been so good and maintaining my hands but alas - on the bright side though - even after it happened I still managed 4 more rounds of 3 push-ups (winning!)
- completed 52 consecutive double unders after the WOD while playing around with Shonelle and Vini. I was so excited about this - 20 more than my previous PR. I love my speed rope!
-officially graduated myself from the red pull-up band to the orange - for the past two WODs (Monday and Tuesday) I grabbed both the orange and red (just in case) and didn't use the red for either (45 total reps Monday, 30 Tuesday) so I think I'm officially done with the red band.
-ripped a callus off of my hand - this wasn't something I was happy about especially since I've been so good and maintaining my hands but alas - on the bright side though - even after it happened I still managed 4 more rounds of 3 push-ups (winning!)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Future WOD... 300 Workout
Adding this to the WOD to do list...
The 'Original' 300 Workout:
25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts (Rx 60kg/135lbs)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps (Rx 24")
50 floor wipers
50 single arm KB clean and press (Rx 16kg/36lbs)
25 pull-ups
It looks quite straight forward on paper and I'm sure it will KILL. Still though, I want to try it - scaled though... Who's in?
The 'Original' 300 Workout:
25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts (Rx 60kg/135lbs)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps (Rx 24")
50 floor wipers
50 single arm KB clean and press (Rx 16kg/36lbs)
25 pull-ups
It looks quite straight forward on paper and I'm sure it will KILL. Still though, I want to try it - scaled though... Who's in?
My arms were dead last night… I think it’s a combination of a week long holiday (in which I paddled almost 50km), my body being extremely tired (even with an insane amount of sleep Saturday night) and the WOD last night at the box.
WOD #1
600m run
21 squat cleans
21 pull-ups
400m run
15 squat cleans
15 pull-ups
200m run
15 squat cleans
15 pull-ups
19:19 (23/18kg, orange band)
This was a hard workout. Initially the 18kg squat cleans felt good when setting up so that’s what I went with but after the 600m run it felt heavy. I struggled through the first set of 21 reps at this weight then dropped to 18kg for the next two rounds which even then was still a struggle. I just feel fatigue in my entire body.
I was pretty excited about getting through the entire WOD only using the orange band for the pull-ups even though I had the red band on standby. This is the first time I’ve done this and I was super proud. I was one of the last ones to finish the WOD so while I was on my last round of pull-ups Jack was right beside me, cheering me on. When I was about to start he said – break it down, 5 and 4 and I shook my head fully planning on 3 sets of 3. I somehow managed to bang out five in a row though and then thought okay, 2 sets of 2 to finish but with Jack counting beside me I knew I couldn’t stop at two reps. It took everything I had to make sure that last rep counted and I did it – 5 and 4!! Thanks for the awesome coaching/ inspiration Jack!
This WOD was interesting too in that we usually do the runs at the end of each round, not so much at the beginning so rather than killing it on the 200m run knowing you could collapse when it was done you had to mentally prepare to get back into the box and bang out more moves. Definitely played with the mind a bit.
WOD #2
Tabata hollow body
Ouch! That’s all I can say about this. My abs still hurt from Annie on Saturday so this didn’t help. Struggled through it though knowing everyone else around me was experiencing the same pain.
Monday, November 28, 2011
11/26 - Happy 1st Birthday Cooee!!!
Saturday was Cooee's one year celebration. It of course included all requisite birthday items - champagne, cake, large amounts of food and a WOD.
1st Birthday WOD
30 squats
run to next station
30 stick jumps
bear walk to next station
30 double-unders (or 60/90 single-unders)
walking lunch to next station
30 push-ups
run to next station
30 wall balls
200m sprint to finish
There was a choice to do 10, 20 or 30 reps (beginner, intermediate, animal) at each of the stations - I think that the majority of people chose 30 solely because it was deemed animal...haha.
I was the last one to finish this WOD. I struggled with my DU's and the push-ups and wall balls killed me because my arms were just so tired from a week of racing. I pushed through it though and completed the WOD - though only once. Some people went for a second round to accompany Match, Kirst and Tim who were too busy coaching/cheering/photographing the first time through. Since I struggled so much with my DU's during the WOD I decided to bust out my speed rope and work that out.
On vacation I had big plans to tackle 'Annie' and took this post WOD/ pre brunch time to get her done.
WOD #2
I'm pretty happy with this. The sit-ups were what slowed me down the most. My DU's were solid! Got through the 50 stopping only once (30, 20) - same with the 40 (26, 14). The rest of the DU's were done unbroken! So pumped! It means that I managed to sets of 30 solid DU's in the same workout even when tired (my max. is still only 32). Definitely an achievement. I can bring my time down by focusing on the sit-ups - I definitely felt the pain the following day - abs.so.sore.
I felt satisfied that I managed to sneak this one in and then could enjoy all the goodies afterwards - most of which were amazingly tasty AND healthy (minus those cakes!). It was a spectacular morning.
The one thing this past week of traveling and also sneaking in 'Annie' has taught me is that is quite easy to bust out a body rocking Crossfit WOD in little time with little planning - anything can be used as equipment as well if you're out in the world. I see parks and playgrounds in totally different ways now and it's fun and challenging and satisfying!
Back to the box tonight!
1st Birthday WOD
30 squats
run to next station
30 stick jumps
bear walk to next station
30 double-unders (or 60/90 single-unders)
walking lunch to next station
30 push-ups
run to next station
30 wall balls
200m sprint to finish
There was a choice to do 10, 20 or 30 reps (beginner, intermediate, animal) at each of the stations - I think that the majority of people chose 30 solely because it was deemed animal...haha.
I was the last one to finish this WOD. I struggled with my DU's and the push-ups and wall balls killed me because my arms were just so tired from a week of racing. I pushed through it though and completed the WOD - though only once. Some people went for a second round to accompany Match, Kirst and Tim who were too busy coaching/cheering/photographing the first time through. Since I struggled so much with my DU's during the WOD I decided to bust out my speed rope and work that out.
On vacation I had big plans to tackle 'Annie' and took this post WOD/ pre brunch time to get her done.
WOD #2
I'm pretty happy with this. The sit-ups were what slowed me down the most. My DU's were solid! Got through the 50 stopping only once (30, 20) - same with the 40 (26, 14). The rest of the DU's were done unbroken! So pumped! It means that I managed to sets of 30 solid DU's in the same workout even when tired (my max. is still only 32). Definitely an achievement. I can bring my time down by focusing on the sit-ups - I definitely felt the pain the following day - abs.so.sore.
I felt satisfied that I managed to sneak this one in and then could enjoy all the goodies afterwards - most of which were amazingly tasty AND healthy (minus those cakes!). It was a spectacular morning.
The one thing this past week of traveling and also sneaking in 'Annie' has taught me is that is quite easy to bust out a body rocking Crossfit WOD in little time with little planning - anything can be used as equipment as well if you're out in the world. I see parks and playgrounds in totally different ways now and it's fun and challenging and satisfying!
Back to the box tonight!
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Happy 1st Birthday Cooee - source |
11/18 to 11/25 - Catching up!!
Catching up... while I was on vacation for a week, the WOD’s didn’t stop…
Friday November 18
WOD: "Popeye"
Hanging cleans (30/45kg)
Toes to bar
KB swings (20/32kg)
100m farmers carry between rounds
Hanging cleans (30/45kg)
Toes to bar
KB swings (20/32kg)
100m farmers carry between rounds
25:10 (23kg, ground, 16kg, 16kg)
Was supposed to be well on my way to Rarotonga by this time but my plane from Perth to Auckland was delayed (by a day!) because of mechanical issues so I took the opportunity to join the 9:30am WOD at the box. It was a great time to workout – fairly relaxed small group and another good WOD. ‘Popeye’ had more KB swings which I definitely felt in my lower back (fourth WOD in a week with KB swings – ouch!). This was a steady workout though hard to make up much ground as the 100m famers carry was awkward. Had a chance also to catch up with Angie for a well-earned breakfast afterwards as well which was great fun! Need more post-WOD breakfasts.
Arrived in Rarotonga on Friday afternoon after departing Friday night (dateline!) so didn’t do another workout. Had a chance to grab a boat for the OC1 race on Saturday but opted to pass out of sheer exhaustion. I have no doubt physically that I could do it but I wasn’t in the correct state mentally to deal with the ama side conditions and with the reef being so close it was probably the best option.
Sunday November 20
Vacation WOD #1
10 minute run
2 minute rest
100 burpees - 11:06
2 minute rest
10 minute run
I was searching for a spot since my arrival to do this WOD (I promised Jack that I would) but there was a lack of grass on the island and while I could have done it on the beach during one of our group stops it would have just been messy to get back into the car so when we had an hour of down time before heading to a local’s for lunch I ran over to a field near our hostel and got it done. It was hard. So.hard. Especially on my own in what felt like 100% humidity at 1pm, the hottest part of the day – but it was my only option so I perservered. The run down wasn’t too bad, the wind was nice and cooling and it was under a bit of cloud cover. The burpees were hard, I tried to just be steady but struggled a lot while dripping with sweat. The run back was hot – the sun was back out in full force and radiating off of the road but at least I knew how long it was going to take so it wasn’t too bad. Recovering after this was quite hard in the heat, even a cold shower didn’t make much of a difference.
Monday November 21
Vacation WOD #2
18km womens outrigger race (seat 6) – 1:55:17
Approx. 20 minutes rest
8km mixed outrigger race (seat 6) – approx. 50 minutes
For those that aren’t outrigger paddlers, the races above were iron races in a six man canoe – meaning 6 paddlers for the entire distance (versus change races – see below). Typically seats 1,3,5 paddle on one side and 2,4 paddle together on the other. Approximately every 12-15 strokes everyone changes sides on a ‘hut’ call. Seat six paddles as much as possible while steering the canoe with ‘pokes’ that act as a rudder for the canoe to manoeuvre it. Because of the conditions seat 5 would sometimes stay on the left longer to help keep us from ‘huli-ing’ (flipping over).
Raced with the Jericho girls on their second crew for the 18km race – they had asked me to steer because JD wasn’t comfortable in the conditions (best thing when dealing with the ocean is knowing your limits!) It was awesome to jump in with them even though I haven’t actually paddled in 3 months. It was by far the hardest race I've steered - I've steered in bigger water but there was just something so unrelenting here - it seemed like there should come a point when it would settle down and get a little bit easier (as we were rounding part of the island) but it never did. Combine that with reef on one side and occasional lack of power in the canoe... I think I was a little scared once or twice... learning for sure. It didn't help that we had a super light ama but we dealt with it - JD spent a good portion of the upwind time on the left, but we were solid... We surfed nicely on the downwind... the bonus of Vancouver paddling and English Bay conditions - surfing all the little stuff – we didn’t have the power to catch the big waves so we let the big ones go by and we got the little bumps that came behind them that really moved us along...
I jumped in to steer a mixed crew after as well (8km) mostly Canadians and we were giving Nappy Napolean's crew a run for their money... he was steering and I followed him on the upwind and then took a slightly different line downwind and we almost caught them - we walked away from a crew that was right beside us the whole way because they were waiting for the big surf and we grabbed all the little bumps it was like a 4:1 ratio which really helped us.... take what works right? Was great to get back out there paddling (and steering again) – just like riding a bike and it was amazing to see how Crossfit allowed me to stay strong and paddle hard throughout.
I jumped in to steer a mixed crew after as well (8km) mostly Canadians and we were giving Nappy Napolean's crew a run for their money... he was steering and I followed him on the upwind and then took a slightly different line downwind and we almost caught them - we walked away from a crew that was right beside us the whole way because they were waiting for the big surf and we grabbed all the little bumps it was like a 4:1 ratio which really helped us.... take what works right? Was great to get back out there paddling (and steering again) – just like riding a bike and it was amazing to see how Crossfit allowed me to stay strong and paddle hard throughout.
Tuesday November 22 – rest day… really sore from Monday’s races, a little bruised on my left side from the gunnel too. Wanted to get a workout in but we were all over the place all day so it didn’t happen.
Wednesday November 23
Vacation WOD #3
Round Raro Relay – 38 km change race
3:37:05 (I paddle approx. 2:20)
For those that aren’t outrigger paddlers, a change races is the same as for the iron races above however the crew is composed of 9 paddlers. The distances are longer and therefore paddlers ‘rotate’ out of the canoe to get a rest/food/water in the escort boat (motorized). For changes – the escort boat drops the paddlers getting into the canoe in the water ahead of the canoe and the canoe comes to them – they get in on the ama side (left) of the canoe while the paddlers getting out for a rest drop out on the non-ama side (right). These paddlers are then picked up by the escort boat. The theory is to be really quick at getting in the canoe to avoid slowing it down (the paddlers remaining in the canoe are paddling while a change is happening).
This was a really fun race given that I woke up and prepared to race but didn’t actually have a crew to paddle with. An Australian crew (North Queensland) found me and asked me to paddle with them (thanks Lili!). I was deemed the ‘youngest looking masters (+35 years old) paddler ever’ which makes sense since I’d only been 35 for 20 days. Heh.
I really enjoyed this race because I had no expectations. It had been well over a year since I’d done a change into a canoe and the conditions were expected to be ‘challenging’ but still I was confident (as much as anyone should/could be going out into open water). I had a lot of fun, my changes were solid even while having to get into the canoe on top of someone at times and after the first piece where I had a chance to warm up/ work out the aches from Monday’s racing it felt good. The conditions made the kilometres pass quickly and it seemed liked we’d just started when we actually passed the half way mark. Having the Relay end on the same stretch as the Iron races also helped in gauging the distance left.
Some people on the escort boat managed to see some humpback whales and the front of our canoe saw a huge turtle – me, nothing but the pristine and stunningly blue waters of Rarotonga. It was a blast to get into a canoe and do this race. We came second in Masters as well which was just a bonus for a fun morning.
One of the highlights of this race (the race organizers ran an exceptional week all around!) was the local polynesian drummers that welcomed each canoe home (once a canoe rounded the last 100m or so home they started up) and the fresh fruit - watermelon, pineapples and coconuts that were served to us once on land - the baby coconuts were drilled open and came with a straw - nothing like recovery drink straight from the (neverending) source!
I really enjoyed this race because I had no expectations. It had been well over a year since I’d done a change into a canoe and the conditions were expected to be ‘challenging’ but still I was confident (as much as anyone should/could be going out into open water). I had a lot of fun, my changes were solid even while having to get into the canoe on top of someone at times and after the first piece where I had a chance to warm up/ work out the aches from Monday’s racing it felt good. The conditions made the kilometres pass quickly and it seemed liked we’d just started when we actually passed the half way mark. Having the Relay end on the same stretch as the Iron races also helped in gauging the distance left.
Some people on the escort boat managed to see some humpback whales and the front of our canoe saw a huge turtle – me, nothing but the pristine and stunningly blue waters of Rarotonga. It was a blast to get into a canoe and do this race. We came second in Masters as well which was just a bonus for a fun morning.
One of the highlights of this race (the race organizers ran an exceptional week all around!) was the local polynesian drummers that welcomed each canoe home (once a canoe rounded the last 100m or so home they started up) and the fresh fruit - watermelon, pineapples and coconuts that were served to us once on land - the baby coconuts were drilled open and came with a straw - nothing like recovery drink straight from the (neverending) source!
Thursday November 24 – this day technically didn’t exist for me – crossed the dateline on my way home. Jumping forward in time!
Friday November 25 – travel day – had a long layover in Brisbane and didn’t get home until almost 9pm so no workout
Saturday November 26 – Cooee 1st Birthday WOD (see next post)
I had bold ambitions to do a few more Crossfit WODS while I was away but with the delay in leaving and the lack of space to skip/do anything else (no grass) it was difficult though I think that I did get enough physical activity during the week with all the unplanned outrigger racing – it was a great change of pace.
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Unexpected Entrant in the Round Raro Race - source |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
11/16 - Naughty Forties WOD and Vacation WODs
Nasty’s Birthday WOD: ”Naughty Forties”
400m run
40 KB swings (20/24kg)
40 sit-ups
40 KB circles
40 box jumps (24/20")
40 double-unders / 150 single-unders
40 KB 1 arm swings
400m run
20 x 20kg KB + 20 x 16KG KB for swings
20kg KB for circles
20" box (full jumps - no step-ups)
16kg KB SDHP
16kg KB for 1 arm swings
I really wanted to Rx this but my shoulders and back were having none of it after the past week. I'm just tired. I feel it everywhere and while I've been managing to eat well I'm just not getting the amount of rest I need to (not without trying to though). I fell really behind on the first 20 KB swings and never really caught up to the rest of the group but still pushed through strong. Couldn't string together more than about 10 DU's in a row which was frustrating but with only 40 it wasn't too bad. The 400m runs hurt though - it's still the distance I'm learning to love.
I've reached a point in my Crossfit journey where the rapid increase in weight has slowed and I'm stuck between a 16kg and 20kg KB (our box unfortunately doesn't have 18kg KB's) and between 23kg and 28kg barbells (typically)... I'm trying to balance going heavier while still maintaining movement throughout the WOD - I did most of this workout as four sets of 10 reps so I was still fairly consistent while still pushing my boundaries on strength. I'm good with coming in at the back of the pack if it means I'm going a little heavier and pushing my comfort zone and then eventually I'll be fast again I just need to put in the time.
40 weighted sit-ups (5/10kg)
1:37 (5kg)
This one killed my arms/ shoulders more than my abs - just holding the plate up was hard but it was over fairly quickly.
Tonight I leave for vacation in the Cook Islands. My planned WODs for the week are:
-100 burpees for time (thanks Jack!)
-100m handstand walk for time (thanks Tim!)
-'Flight Simulator' DU's for time - 10,20,30,40,50 thought might amend to 5,10,15,20,25,30,35 - each set unbroken before stopping at moving to the next (thanks Match!)
Back in a week!
400m run
40 KB swings (20/24kg)
40 sit-ups
40 KB circles
40 box jumps (24/20")
40 double-unders / 150 single-unders
40 KB 1 arm swings
400m run
20 x 20kg KB + 20 x 16KG KB for swings
20kg KB for circles
20" box (full jumps - no step-ups)
16kg KB SDHP
16kg KB for 1 arm swings
I really wanted to Rx this but my shoulders and back were having none of it after the past week. I'm just tired. I feel it everywhere and while I've been managing to eat well I'm just not getting the amount of rest I need to (not without trying to though). I fell really behind on the first 20 KB swings and never really caught up to the rest of the group but still pushed through strong. Couldn't string together more than about 10 DU's in a row which was frustrating but with only 40 it wasn't too bad. The 400m runs hurt though - it's still the distance I'm learning to love.
I've reached a point in my Crossfit journey where the rapid increase in weight has slowed and I'm stuck between a 16kg and 20kg KB (our box unfortunately doesn't have 18kg KB's) and between 23kg and 28kg barbells (typically)... I'm trying to balance going heavier while still maintaining movement throughout the WOD - I did most of this workout as four sets of 10 reps so I was still fairly consistent while still pushing my boundaries on strength. I'm good with coming in at the back of the pack if it means I'm going a little heavier and pushing my comfort zone and then eventually I'll be fast again I just need to put in the time.
40 weighted sit-ups (5/10kg)
1:37 (5kg)
This one killed my arms/ shoulders more than my abs - just holding the plate up was hard but it was over fairly quickly.
Tonight I leave for vacation in the Cook Islands. My planned WODs for the week are:
-100 burpees for time (thanks Jack!)
-100m handstand walk for time (thanks Tim!)
-'Flight Simulator' DU's for time - 10,20,30,40,50 thought might amend to 5,10,15,20,25,30,35 - each set unbroken before stopping at moving to the next (thanks Match!)
Back in a week!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Crossfit Accomplishments...
Today was a wicked day for reaching some crossfit goals I'd set for myself/ have been working on over the past few months...
-I finally did an unassisted pull-up (no bands) - it was only one BUT I did it and it was witness... it wasn't pretty but still one step to being better... Coach Jack saw it!
-also, while playing around after the WOD I tried to get on the rings - set up for a ring dip - and I was finally able to get both my arms locked out at my side - I'd been able to get one but never both but today - success! I could even hold it for a few seconds.
I'm seeing the improvements from all the shoulder work we seem to have been doing - quite happy about it!
More on tonights WOD - Naughty 40 - tomorrow...
-I finally did an unassisted pull-up (no bands) - it was only one BUT I did it and it was witness... it wasn't pretty but still one step to being better... Coach Jack saw it!
-also, while playing around after the WOD I tried to get on the rings - set up for a ring dip - and I was finally able to get both my arms locked out at my side - I'd been able to get one but never both but today - success! I could even hold it for a few seconds.
I'm seeing the improvements from all the shoulder work we seem to have been doing - quite happy about it!
More on tonights WOD - Naughty 40 - tomorrow...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
11/14 - it has to get easier from here...
First WOD of the week... first WOD back after the Affiliate Cup... Match made a comment before we started that it was most definitely a WOD that would make us feel like we'd accomplished something this week... I hope it gets easier from here - it has to get easier from here (or maybe my body will catch up on rest)...
WOD #1
Clean & press (30/45kg)
KB swings (16/24kg)
Run 600m
KB swings
Clean & press
22:14 (23kg/ 16kg KB-Rx)
This was hard. I was tired. But I managed to make it through. Thankfully there were no squats as that might have done me in completely.
I completed the WOD with the weight that I started which I was happy with. At one point Match came by and asked if I wanted a lighter KB or to drop 5kg off the bar but I said no. I was still banging out sets of 5 at a time at that point and figured I could keep it up. The run was a nice change of pace from the lifting but I could really feel the fatigue in my legs from the weekend. I was last to head out on the run but came in quite close to the second last person - steady pace on the run helped - not going out too fast.
Increasing reps in the second set was hard - knowing you only had one round left but realizing it was 21 reps - but made it. Two of my favorite Crossfit movements so it was a good but tough start to the week.
Leaving for the Cook Islands on Thursday so will try and get two more workouts in before then but that will depend on how I feel. Regardless, I'm going to do Annie, 100 burpees for time and one yet to be determined WOD (made up by Tim and Jack) while I'm there and hopefully find outrigger crews to race with in the 18km iron and/or the 36km round Raro change race - fingers crossed!
WOD #1
Clean & press (30/45kg)
KB swings (16/24kg)
Run 600m
KB swings
Clean & press
22:14 (23kg/ 16kg KB-Rx)
This was hard. I was tired. But I managed to make it through. Thankfully there were no squats as that might have done me in completely.
I completed the WOD with the weight that I started which I was happy with. At one point Match came by and asked if I wanted a lighter KB or to drop 5kg off the bar but I said no. I was still banging out sets of 5 at a time at that point and figured I could keep it up. The run was a nice change of pace from the lifting but I could really feel the fatigue in my legs from the weekend. I was last to head out on the run but came in quite close to the second last person - steady pace on the run helped - not going out too fast.
Increasing reps in the second set was hard - knowing you only had one round left but realizing it was 21 reps - but made it. Two of my favorite Crossfit movements so it was a good but tough start to the week.
Leaving for the Cook Islands on Thursday so will try and get two more workouts in before then but that will depend on how I feel. Regardless, I'm going to do Annie, 100 burpees for time and one yet to be determined WOD (made up by Tim and Jack) while I'm there and hopefully find outrigger crews to race with in the 18km iron and/or the 36km round Raro change race - fingers crossed!
One the last 5 reps of the clean and press (source) |
Monday, November 14, 2011
11/12 - Affiliate Cup...
Affiliate Cup Recap…
Saturday was AWESOME!!! It was my first time competing in a Crossfit competition and even though there was a ton of nervousness and it was an extremely long day I loved it.
My team awesome team of four was Adam, Ross, Lisa and myself. We were in the beginner category along with two other Cooee teams (there were 13 teams in the beginner category
WOD #1
Barbell Run
2 40kg barbells for beginners
As a team complete a 1600m run carrying both weighted barbells below the shoulders – the team must cross the finish line together. If a bar is placed on the ground there will be a 10 squat penalty to be completed once the run is finished.
11:22 (1st overall)
We were in the first group to go and had a pretty decent strategy of stretcher carrying both barbells in pairs (guys and girls). We started out with the boys carrying and took off faster than anyone else – it seemed most teams were walking – and immediately were in front on our own. It was a steady pace and we communicated and worked well in our transitions. Towards the end of the second lap however our grip strength was failing – it was becoming quite difficult to maintain the stretcher carry and we switched to one bar for the boys and one for the girls held on our bent arms – this worked because both people could still run forwards however Lisa and I were struggling – Ross took one barbell on his own and Adam took most of the other while Lisa and I helped as best we could on either end and we finished like this. It was a good start to the day.
The other Cooee Beginner teams were 3rd and 4th – solid showing.
WOD #2
KB/ Burpee Broadjump
Male – 20kg KB, Female – 16kg KB
In pairs (male/female) – one pair works on KB swings – only one person working at a time while the other pair completes 40m (approx.) of burpee broadjumps (alternating guy/girl for the distance). Once burpees are completed team sprints back and switches. Each pair does both the swings and burpees twice. Score is finish time minus number of KB swings (in seconds).
2:49 (6th overall)
This was a pretty straightforward WOD and the burpees didn’t hurt too much because there was too much else to focus on (full partner extension, tagging partners hand, hands behind their feet, burpee, big jump, full extension, repeat) which also made the distance pass quicker. The KB swings were Russian swings so elbows just had to be above shoulders – we typically only do American swings so it required focus to not swing too high (to get more reps completed). Again our team had great communication on this one.
All Cooee Beginner teams were top 5 after these two WODS!
WOD #3
250 DU’s (or 750 SU’s) – whole team either does DU’s or SU’s
200 Wall-balls (8kg male/ 5kg female bottom line for both)
150 Deadlifts (70kg male/ 50kg female)
3km row
15 minute cut-off
To be completed as a team. All reps of each exercise to be completed before moving on to the next exercise. One person working at a time, one person must be on the rower at all times until 3km completed.
14:54 (3rd overall)
This was a really fun WOD and worked to some of our strengths both with what we had been practicing at team training (switching out to complete a large number of reps) and also our skills from everyday training (DU’s). It also had one of our major weaknesses – wall-balls. We don’t have the proper equipment at the moment to do these at our box so we struggled here. We were however one of only 18 (total 41 teams) to complete this WOD under 15 minutes.
Adam jumped on the rower straight off as Ross, Lisa and I killed on the DU’s – I managed to string together 31 at one point, not quite my best but up there. We were quickly onto the wall-balls but got several no-rep calls with either inability to get above the line or not getting enough depth on the squat. It was a struggle but we made it through. During this time Ross switched out with Adam on the rower followed by a short stint by both Lisa and I. I didn’t get too far and although I could have done more I switched out when Adam came back because my feet weren’t really strapped in (little feet). Adam was able to finish however while we were doing our deadlifts and then the 4 of us banged out the 150 seconds before the cut-off. It was a lot of fun and non-stop. Again, our communication really helped.
All Cooee beginner teams were in the top 5 meaning we all got into WOD #4 – the final WOD.
All Cooee beginner teams were in the top 5 meaning we all got into WOD #4 – the final WOD.
WOD #4
Squat Cleans/ Sprints
In pairs (males and females working together on difference bars).
7 minute AMRAP
Minutes 1,3,5 – max squat cleans per pair (40kg/20kg)
Minutes 2,4 – max sprints (approx. 40m)
One person in the pair working at a time for both squats and sprints. 1 point for every squat clean, 2 points for every sprint (there/back) – both partners had to be back on the mat before squat cleans could start again after sprinting.
(don’t know our final score)
Our team struggled with the squat cleans though it seemed were pretty much solid on the sprints. Lisa and I did 61 squat cleans and 30 sprints (15 there and back) but it wasn’t enough for us to place in the top 3 – however – the other two Cooee teams represented – 2nd (Shonelle, Esther, Vinnie, Dozer) and 3rd (Vicki, Jeni, Oli, Dom) overall for the day. A great showing for the box!
Our intermediate team also had a solid showing placing 6th (Angie, Kirsten, Jack and Pete) and just barely missing the final WOD.
Congrats to everyone from Cooee who competed. Big thanks to Tim who coached us all day and to Match who judged so that we as athletes didn’t have to (and it was agreed upon by all that he probably worked the hardest all day). Also much appreciation to everyone else who came along to cheer us on – it was great to have that support. Go green!
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Ross, Adam, Jac, Lisa |
Friday, November 11, 2011
11/10 - thrusters and burpees... oh my!
Strength: Work up to your 1 rep max split jerk
I didn't go very hard on the split jerk - my PR is 45 but at 30 my shoulder was hurting so I decided not to push it any further with the comp on Saturday.
15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Thrusters (30/45kg)
Burpee bar hops
17:36 (18kg)
This one hurt! I went light because of the Affiliate Cup coming up on Saturday but even with the 18kg bar it was hard. Shoulders and legs were just tired - during and after and more-so today... definitely feeling it. There was a 25 minute cut-off and I'm pretty sure I'd have taken that long if I went any higher in weight - I can't imagine doing 23kg thrusters at this point but perhaps it's also just a bit of cumulative fatigue (I haven't been sleeping well*) and my shoulder acting up (taking care of that today)...
*I've been trying to get lots of sleep - actually getting to bed early but I'm still not sleeping well. Need to figure this out because I'm really starting to feel it - just want to sleep all.the.time!
I'm going on vacation next thursday so hopefully that helps though there will be crazy jetlag I'm sure. I asked Jack and Tim (two of my coaches) to write a couple of WODs for me that I'll promise to do along with 'Annie' while I'm gone. Jack has already told me that one of them will be 100 burpees for time - so not looking forward to this but I *will* do it. This is a new me - planning to do WODs on vacation... crazy - good crazy!
Affiliate Cup tomorrow... GO COOEE!!!
I didn't go very hard on the split jerk - my PR is 45 but at 30 my shoulder was hurting so I decided not to push it any further with the comp on Saturday.
15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Thrusters (30/45kg)
Burpee bar hops
17:36 (18kg)
This one hurt! I went light because of the Affiliate Cup coming up on Saturday but even with the 18kg bar it was hard. Shoulders and legs were just tired - during and after and more-so today... definitely feeling it. There was a 25 minute cut-off and I'm pretty sure I'd have taken that long if I went any higher in weight - I can't imagine doing 23kg thrusters at this point but perhaps it's also just a bit of cumulative fatigue (I haven't been sleeping well*) and my shoulder acting up (taking care of that today)...
*I've been trying to get lots of sleep - actually getting to bed early but I'm still not sleeping well. Need to figure this out because I'm really starting to feel it - just want to sleep all.the.time!
I'm going on vacation next thursday so hopefully that helps though there will be crazy jetlag I'm sure. I asked Jack and Tim (two of my coaches) to write a couple of WODs for me that I'll promise to do along with 'Annie' while I'm gone. Jack has already told me that one of them will be 100 burpees for time - so not looking forward to this but I *will* do it. This is a new me - planning to do WODs on vacation... crazy - good crazy!
Affiliate Cup tomorrow... GO COOEE!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
11/9 - Last night 'Claudia' and I got it on again...
Last night 'Claudia' and I got it on again and I won. PR! By almost two and a half minutes... and once again it was a little emotional and probably harder this time than last knowing I could - would - be faster - and alone, with just my thoughts pushing me, not as much cheering.
Strength: Work up to your 3 rep max back squats
I PRed on this one getting up to a 1RM of 55kg besting my previous from a few weeks back of 50kg. I didn't even try to go to a higher weight with the comp this weekend. No need to push it, I just wanted a new PR.
WOD: Benchmark “Claudia”
5 rounds -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
16:57 Rx (previous time was 19:26 on September 1st)
I was both excited to re-do this WOD and dreading re-doing this WOD. The excitement came in getting to see how much I've improved in two months of Crossfit and how much time I could take off this time. The first time I did Claudia it was about surviving it, about Rx-ing it (first WOD I ever Rx-ed) - this time I knew it'd be harder, faster... that was where the dread came from.
Match was coaching us but jumped in with Jack and I to do the workout which was fine by both of us but I had less of someone in my face (like Tim was last time) - this time it was all on me and I could feel it. It was truly mental. After the first round every time I stared down the kettlebell after the run I made a deal with myself - 5 reps at a time. But once I picked it up I knew that putting it down and then starting again would be more effort than just banging out more reps. I went 20 straight in the first round, and then 10 at a time for the next 3 and 10-5-5 for the final round.
The 400m runs were hard. Running is not my strong suit at all and the 400m is exceptionally hard for me but it was just one step at a time through each one.
After it was all over I collapsed in a heap on the floor of the box... Jack was trying to ask me how much I'd taken off my time and I was just struggling to breath through the emotion of it all... not quite as much as last time but there were still a few tears behind my eyes... it was tough all around and somehow I think that this will always be an emotional WOD for me just because of how it went down the first time - how it showed me what I was made of...
The last time (first time) I did 'Claudia':
Strength: Work up to your 3 rep max back squats
I PRed on this one getting up to a 1RM of 55kg besting my previous from a few weeks back of 50kg. I didn't even try to go to a higher weight with the comp this weekend. No need to push it, I just wanted a new PR.
WOD: Benchmark “Claudia”
5 rounds -
20 KB swings (16/24kg)
400m run
16:57 Rx (previous time was 19:26 on September 1st)
I was both excited to re-do this WOD and dreading re-doing this WOD. The excitement came in getting to see how much I've improved in two months of Crossfit and how much time I could take off this time. The first time I did Claudia it was about surviving it, about Rx-ing it (first WOD I ever Rx-ed) - this time I knew it'd be harder, faster... that was where the dread came from.
Match was coaching us but jumped in with Jack and I to do the workout which was fine by both of us but I had less of someone in my face (like Tim was last time) - this time it was all on me and I could feel it. It was truly mental. After the first round every time I stared down the kettlebell after the run I made a deal with myself - 5 reps at a time. But once I picked it up I knew that putting it down and then starting again would be more effort than just banging out more reps. I went 20 straight in the first round, and then 10 at a time for the next 3 and 10-5-5 for the final round.
The 400m runs were hard. Running is not my strong suit at all and the 400m is exceptionally hard for me but it was just one step at a time through each one.
After it was all over I collapsed in a heap on the floor of the box... Jack was trying to ask me how much I'd taken off my time and I was just struggling to breath through the emotion of it all... not quite as much as last time but there were still a few tears behind my eyes... it was tough all around and somehow I think that this will always be an emotional WOD for me just because of how it went down the first time - how it showed me what I was made of...
The last time (first time) I did 'Claudia':
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Swimming WOD... kinda...
So tonight I had to a swim test for my paddling club (it's a requirement outlined by the Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association - AOCRA - which is the governing body for all of outrigger in Australia).
Now I need to preface this by saying that I can't swim - I know I could swim enough to save my life but I don't swim for fun - I tend to sink. Ear infections as a child kept me from learning this little skill. Though the strange thing is that I really love the water - being in it or on it just not swimming for the sake of swimming.
In order to pass the qualifications set out by AOCRA we had to do the following:
400m swim (8 lengths of the pool)
5 minutes of treading water
I did both successfully though my swimming was both slow and uncoordinated. Either I float on my back and kick my legs (not using my arms) or I'm on my stomach and using my arms but forgetting to kick. It wasn't pretty but it got done.
The treading water wasn't so bad - could have done that for quite some time which is an odd contrast to my swimming ability but alas... done for another year.
Now I need to preface this by saying that I can't swim - I know I could swim enough to save my life but I don't swim for fun - I tend to sink. Ear infections as a child kept me from learning this little skill. Though the strange thing is that I really love the water - being in it or on it just not swimming for the sake of swimming.
In order to pass the qualifications set out by AOCRA we had to do the following:
400m swim (8 lengths of the pool)
5 minutes of treading water
I did both successfully though my swimming was both slow and uncoordinated. Either I float on my back and kick my legs (not using my arms) or I'm on my stomach and using my arms but forgetting to kick. It wasn't pretty but it got done.
The treading water wasn't so bad - could have done that for quite some time which is an odd contrast to my swimming ability but alas... done for another year.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
11/7 - PR's and KB's
Strength: Work up to your 1 rep max clean
Max. 40kg - new PR!
Probably could have gone a bit heavier but my shoulder was still a little unhappy from last week so I didn't want to push it with the comp this weekend. It was nice working through this with Angie and trying to keep up with her.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
KB swings or KB snatches
Cleans (35/50kg)
9:48 (16kg KB, 28kg cleans)
This was a great WOD. Steady through all the reps. I'm always a fan of KB swings and the 28kg felt pretty good after the strength WOD. Solid.
Before the WOD we were playing around with pull-ups. Angie mentioned that an unassisted pull-up is mentally challenging but that she can do it with the yellow band (multiple reps) - and the yellow band is pretty tiny - I wasn't sure I could do one with just yellow but I did manage a single rep. After the WOD I was goofing around and tried an unassisted pull-up and was *thisclose* to doing one. All subsequent attempts were futile as my hands were having no part of it but... getting there. Have a couple weeks to meet my goal.
Max. 40kg - new PR!
Probably could have gone a bit heavier but my shoulder was still a little unhappy from last week so I didn't want to push it with the comp this weekend. It was nice working through this with Angie and trying to keep up with her.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
KB swings or KB snatches
Cleans (35/50kg)
9:48 (16kg KB, 28kg cleans)
This was a great WOD. Steady through all the reps. I'm always a fan of KB swings and the 28kg felt pretty good after the strength WOD. Solid.
Before the WOD we were playing around with pull-ups. Angie mentioned that an unassisted pull-up is mentally challenging but that she can do it with the yellow band (multiple reps) - and the yellow band is pretty tiny - I wasn't sure I could do one with just yellow but I did manage a single rep. After the WOD I was goofing around and tried an unassisted pull-up and was *thisclose* to doing one. All subsequent attempts were futile as my hands were having no part of it but... getting there. Have a couple weeks to meet my goal.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
11/5 - Team Training...
Yesterday was our final day of team training before the Affiliate Cup next weekend - this week thankfully it wasn't the day after Murph. I was the only person on my team there so I filled in with Vicki, Oli and Dom who were missing Jeni. It worked well.
WOD #1
Benchmark WOD Annie as a team - each member must complete 25 reps in a row before switching
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
11:41 (approx.) - Vicki and I used the red bands for the pull-ups, I did the push-ups on my knees. Was steady to bang this out as a group.
The final three WODs were all chosen out of a hat (one by each team) and they were quite fun - definitely better than some of the ones remaining in the hat after we were done (I read them).
WOD #2
Lift a total of 3000kg of weight overhead as a team with only one person lifting at a time - all four teammates have to use the same weight.
5:21 (approx.)
This was a tricky one to sort out at the beginning to try and maximize weight and minimize reps. We went for 100 reps of 30kg but might have been better off with 25kg and a few more reps. The boys did most of the work on this one - I think I was banging out 5 reps at a time with Vicki much the same as it was pretty much our max. weight for clean and presses so it took us more time to do them. Dom was solid snatching the bar like it was nothing and Oli knocked out the clean and presses quite quickly so hard to know if lighter would have been better... something to think about if faced with this again.
WOD #3 (chose by Vicki)
Accumulate a total of 500 points skipping
-1 point for a single under
-2 points for a double under
This was solid. We stood in a circle and whenever the person skipping tripped up the next person went even if it they'd only managed a few reps. I didn't beat my max. rep of 32 DU's but I did get some pretty solid numbers with my speed rope a few times which was awesome. It was also great that we could all do DU's - I can't imagine having to do this WOD with single unders. I liked it, my style.
WOD #4 (this sucked!!!)
400m run - once all teammates are back in the box...
200 box jumps (24" boys, 20" girls - must use the same box - had to rotate it when switching up)
400m run - once all teammates are back in the box..
100 KB swings (16kg for boys, 12kg for girls)
400m run with 4 KBs (10,12,14 and 16kg)
This was hard - initially we were only told about having to complete (as a team) 200 box jumps - as the clock was counting down Match announced that we had to complete a 400m run as a team first before we could start. This was hard for me as I'm a slow runner and I knew I'd be holding my team back so I focused on staying with the pack - and we all finished pretty much as a group (all three teams). The boys started on the box jumps which was great as it gave me a chance to catch my breath - they alternated in sets of 5 and then flipped the box for Vicki and I. Since Vicki and I don't jump right back at the bottom of the jump we had decided in advance to alternate every jump so it gave us time to reset which the other was jumping. We were facing each other on the box and it worked really well. All I did was stare at her feet and when they hit the ground I went. It did take a lot of focus to stand fully upright on top of the box (new ROM) versus extending on the jump down. I did however fully enjoy the 20" box after doing Jack's WOD on monday with the 24" box. And to think it was only a few months ago where I was only stepping up - progress... yay!!
Once we finished the box jumps we were then told we had another 400m run as a team (which I had expected after the first surprise). Our team was out the door first but Shonelle, Ester and Dozer weren't far behind us and catching up quickly - I knew I just had to stay in front of Ester and I pushed really hard to ensure that I did - BUT.... upon getting back to the box we were greeted with two KB's and told we had 100 reps. EVIL... but Dom and Oli went first and got 20 done each then Vicki followed with another 20. I wasn't sure how many reps I'd get through but once I started I knew I could do another 20 since we only had the 12KB (nice and light!)... as we were getting close to finishing Match was putting out more KB's for each group which was oddly suspicious as I asked Tim what was next and he told me nothing - liar... haha. I knew it and called him on it and got the best smirk ever. As we finished Match once again informed us we had another 400m run but this time with all the KB's he'd given us. I got the 10 but it didn't really matter so much about the weight - it was just awkward - there is no good way to run with a KB. We finished up and thankfully were actually done.
It was interesting to continually be surprised by what was next - the first 400m run was a complete surprise but you didn't have much time to think about it as it was just time to go and we all did. Towards the end however it was scary to think what might be next, the constant expectation of more. Heh.
Was good training. Awesome to see the different strategies and to get thinking about how we'll do things the day of... it'll be nice having a coach who is coaching us rather than making up (evil!) WOD's for us... haha.
Thanks Match and Tim for training us and Jack and Tim for coming up with the hat full of WODs...
WOD #1
Benchmark WOD Annie as a team - each member must complete 25 reps in a row before switching
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
11:41 (approx.) - Vicki and I used the red bands for the pull-ups, I did the push-ups on my knees. Was steady to bang this out as a group.
The final three WODs were all chosen out of a hat (one by each team) and they were quite fun - definitely better than some of the ones remaining in the hat after we were done (I read them).
WOD #2
Lift a total of 3000kg of weight overhead as a team with only one person lifting at a time - all four teammates have to use the same weight.
5:21 (approx.)
This was a tricky one to sort out at the beginning to try and maximize weight and minimize reps. We went for 100 reps of 30kg but might have been better off with 25kg and a few more reps. The boys did most of the work on this one - I think I was banging out 5 reps at a time with Vicki much the same as it was pretty much our max. weight for clean and presses so it took us more time to do them. Dom was solid snatching the bar like it was nothing and Oli knocked out the clean and presses quite quickly so hard to know if lighter would have been better... something to think about if faced with this again.
WOD #3 (chose by Vicki)
Accumulate a total of 500 points skipping
-1 point for a single under
-2 points for a double under
This was solid. We stood in a circle and whenever the person skipping tripped up the next person went even if it they'd only managed a few reps. I didn't beat my max. rep of 32 DU's but I did get some pretty solid numbers with my speed rope a few times which was awesome. It was also great that we could all do DU's - I can't imagine having to do this WOD with single unders. I liked it, my style.
WOD #4 (this sucked!!!)
400m run - once all teammates are back in the box...
200 box jumps (24" boys, 20" girls - must use the same box - had to rotate it when switching up)
400m run - once all teammates are back in the box..
100 KB swings (16kg for boys, 12kg for girls)
400m run with 4 KBs (10,12,14 and 16kg)
This was hard - initially we were only told about having to complete (as a team) 200 box jumps - as the clock was counting down Match announced that we had to complete a 400m run as a team first before we could start. This was hard for me as I'm a slow runner and I knew I'd be holding my team back so I focused on staying with the pack - and we all finished pretty much as a group (all three teams). The boys started on the box jumps which was great as it gave me a chance to catch my breath - they alternated in sets of 5 and then flipped the box for Vicki and I. Since Vicki and I don't jump right back at the bottom of the jump we had decided in advance to alternate every jump so it gave us time to reset which the other was jumping. We were facing each other on the box and it worked really well. All I did was stare at her feet and when they hit the ground I went. It did take a lot of focus to stand fully upright on top of the box (new ROM) versus extending on the jump down. I did however fully enjoy the 20" box after doing Jack's WOD on monday with the 24" box. And to think it was only a few months ago where I was only stepping up - progress... yay!!
Once we finished the box jumps we were then told we had another 400m run as a team (which I had expected after the first surprise). Our team was out the door first but Shonelle, Ester and Dozer weren't far behind us and catching up quickly - I knew I just had to stay in front of Ester and I pushed really hard to ensure that I did - BUT.... upon getting back to the box we were greeted with two KB's and told we had 100 reps. EVIL... but Dom and Oli went first and got 20 done each then Vicki followed with another 20. I wasn't sure how many reps I'd get through but once I started I knew I could do another 20 since we only had the 12KB (nice and light!)... as we were getting close to finishing Match was putting out more KB's for each group which was oddly suspicious as I asked Tim what was next and he told me nothing - liar... haha. I knew it and called him on it and got the best smirk ever. As we finished Match once again informed us we had another 400m run but this time with all the KB's he'd given us. I got the 10 but it didn't really matter so much about the weight - it was just awkward - there is no good way to run with a KB. We finished up and thankfully were actually done.
It was interesting to continually be surprised by what was next - the first 400m run was a complete surprise but you didn't have much time to think about it as it was just time to go and we all did. Towards the end however it was scary to think what might be next, the constant expectation of more. Heh.
Was good training. Awesome to see the different strategies and to get thinking about how we'll do things the day of... it'll be nice having a coach who is coaching us rather than making up (evil!) WOD's for us... haha.
Thanks Match and Tim for training us and Jack and Tim for coming up with the hat full of WODs...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
11/3 - Rx on my Birthday!
WOD #1
KB Swings (24/16)
Double Unders
17:22 - Rx!
I was the last to finish this WOD but I did it Rx on my birthday! That in itself is worth it. And it was hard. Birthday workout - 6:45am after a 6pm class last night. My shoulders felt really tired from last night and the 16kg kettle bell felt crazy heavy - but I did it. I used my new speed skipping rope which was good once I got in the flow of it. I struggled during the 35 and 30 rounds of double unders getting only 3 or so before tripping up which was super frustrating but I just kept at it. I think I get better when I get a little tired because I banged out 23 straight of the 25 and then pretty much did the rest in full sets which was good. I liked this workout even though it felt like a struggle today.
WOD #2
-hollow dish
Now I get to eat cake all day!
KB Swings (24/16)
Double Unders
17:22 - Rx!
I was the last to finish this WOD but I did it Rx on my birthday! That in itself is worth it. And it was hard. Birthday workout - 6:45am after a 6pm class last night. My shoulders felt really tired from last night and the 16kg kettle bell felt crazy heavy - but I did it. I used my new speed skipping rope which was good once I got in the flow of it. I struggled during the 35 and 30 rounds of double unders getting only 3 or so before tripping up which was super frustrating but I just kept at it. I think I get better when I get a little tired because I banged out 23 straight of the 25 and then pretty much did the rest in full sets which was good. I liked this workout even though it felt like a struggle today.
WOD #2
-hollow dish
Now I get to eat cake all day!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
11/02 - sprints...
WOD #1
C2B pull-ups
Thrusters (25/35kg)
12:35 (red/orange, 18kg)
Today I learned two things - crab walks are *really* bad for my shoulders (the rotation makes them quite unhappy) and warming up before doing silly things like trying a wall walk is a good thing. Yup, I tweaked my shoulder before this WOD but managed to do it anyway - the presses on the thrusters hurt though.
I used the red/orange bands for the chest to bar pull ups, really needed to focus on a big kick to get them done easier. Started the thrusters with 23kg but after the first two sets I dropped to 18kg because of my shoulder (no point making it worse). I'm getting sick of squats though - even though I fully understand it's an important movement it seems like we've been doing that every WOD for the past week - I know it's just me though.
WOD # 2:
Achieve max number of clean & presses in 10 minutes
Using the same weight as WOD #1
Run 100m on the minute, every minute
This was fun but hard. 100 meters is short enough to go all out but makes picking up the bar immediately after finishing quite hard (extremely hard). I managed to keep the sprints under 30 seconds except I think for rounds 7 and 8 where they were just over. I kept thinking long strides on the run and tried to pass people in front of me when I could. I'm glad it was raining, there's something I just love about running in the rain.
Stretched and rolled out my shoulder and iced when I got home, hopefully I can fix it easily and quickly...
C2B pull-ups
Thrusters (25/35kg)
12:35 (red/orange, 18kg)
Today I learned two things - crab walks are *really* bad for my shoulders (the rotation makes them quite unhappy) and warming up before doing silly things like trying a wall walk is a good thing. Yup, I tweaked my shoulder before this WOD but managed to do it anyway - the presses on the thrusters hurt though.
I used the red/orange bands for the chest to bar pull ups, really needed to focus on a big kick to get them done easier. Started the thrusters with 23kg but after the first two sets I dropped to 18kg because of my shoulder (no point making it worse). I'm getting sick of squats though - even though I fully understand it's an important movement it seems like we've been doing that every WOD for the past week - I know it's just me though.
WOD # 2:
Achieve max number of clean & presses in 10 minutes
Using the same weight as WOD #1
Run 100m on the minute, every minute
This was fun but hard. 100 meters is short enough to go all out but makes picking up the bar immediately after finishing quite hard (extremely hard). I managed to keep the sprints under 30 seconds except I think for rounds 7 and 8 where they were just over. I kept thinking long strides on the run and tried to pass people in front of me when I could. I'm glad it was raining, there's something I just love about running in the rain.
Stretched and rolled out my shoulder and iced when I got home, hopefully I can fix it easily and quickly...
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C2B Pull-ups - source |
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