For those that don't know - 'Claudia' is one of the benchmark crossfit WOD's (workout of the day)... it consists of:
5 rounds for time
20 kettle ball swings (16kg/ 35lbs (for women) - as prescribed - Rx)
400m run
My finishing time: 19:26
This was the first WOD that I Rx-ed in the month that I've been doing crossfit. It was hard.
Now that it's done I find it difficult to accurately capture how I was feeling in that 20 minute period. There was full range of emotions from some doubt at the beginning as Jeni convinced both Vicki and I that we could do 16kg kettleballs (and as I nervously eyed the 14). There was the dreaded 3...2...1... beeping of the clock and then not giving it a second thought as I banged through the first 20 kb swings and was out the door. Feeling fine but dreading the next 4 rounds and visualizing every.single.step of the 400m course. Rounds two and three were just a matter of pushing through - one swing at a time, one step at a time, keep moving - no walking... the 'I can do this' mantra going through my head - the 'this is what crossfit is all about'...
Round 4... get into the box and bang out a solid 10 swings... then 5... Tim comes around - 'how many more?' - gasping for breath I show him 5 fingers... and he cheers me on - watches as the first one goes right over my head...4...3...2...1... out the door... keep pushing. The girls were awesome - every time we passed another encouraging word as we all gasped for air. Keep going... good work... keep going... going...
Round 5... I was the only one in the box for the swings, everyone else was done or out on their last 400m. Tim - cheering, counting, encouraging... 'Knock them out 5 at a time'... I do 10. Break. Emotion hitting hard... I got this. 5 more. Breath. Tears in my eyes. Increasing my mental limits. Stronger. Further. More... more. 5 more and done... out the door. Last 400m on my own. Full darkness. Keep running... one more step... one less step... keep.on.going...
I knew there were people waiting on me, cheering me on as I ran from a distance but it was inspiring to come around the corner for the last 100m and see Tim and Vicki - who although just finishing herself was back out to cheer me on, bring me home. I picked up the pace - how could I not with Tim bouncing spryly beside me - one.last.sprint. One step at a time. Vicki 'this is fast!'... round the last pylon, into the box and look at the clock... 19:26... under 20. I did it. Collapsed on the floor, high fives and congrats.
Glad it was over. Writing my time on the board. Pride, lots of pride. I may have finished last but I climbed a huge wall and it wasn't physical. I conquered a demon today - I not only beat 'Claudia' but I beat part of myself, my doubt. Today I broke down mental barriers. Realized the huge capacity within myself to just keep going. To know that there is support as I tackle this and people to cheer me on... this is life in it's essence.
And I also must add - afterwards, I felt like a proud little kid with a gold star from the teacher though today mine was just a happy face beside the Rx that Jeni added for me. Thanks you guys it was an amazing day!

This is Awesome Jac! When did you start this?? looks like you've been keeping track for a while. I'm really digging the title (wish i could steal it) haha. Good job on the RX... only way to get stronger, faster! keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteOk, I am amazed and awed - your willpower is astounding. For those of us who don't even run to catch the bus, can you provide the backstory and a glossary? Is this 'workout of the day' something only done by crazed Aussies (and you of course!)? What does Rx mean? And most importantly, why are you doing all this other than for the obvious health benefits and the joy of getting sweaty with smokin' hotties? (hmm...I may have just answered my own question!)
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, keep posting. You are almost inspiring this jiggly-butted lazy mom to get fit!