Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Morning with Tim

Today's WOD's

WOD #1
Tabata DU's (or SU's)
115 DU's

Getting there on my DU's  - I'm happy with the number - I averaged about 16 every 20 seconds at the beginning - getting a bit slower towards the end but getting more consistent.

WOD #2
30 pullups
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
21 thrusters
400m run
30 pullups
14:17 (rings/ 23kg thrusters)

I used the rings for the pullups which were better for my shoulder with the high number of reps.  Went a bit higher on weight for the thrusters which took me a bit longer but it was good to push myself - seeing lots of progress on my strength.

It's such a contrast working out in the morning versus evening.  I like the evenings a lot - more social and easy going but running outside in the sunshine in the mornings is exhilarating - much better than in the darkness.  It was different having Tim this morning rather than Match and Kirst - a different dynamic for the morning - it was good though to change things up now and then. 

Thanks Ange too for the awesomely rocking tunes!!

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