I was a little worried about the weather as the rain poured down the evening before and well into the night - I thought it'd be a cold, muddy morning but knew I'd be there either way. Fortunately it turned into a stunning day, the sunshine bringing out record numbers - about 25 - for Jack's workout - written on that magical piece of paper that we all wanted to steal just to see what was ahead of us.
It started with a warmup jog and some painful lunges and army crawls in the wet grass. Followed by slooooow burpees, Jack emphasizing each component often mixing us up in the process. A good laugh for everyone to take our minds off of the sore muscles we all seemed to have.
WOD #1 (partners)
Person 1:
20 Single Unders
Run approx. 15m
20 air squats
Run approx. 15m
20 pushups
Run approx. 15m
20 sit-ups
Run approx. 15m
20 box jumps
Sprint back to start (approx. 60m) - while partner is holding plank
Partner starts all over
Repeat twice each
I hated the sit-ups as the roll-outs from Friday morning made themselves known in my core the previous night - I wasn't joking when I told Match that morning that he made laughing hurt - laughing HURT. I partnered up with Kate for this which was really fun - she's Jack and Tim's sister who I convinced to come check things out a few days earlier (a girls perspective) so to partner and cheer on someone who was doing their first WOD was amazing - I was super proud of her.
I actually enjoyed the short sprint back to the start - on my second round I though Match was right behind me - though I never looked back to check as I was trying to stay ahead - it turns out it was Tim and we both finished our box jumps at the same time - with an encouraging word from him I upped my pace - I sprinted as hard as I could and didn't finish too far behind him which was awesome. Got a little faster today.
WOD #2 (in partners)
Squat to pick up medicine ball or sandbag
Throw it as far as you can
Repeat for 30 seconds
Switch partners
3 times each
This was fun but it was awkward throwing the sand bag. I was kind of hoping the velcro would open up and the sand would all fall out. Heh.
WOD #3
AMRAP - 10 minutes
Run a lap of the oval
Complete same workout as WOD #1
from box jumps back to skipping was 1 round
2/44 (2 full rounds plus skipping, airsquats and 4 push ups)
WOD #4 (Team WOD)
Everyone holds plank while each person starting from each end runs up the hill, around the sign and back to their spot.
This was challenging as... ABS.SO.SORE...
It was a fun morning, I really like the Saturday WODs as we get to play in the sunshine, socialize more with those from the box and meet people we might not otherwise - people from other boxes, other class times, families, friends.
I have only been to two of the Saturday sessions and both were different yet challenging, I liked that. I also love the outside the box thinking that comes from being 'outside the box'. There are so many ideas for future Saturday's (I can't wait to see what Match pulls out for next week)... though it'd be nice to make the focus on more team WOD's rather than solo or pairs (or some how make the pairs random) just because it's that extra bit of community, of getting to better know the other crazy people who choose to get out of bed ridiculously early on a Saturday morning to sweat it out together. I can't wait to get to know everyone as the season wears on...
Til next Saturday...
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"Most muscular" grrrrr! Saturday WOD (Photo Credit) |
Was a pleasure to read Jac! like all of your updates!! All i can say is "Bring on Saturdays!"