Monday, September 5, 2011

Another great start to the week!

Crossfit makes Monday's bearable.  I love having something 'fun' to look forward to at the end of work - it gets me through the day.  Crossfit is fun... the people, the atmosphere, the way we push ourselves to become better, the sweat, the pain...  fun.

Today's workouts... 

WOD #1
8 rounds for time -
3 squat cleans (Rx - 50kg for women)
6 push-ups
9 burpee bar hops
12:26 (23kg - 50lbs) 

This was the first time that I did squat cleans in a workout and there is so much to think about with this movement, every time.  Extending fully on the clean and lowering fully in the squat.  I am glad that I chose a lighter weight because by the end of the last round it was quite challenging even with only 3 reps given the required concentration on form.

I should have done the six push-ups normally, not on my knees.  I'm seeing quite good progress on my push-ups.  When I started crossfit doing 5 on my knees was hard and 10 was a complete struggle.  Now, even on round 8 I could push through all 6 push-ups no problem (from my knees).  Yup, time to take that step up.  Stronger.  

The hardest part by far were the burpees - for some reason I struggle with any exercise that requires me to go from the ground to my feet - every time.  And it seems that doing burpees with knees on the ground is even harder - something more to lift up.  They were slow and a struggle but I got through them.  

It was super hot in the box.  Sweat was literally dripping off of my face.  It wasn't pretty.  I can't even begin to imagine what summer will be like - I am happily in denial of how hot it is actually going to get here. 

WOD #2
100 KB crossovers (12kg - 26lbs)
2:18 Rx 

Did this workout at 12kg as prescribed... it was hard.  Basically, a kettleball crossover is when you sit and keep your torso and legs in a 'V' position - feet raised off the floor, core strong.  Then you take the kettleball and touch it to the ground on each side of your body, each touch on the ground counts as 1 rep.  We did 100. 

This really worked my upper core - same muscle group as the roll-outs from Friday (and which were still recovering from Friday) and also lower back muscles.  It was really hard to keep my feet in the air but I did for the majority (you can scale back the exercise by leaving your feet on the ground).  Definitely challenging.  Laughing is going to hurt again. 

WOD #3
100 cockroaches

This was a mental battle as it worked the same muscles as the KB crossovers.  It was hard but over (fairly) quickly.

It was a fun class led by Jack.  About 10 minutes before the workout he put the pressure on me by handing me his ipod and telling me to make the playlist.  Oh No!  But I did deserve it because I'm always the one noticing the music - it makes such a difference when it's a good, hard, loud, angry song - makes it easier to struggle through and pound out the reps.  The pressure was there but I think we had some good songs - Jack's tunes, my picking - great teamwork - just what it's all about.

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