Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WOD without weights...

Two nights in a row at the box so I could play netball after workout.  Wasn't too sore from Monday so
that was good...

It was a fun workout as there were just the three of us girls (Vicki, Jeni and I) with Kirsten coaching us.  It was silly and awesome. 

WOD #1
18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Double-unders (did DU's but had a single skip in between, only counted DU's... DU's!!)
Box jumps (20" though they were step ups)
12:40 Rx

All three of us finished within about 20 seconds of each other.  That was pretty cool.  I LOVE having these gals to workout with as they push me to go heavier, faster, harder.  It's encouraging and inspiring. 

WOD #2
Max plank hold

I knew this one was going to hurt after the rollouts, saturday sit-ups, and yesterday's KB crossovers and cockroaches.... and it did.  My goal was 1 minute which I achieved - no more no less.  I was struggling at 45 seconds so 1 minute was definitely pushing it.

My abs and I have a love - hate relationship, truly. 

WOD #3
3 min AMRAP
10 sit-ups
3 HSPU (Handstand Pushups)
5/12 (6 full rounds minus 1 box pushup - soooo close!)

Again, more sit-ups (gah!).  Vicki and I did box pushups as neither of us were comfortable yet with HSPU's.  After the WOD's though we all practiced our handstands and HSPU's.  I realized I could do it with the two bumpers under my head - before when we'd try I was too afraid to lower myself down without any cushioning under my head in case I fell (need to preserve my little brain) so never actually tried.  But I like them - probably couldn't do high numbers of them but it's a skill I'd like to continue to work on as I love handstands.

Kirsten gave me a few tips to work up to full HSPU's
-first with the two bumpers - practice
-then one bumper - first just lowering and progressing to lower and back up
-can adjust the bumper height by using plates with the bumper as necessary
-eventually use plates beside bumper to make it all level for full range of motion (someday...)

Another workout Wednesday - not sure how three days is a row will feel but I follow it with two days of rest!

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