Thursday, September 22, 2011

Last Night's WOD's and a PR

WOD # 1
3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 split jerk
max - 45kg/99lbs (PR)

This was the second WOD I've done with split jerks.  The last time my max. weight was 38kg and I made a note that I could go higher but needed more confidence in the movement.  I still need to work on confidence in the movement but I did go higher.  It's funny - I feel more intimidated going for higher weights (afraid to not succeed) in both a bigger class and with lots of the girls.  With only two guys working out with me (Dom and Ross) and Tim coaching I gave it a go.  I pushed more than I might have - maybe it's because the boys aren't afraid of just dropping the weights, of going beyond their capabilities just to see 'what if' and so I follow suit.  It was an interesting realization for sure.

WOD # 2:
3, 5, 7, 5, 3
KB front squats
box jumps (20/24″)
2:52 (2x10kg/ 20" box)

This was a surprising nice change of pace for a WOD - more legs less arms for a start and also short and fast - lower reps meant you didn't want to break up any of the reps which meant on 7 squats you really could feel the quad burn.  It was still hard - you get to a point where your legs just don't want to work on the box jumps.  I did 20" box jumps - with all jumps (no step-ups) - for the first time.

WOD # 3:
2 minutes of KB swings – score = kgs x reps
16kg x 45 reps = 720

I once again made friends with my yellow KB.  I managed 20 swings straight on the first go which is a best for me - then had a few breaks throughout.  My goal at the start was 40 reps so I was happy to surpass that - was challenging but for 2 minutes you can push through anything.

Last time we did this WOD (August 17th) - I did 10kg x 49 reps = 490.  HUGE improvement.  I love it!

Once again Wednesday was 'boys' night and me... such a different dynamic to having Jeni and Vicki to push me harder on 'girls' nights both fun but also oddly quite different.

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