Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7/10 - back to pistols

First off let's not talk about the unsightly bruises on my legs from last nights cleans or the fact that my collarbone hurts too.  Let also not talk about how it was so cold this morning that we didn't even go outside to run but rather did shuttle sprints inside while still wearing all too many layers (yes, I fully realise that I am in fact Canadian but I'm pretty much acclimatized now and just want the heat).  Also, I really don't want to talk about how this was my last Cooee WOD for the next 4 weeks as I venture back to the Great White North (aka Canada where it is now in fact warmer).

Let's instead talk about how pistols are back.  Yes, it truly is the month of pistols.  But let's also mention how the pistols were the easy part of today's WOD.

Backing up a bit...  a big shipment of KB's came into the box yesterday, lots of pretty shiny ones that obviously are just begging to be used.  Today was also KB day.

Tabata Squats
KB cleans
KB presses
Pistol practice

The tabata squats were evil especially since we had to take our score from the fourth round and then add one more rep to each of the last four rounds even in that meant not finishing until after the rest period had started.  I thought I was doing well maintaining 16 reps for the first four rounds but that meant a further 17-18-19-20 for the last rounds.  Ouch!

We practiced a bunch of KB one arm cleans before moving on to two and then the same for KB presses.  I was once again using the 12kg KB's which were the weight for the final day of the Primal Throwdown and once again they were tough.  I made it though.

Pistol practice was much of the same - using boxes and counterweights (KB's).

8 minute AMRAP
8 pistols
8 KB presses
5/7 (4kg KB for pistols/ 2x12kg KB for presses)

This was a challenging WOD given that I knew how heavy pressing 2x12kg KB's was going to be (thanks SXF!) and also figured I'd struggle with the pistols.  I was surprised.  The presses were still horrible though the pistols felt solid (I think partly because I put my oly shoes on which I haven't been wearing for them lately).  I managed a few unbroken sets of the presses but that was a struggle.  The rounds went as follows 8-5/3-5/3-5/3-8.  I was racing the clock on that last set and didn't want to put them down.  The pistols were quite fluid.  Obviously having the KB to use as balance helped a lot but I still felt pretty good dropping down and bouncing back up.  A few times I hopped around for balance when I stood up but that wasn't often.  I liked it - already seeing the improvement.

It was a good class.  Always fun to jump in a 9:30 - it was all women with Kirst coaching... girl power!  Haha.

Leaving on a jet plane tonight... both excited and avoiding packing - something has to give.  I'm still going to be WOD-ing while I'm away - when I'm not at Crossfit Kitsilano I'll be making up stuff on my own.  I'm also open to WODs being thrown at me - I'll have access to a skipping rope and a set of rings so keep that in mind if you want to punish me somehow.  Also, 100 burpees for time - already on the list... thanks Jack! Ugh!

See you from the other side of the Pacific...

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