Monday, July 16, 2012

7/16 - Winnipeg WOD

Today's WOD was courtesy of Tim's magical programming.  My request was simple - "Need a WOD for tomorrow... no rings yet though... just body weight movements... here's your chance... preferably something a little bit longer..." And what I got in return was a fun little WOD that was mildly painful in the middle but which will likely impact my ability to walk tomorrow.

50m run*

*I added in the 50m sprint in the middle just to a little more work into it.  It felt reasonable until the round of 5 HSPU's and then it started to hurt.  I didn't have anything under my head to scale the HSPU's so I was going as low as I could and then back up but because my head didn't touch anything I was doing these strict rather than kipping which made them that much harder.

For the pistols, I did the scaled version that we've been using at the box.  In this case rather than a 5kg plate I had a piece of wood from the pile.  It didn't weigh much at all but provided enough counter balance/ body positioning for the pistols to be steady - still need to work on more balance.

The lunges were steady and didn't feel them so much today.  Tomorrow I'm sure will be another story.

The sprints were fun, kept my heart rate high throughout and made me take an extra breath or two to compose myself before the HSPU's.

It was a fun little WOD to get my body moving again after three days of rest and sleep.  It feels like all I've done at my parents house so far - sleep and eat and sleep a ton more.  Guess my body needed the recovery.  Managed also to sneak this in before the storm that's coming though it was still quite humid which my body now struggles with.

Just finished typing this out and now I feel like vomitting, thanks Timmy - you did a good job.  Ha.  Also, grass makes me itchy, really itchy.  Shower time.  Feel free to make WOD suggestions in the comments or on my facebook page.  I will try and get to them all over the next few weeks - note that I don't have any equipment except a skipping rope and potentially rings (if I can find a place to hang them at the gorge).

Post-WOD posed photos just for fun...

Pistols - on the way down...

HSPU - this was about the depth I got to

Post-WOD... tired!

Sprint to slide and back - about 50m total

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