Sunday, July 15, 2012

7/11 - Canada WOD and SUP...

Made it back to Canada... after numerous hours on a plane (15!) from Sydney to Vancouver and going (literally) back in time - I arrived in Vancouver 3 hours before I left Sydney - at 8:30am.  By the time I got through customs, grabbed my luggage, hugged Lili and got back to her place and managed to convince her she did in fact have to go to work and that I really needed a shower my day had officially begun.

I ran a few errands (passport renewal, cellphone set up) and made it back in time to change and check out crossfit kits.

Crossfit Kitsilano posts their WODs online ahead of time so you know what you're getting into when you show up - I'm not sure if this is better or worse especially when I was greeted with this:

500m (two laps around building) carrying 5lb (2.5kg) weight in each hand
Lower leg mobility
Handstand practice

5 min HSPU
4 min T2B
3 min Box Jump (20/24)
2 min sprints
1 min burpees

I was quite happy with the HSPU's - I did a block of close to 10 to start then was down to sets of mostly 2 and 3 before a bunch of singles towards the end. I was using an ab mat on a 10lb (5kg) plate.  The T2B were tough after the HSPU's and I'm still struggling with stringing my kip together without stopping to reset.  Definitely something to work on.  The box jumps were steady - I used the 24" box and rested on the top when necessary. We had a 10 second warning at the end of every movement where we could set up to go to the next one and on the box jumps I went right until time expired as I knew I could get more reps jumping than I would doing 25m sprints.  The same applied to the end of the sprints, I finished the rep I was on after the 10 second warning and then moved on to the burpees ready to go at the start of the minute as I knew it would be tough to squeeze in a full sprint during the time.  I was happy to match the number of sprints in each minute as well.  The burpees were hard physically but mentally I knew it was just a minute.  I was aiming for 20 reps but fell a little bit short.  Still happy with what I accomplished.

I really enjoyed this WOD, it was structured differently to what we normally do so that change up was fun though it was still challenging.

After the WOD I walked down to the FCRCC compound at Burrard and met up with Edgar.  I took his SUP out and he took his OC1 and we went and played around - there was a bit of paddling but it was mostly floating and gossiping and watching the men on their time trial.  I didn't fall in which is a bonus given the amount of boat traffic and choppy wake that I'm not used to.  It was fun and a great day to be out on the water.

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