Note to Coach Match - I promise not to complain (much) if you schedule a 5km run as a WOD - at least it wouldn't be sandwiched between 40 body weight deadlifts with 20 burpees thrown in the middle for fun.
work up to body weight (BW) deadlift
40 BW deadlift (60kg)
run to kits beach (2.5km)
20 burpees
run back from kits beach (2.5km)
40 BW deadlift (60kg)
This was the running route:

This is how it broke down...
I managed four sets of 10 for the first round of deadlifts. It took me approximately 3 minutes then I was out the door on the run behind the boys. We all got caught up at the crosswalk and pretty much started the run at the same time. The boys sprinted off and I kept my standard pace. It was tough because I know the seawall route like the back of my hand so I knew where the hills were and the corners and just how far we had to go. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the rings/bars at Kits beach. I started into the burpees right away and kept moving throughout. They sucked - that's pretty much the only description. They took about 2 minutes then I was off and running again.
The blood went into my arms after the burpees so it was tough to transition back into the run especially as almost immediately there was a small steep uphill. I managed to shake out my arms and settle in and head back to the box. Halfway back (near the coast guard station) I saw another guy - James - who was walking. He grabbed some water at the fountain and then caught up and we ran together. It was good as I managed to keep him from walking again and he kept my mind off of how much the run sucked (I'm not a fan of running at all). We walked back up the 4 flights of stairs and this was quite taxing on the legs (and also where I bumped into my friend Calvin and gasped that I couldn't stop because I was crossfitting).
As James and I waited to cross the street and sprint into the box I told James to have a plan - to get right on the bar and at least get a couple of reps done and then rest. I had planned on doing sets of 7 but that didn't happen. I did 8 sets of 5 and was done just under 40 minutes. The run back took me about the same time as it did there as I only have one speed and the last set of deadlifts took about 4 minutes. I was happy to beat the 40 minute mark.
That (unsurprisingly?) was just my warm up however as it was Big Chop night and the reason I spent two days in Vancouver before flying out to see my parents in Winnipeg. I had decided a few weeks ago that I was going to do SUP for the big chop which meant that I could get away with just doing the Little Chop (the short course for the race night). It was hard. I felt every single HSPU I did the night before right from the start. I was on a board that I rented for/from the race and the adjustable paddle was still about 4" or so too long which just made them ache worse. The conditions were quite good - slack-ish tide with some little runners coming back in. The course was sand barge and back and it was a challenge in just keeping moving. My body was tired - a combination of two hard/long crossfit WODs and jet lag catching up with me but it was a lot of fun, I loved being back out in English Bay (my boyfriend) and it was just a great chance to SUP. Bonus that I didn't fall in. I might try and do the Tuesday Night Race in Deep Cove after I'm back from the gorge. We'll see how that goes.
Also, I'm racing - steering - the Gorge OC6 race for VOS, super excited for that. No crossfitting before that though - I'll need my shoulders! Ha.
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