Friday, October 26, 2012

10/25 - iWOD my quads...

Got to the box early and my legs were still achy from the pistols.  Did some rolling out of my quads then jumped on the rower for an easy 500m (who am I choosing to row on my own?).  I did some shoulder mobility with the bands and watched Glen do some handstand practice – he was killing it - and then it was time to start class.

15 burpee box jumps (20”)
row 300m
run 300m
30 deadlifts (20kg bar)

Coach Tim broke us into four groups and we rotated through the exercises above.  It was good though starting on the burpee box jumps was really hard.  My legs weren’t actually working very well on those.  Fun little warm up though followed with a bit more shoulder mobility then getting into the strength portion of the day.

3-3-3 deadlifts

Went light on these again and focusing more on using the correct form and muscle groups and it felt good.  I didn’t want to push it too much with my back still being a bit iffy.  I started at 40-50-60 then did 3 working sets at 70kg.  Not quite my 3RM of 90kg but I was feeling stronger and while I could have gone heavier I figured a bit more time would be good for me.  On my set up I really focus on ‘tucking’ my belly button down and back (yoga speak?) which engages my core and keeps my back aligned.  It’s working for me and also helping to keep my knees out at the same time as my glutes are engaging.

9 mins, on the minute
8 KB thrusters front squats (2x 10kg)
Hand-release push-ups 20” box jumps
Score = number of hand-release push-ups box jumps

This was a really hard one – I didn’t realize it until after that Coach Match (who was helping me figure out a good iWOD without using my shoulder) was actually trying to talk me out of the KB front squats but I did them anyway – the compound work on my legs was an absolute killer BUT… I am stronger for it.  I used 2 KB rather than just one as it lets my shoulder have a bit more flexibility in terms of how it sits in the clean position and then just did squats.  I initially did a few reps with the 12kg KBs but went with the 10kg KBs and this was a very good decision and even at that I almost didn’t make it through the reps at the end – I was doing sets of 4 and they were a little sketchy at that – lots of focus on keeping my back in alignment/ knees out.

The box jumps were only 20” to ensure that I would keep a good pace throughout the WOD.  I almost stacked it a few times because of jelly legs but because the room was fairly quiet (only music, no dropping bars, etc.) it was pretty obvious when I was jumping (loud stomping) and therefore equally obvious when I would stop to breath so I tried to limit the stopping as much as I could.  Talking about it later with Angie she mentioned trying to keep pace with the sound of my jumps so that was cool.  I remember getting 24 reps in the first round and then nowhere near that thereafter – like maybe 10 reps by the end.  Killer. Quad killer.  Needless to say I slept in my compression tights (again) last night – I’m so sex-ay… ha!

Tabata hollow body holds

Hard to keep my legs elevated after the iWOD but gave it my best effort mostly with bent legs.  Definitely felt this one but it’s good to keep working on the (ever elusive) six-pack.

Rolled out quads (agony!)
Glute work with ball

Mostly just a gossip session with Angie with a bit of mobility thrown in to justify our sitting on the floor.  Haha.  It was good – bit of catch up on boys (me) and work (her) and all the other stuff that seemed to just come up.  Afterwards I watched her work through ‘pull-up school’ and come oh-so-very-close-pretty-much-there on an unassisted kipping pull-up.  Total rockstar (have I mentioned she looked beastly strong last night?).  So ya… a good night – especially as we didn’t actually end up leaving the box til almost 7pm even though our class ended at about 5:50.  Oops, good times. 

Taking it easy this weekend – not doing the Classic Paddle as my shoulder is most definitely not up for a 5km SUP race but do plan to do a bit of strength in the Albert Street Garage on Sunday morning though I might still take it a bit lighter depending on what we’re doing (I just put in a request for snatches and clean and jerks but who knows on that one).  Heh.

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