Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/8 - another week...

With aching glutes and tired arms I rode over to crossfit for another session.  During the warm-up it was quite interesting to hear how tired/sore Kayla was as well which I guess in some ways made me feel a little better.  And what better way to work out all the kinks than with a session of crossfit. 

Run 300m
Leg Swings
Shoulder Mobility with bands (always love this one)
In pairs
7 minute AMRAP
30 air squats
30 push-ups
30 bulgarian squats (1 leg on box)
30 strict pull-ups
30 box jumps (20”)
30 burpees

Partnered up with Glen on this one and it was fun though not entirely a partner workout since we had to split the reps evenly and were both working at the same time.  The only thing was that you couldn’t move on to the next movement until you both were done AND the strict pull-ups were done without bands which meant you had to get your partner to help you if you couldn’t do them on your own.  Thankfully (and awesomely) Glen can do these and he got them done fast.  I did two on my own before he gave me a bit ton of assistance pushing my feet up each rep.  It made me laugh – quite funny.  My hand was bleeding before we even started the AMRAP as I had tore off a bit of skin and so after we finished the first round I went to tape up my hand thinking we were done but then Coach Tim told us about the AMRAP part (the white board only said 7 minute cut-off).  So once I got that done we flew through the air squats and push-ups again and then time was up.

We finished up the warm-up working through the clean and press progressions – deadlift, cleans, shoulder to overhead, clean and press.

Clean & press (30/45kg)
KB swings (24/32kg) 
15:02* Rx.5/18kg KB

*There was a 15 minute cut-off to this WOD but I was three reps into the last set of KB swings so finished it off.

I knew going in that this one would be tough on the forearms and that it was going to hurt with the compounded movements.  I am still nursing my back after Thursday night (feeling a bit more sore yesterday too) so I took it easy on the KB swings – was going to go 16kg but the 18kg was right there.  It was tough but I didn’t pull anything and managed to finish it off.

I did 10-10-5 on the clean and presses the first round. And 15-10 on the KB swings.  It got really hard after that.  I think I was on to sets of max. 5 reps on the clean and presses (jerks) and 10 max on the KBs.  Pretty early on I started to clean and jerk the barbell which helped and actually just feels easier for me and definitely saves my shoulders.  Coach Tim came by once or twice and commented about how I had good speed getting under the bar which was nice to hear.  Good reinforcement of technique.  The KB swings really were mostly mental.  As soon as I picked it up I wanted to put it down again and I kept just asking myself why – it wasn’t because I was tired (yet) so I kept swinging really focusing on using my hips knowing that my back needed me to.  I pushed through even as time was winding down.  I was on the 10 KB swings with about a minute left and really wanted to finish so I made a bit of a push – and Bonnie watching/ urging me on really helped.  I did the final set of clean and presses as 3-2 and then picked up the KB right away to get the last swings it.  They weren’t at all pretty but they got done. 

I am so happy I picked a lighter KB so that I could keep working throughout with smaller breaks.  I know that had I gone heavier it would have been a bad day.  Sometimes it’s okay to scale back and we need to all be personally aware of what’s best for our own bodies.

Busy week this week so I’m back at it tonight and tomorrow before 4 days off (which I think will be good for my body). 

Worked on my glutes after the workout - excruciatingly tight. Ouch! And did a little bit on my calves though they weren't nearly as bad as last week.  Interesting as I still feel my hamstrings are tight. 

Still going well as the weekdays too though did enjoy a nice cold beer with dinner last night.  Just felt like it and it was worth it.  Also this weeks challenge of sleep isn’t a big deal for me as 7 hours is easy – it just means I have to be in bed by 11pm (I get up at 6am) – I can’t actually stay awake until 11pm most days anyway so I’m definitely getting 7 hours in, the thing is that 7 hours is not enough- I’m paying the price for staying up to almost 11pm last night and it hurts.  I need at least 8… will work on that one instead. 

Also, a big thanks to everyone who reads this little blog of mine.  Many days I have no idea why you all what to read about every detail that I suffer through during my workouts but I’m humbled to see that you do.  I hit 10,000 page views yesterday and other than random comments from people about things I’ve posted I barely know who any of you are – feel free to say hello in the comments!