Monday, October 29, 2012

10/28 - Sunday Strength

Week two of Sunday strength training at the Albert Street gym (aka Tim’s garage) happened yesterday and it was a lot of awesome.  We focused on the Olympic lifts snatch and clean and jerk and then had some back squats on the menu.

Jack, Tim, Angie and I all warmed up and got set to go – we were sharing a bar so we rotated through sets of 3 snatches with Angie and Jack doing power snatches and Tim and I focusing on squat snatches – my power snatch is currently higher than my squat snatch hence my need to focus on the squat aspect.  Starting at the lower weight into full squat snatches was a good way to go rather than just trying to change the movement when it got heavier. 

3x35 (power)

First off I need to give a huge THANK YOU to Shonelle for letting us use her 15kg women’s bar – the thing is a beauty and I’m pretty sure the reason that lifting seems effortless at the garage.  

Starting at a lower weight was really good to help me focus on dropping under the bar.  I think it was on the 30kg set that the first two reps were a little off (I was splitting my feet wider to compensate) but then on the third I had a better explosion through my hips and got easily under the bar – which Jack commented on – it actually felt easier too – with some much to think of during the movement I need to almost clear my mind and stop thinking or at least figure out what the most crucial aspects are for my focus in order to just do it.  I struggled with 35kg, a lot.  I was getting the bar up and getting under it even I just couldn’t balance it.  Big focus for me has to be OHS’s or at least sitting in the lower position with the bar over my head and just getting comfortable there.

As I mentioned above, my power snatch is stronger than my squat snatch and so after a few tries dropping the squat snatch I power snatched the 35kg, easily.  I then forced myself to try the squat snatch again and was happy to stick two reps though they weren’t at all pretty.

Angie's snatch progression
We took a lot of time on this mostly because we were all sharing one bar and Angie had to run off so she did her pull-up school (she’s so close to getting unassisted pull-ups) and then took off.  Jack had switche to cleans before we were finished snatching as he has some nagging body parts and then he bailed on us leaving just Tim and I to continue on… 

Clean and Jerk 

This was awesome.  I was a little unsure about my shoulder but figured I’d give it a go anyway.  So glad I did.  I power cleaned all the reps and it felt solid.  I remember not too long ago when I could clean 45kg but would have poor technique (feet out wide rather than dropping under it faster) to compensate for the weight.  Not today.  

Started at the weight I’d finished the snatch on and went from there.  After completing the set at 45kg I knew I had 50kg so made the 5kg jump.  My current (squat) clean and jerk PR (1 rep) is 52.5kg (done at the end of our lifting course with Luke).  I mentioned to Tim that I couldn’t remember the last time I’ve done C&J’s (I think they’re actually programmed tonight though!) so the jump was cool and not entirely unexpected as I’ve definitely gotten stronger since last fall (May).  

The reps at 50kg came easily and the last few single reps were purely for the camera… haha.  At the end of the video I posted yesterday I actually said ‘it’s easy’ and it really was.  It felt solid which is why I’m quite excited for tonight as I’m sure I can surpass my previous PR – I managed to squat clean 57.5 (during the oly lifting sessions) but couldn’t jerk it, I’m ready for it now.  I’m excited to see what I can get.

At this point we were a few hours into the day (no time rush clearly) but I wasn’t sure I wanted to do the backsquats at this point – mostly because my quads have been sore for eons and I didn’t really want to hammer them again before starting the week back at Cooee.  After seeing Tim rack his bar and load it up for his first set I knew I was going to do them.  I couldn’t just watch and I’m so glad I did them.

Tim racked the 50kg bar for me (they have two racks which was really convenient) and I started from there knowing that I was already adequately warmed up (from the workout and from the heat of the day – it was about 35°C at that point).

Back Squat
3x65 (PR)
3x70 (PR)
3x75 (PR)

This was the first day that I’ve gone heavy after hurting my back a few weeks ago doing deadlifts.  The biggest change since then has been the focus on activating my glutes which I know will make me stronger.  It’s still something for me to think about – my focus is on tucking my belly button down and back which gets my hips in line and keeps my back straight and strong and in turn activates my glutes (rather than quads and back).  It sounds way more complicated than it is – I think of tucking my belly button and the rest just works.  That’s it.  I love it.

The first few sets felt solid.  My previous 3RM PR was 60kg (my 1RM was 72.5kg from CFT back in September).  Tim started spotting me (or at least being near enough to) when I did the 65kg lifts and it was solid.  I remember him asking me what I was going up to next (2.5 or 5kg jump in essence) and I told him quite clearly that I had 70kg and he nodded as he knew it too.  And I did, no problem, and even better than just getting it I felt strong, I felt tight and was using my glutes and keeping my body upright, definitely all good.  The final set I made the jump again by 5kg both because of how strong I still felt at 70kg and also because I really wanted a new PR (though technically I had a new 3RM PR already).  The 3 reps at 75kg were a bit more sketchy and while Tim was close by for the spot he never had to help me other than his encouraging words in my head telling me to push up.  I could feel though on this set my form going out the window a bit and I was falling forward a bit more so I called it after successfully getting the 3 reps.  I was really stoked about it though – it was really awesome. 


It was a fantastic day and once again thanks to Shonelle for letting us use her bar (though I did use the big bar for the backsquats), thanks to Vini and Jack (and Mark) for letting Angie and I wake them up on Sunday morning to come and workout and mostly to Tim for providing the coaching and support and beast-mode that only inspires us to get stronger and push harder – it’s great to workout with him and setting PR’s isn’t so bad either!

I know there were some photos of me snatching (in my snatch is paleo shirt) but they might be on Angie's phone.  Guess the videos will have to do - and yes, that's my little 'I'm excited' dance after easily CJing 50kg the first time.


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