Monday, December 31, 2012

12/29 & 12/30 - Weekend WOD's, Weekend PR's


Spent the day hanging out with Cam on Saturday, quite filled with fun adventures too - beach time and enjoying the pontoon at South Beach, recording Free Falling with him being amazing on the guitar as I played 4 chords repeatedly on the ukulele and then him taking me through a session of yoga which I haven't done in over a year.  It was jam packed and when he left early in the evening all I wanted was ice cream and so I tried to call in my boys... last minute texts to Vini (heading for dinner with Shonelle) and Tim (wodding with Kosta) got me an invite to Albert Street Garage first.

Tim had mentioned Kosta was on the way over to their place and I should drop by and so I did.  Of course I also brought my shoes because how would I be able to resist WODing?  On my way over I decided I'd just do some power snatching to see where I was at - haven't tried my max in a while.

I just worked my way up to 40kg (PR) which I managed a few reps at and though it wasn't hard it was really messing with my head and I was struggling with it. 

The boys had a crazy WOD planned so I decided I'd do one snatch EMOM for 20 minutes or so - planning to start at 40kg and then drop the weight as time went on.  I managed one rep (I think) at 40kg before dropping down mostly because of the mental barrier.  I stayed at 35kg for the entire 30 minutes.

1 power snatch @ 35kg

Still need to work on this.  I still want to Rx Isabel (30 snatches at 45kg) and while I think I can actually do the weight I need to figure out how to not fear it first.  Time.  It's my goal to accomplish by February.

Afterwards I was rewarded with frozen yogurt (Tutti Fruitti for the win!) and then coffee.  It was a good night and oh, the things I learned chatting with Tim and Kosta.  Ha!


Vini gave me the call up on Saturday to come and play with the big boys again on Sunday (this was before the ice cream text went out).  He had mentioned that Ric was also coming to play (he didn't) but there were 6 of us and it was fun.

We spent about 30* minutes working up to our 1RM C&J (power clean!).  This was fun.  I knew I had previously gotten 60kg though I wasn't sure how much I could power clean nor how the heat was going to effect me - though we didn't start until 6pm it was still over 30 degrees out.  Not much need for  a warmup though Jack took us on a run and we did go through our own stuff before lifting.

*probably closer to an hour since the clock never actually went on but still good

Work up to 1RM C&J
62.5kg PR 

I got a new PR of 62.5kg which I am so happy about.  The power clean wasn't too bad I just have to be quicker on the 'pop' portion of the jerk.  When the weight is heavier I tend to have a pause which doesn't help me at all (opposite actually).  It's easily seen in the video.


After, we split into two groups and did the (horrible, awful, sweaty, long WOD)...

7 rounds
5 thrusters front squats (40/70kg)
40 double unders
8:42 35kg

Jack and I were the first to tackle this.  I managed to stay slightly in front of him because I was doing front squats to his thrusters but on the last round the double unders started failing me - mostly my shoulders were tired from all the lifting and I struggled to get through them.  He beat me by 30 seconds.

The WOD was tough.  If it had only been 5 rounds it wouldn't have been too horrible but going into the 5th round it got really hard.  The push was tough but getting through it was quite satisfying.

Tim, Shonelle and Vini went next - here's a video of part of their WOD.

It was a solid weekend with some good fun at the Albert Street Garage and I'm quite excited for the New Year's Day WODfest.  Vini doesn't know it yet but I'm going to tackle Angie again.  Haha!

Bonus video because I'm amazed and in awe every time I watch him play.

Friday, December 28, 2012

12/28 - So (expletive) hot...

I felt nauseous before this WOD ever began... the box was sauna like and the noon WOD was definitely not the brightest idea I've ever had.  I was in full on sweat mode before the warm-up even started.  Not cool.

After we'd done some shoulder mobilisation - actually while most were still doing this and I had given up on it I grabbed a bar and set up right in front of the fan.  Yup, I was that jerk.  I'm also Canadian and it was freaking hot - yup, I'll use that excuse too.  The WOD looked mean just written on the board... I knew it would be.  And so I present it to you (mostly) in photos...

My reaction to the WOD...

Min 1-5 Power Snatch (30/45kg)
Min 5-10 Clean & Press
Min 10-15 Thrusters Front Squats
Every min 4 Burpee bar hops
99 reps Rx.5

After the cleans my shoulder wasn't exactly happy so I did front squats instead of thrusters. Probably shouldn't have done the presses either but... ego.

Nick and I before the WOD even started... and then somewhere in the middle Andy and Sarah (I think)... or at least at some point but there is photo evidence of that below...


It was awesome having Nick beside me... after the first 5 minutes and 40 power snatches (love!) we were both struggling... a few times I heard him telling me to just pick up the bar - it was motivation for us both and when I moved to the bar from his comments he did the same... it was definitely team work.  There was even a high five in there at some point as we both tried to catch our breath from the burpees before getting back to the bar.  Mid WOD motivation at it's finest...

The burpees sucked, and I like burpees (mostly) these days.

Not a single person uttered these words today...

Or these ones (too hot)...

But these... oh yes, definitely a defining statement of the day...

Mostly because of Bec and her awesome forward thinking... and an inflatable pool...

The Cooee Spa open for sweating post-WOD treatments...

Just missing Bec in this shot.  Big thanks to Bec for bringing the pool by and her (apparent) blowing up skills and Tim for um, supervising? Also to Andy for keeping us all entertained, there was definitely some ab work through all that laughter - back, crack and sac wax anyone?  Oh, and to the rest who decided to comment, yes the water was truly disgusting after we'd all sat in it for over an hour - our hands were all de-calloused and yes, there were bits of skin floating around.  Was it worth it though given the temperature, sauna like workout and burning concrete, definitely.

Friday Funnies...

For my boys Tim and MikeJ...  apparently they show up to this little blog specifically for the funnies and I don't want to let them down so here's a last minute edition for them.

Think I posted this before - still makes me laugh

Just change 2011 to 2012...

Definitely blazing heat here these past few days...

About right...

Remember to hydrate...

12/27 - 8, 10, 12, 14, 16...

Was hot today (again) and the 9:30am WOD wasn't the best idea and yet I was there and ready for it.

Front squat 3rm

Was definitely happy with this one as my previous one rep max was 65kg and though the 60kg felt tough I wanted to give the 65kg a go just to see if I could... Tim was watching me do this and thinks I have more than that.  Awesome.
5 rounds
8 Pull ups
10 HR Pushups
12 Burpees
14 Jump Squats
16 Abmat Situps
14:12 Rx 

Was quite happy to have finished this one as the heat was really getting to me.  I laid on the floor for about 30 minutes afterward and felt like I was hungover.  It wasn't good.

When we were about to start I heard Kayla say - at least do the first 8 (pull-ups) unbroken and I said I can barely do 3 though it turned out she was talking to Chriselle who was beside me on the bar - turns out I can do 8 and having Chriselle beside me really helped me go for it.  Eight unbroken pull-ups, my kip was solid and it definitely helped that my hands weren't hurting.

This WOD was all about moving from each movement to the next.  There really wasn't much time to take breathers and make it before the cut-off.

After the first round the pull-ups were all done as 4-2-2 and then push-ups were at most in two solid sets - usually 6 or 7 then the rest.

On the burpees I had to play mental games with myself telling myself to just do 6 and then at six saying just 3 more.  I did all rounds unbroken but had to definitely talk my way through it.

The jump squats I did a few rounds unbroken and other times stopped briefly just to shake out my legs and keep going.  I almost found stopping harder.  The sit-ups were good, just a steady pace through out before getting back up to the bar.

Definitely a tough one, had to work for it but glad I made it.  Most definitely happy with my pull-ups.

12/25 - 12/26 SUP Lovin'...

Picked up my new toy on Saturday and got it in the ocean on Christmas Day... Merry Christmas to me... it is AMAZING.  It picks up every little bump so easily and glides through the upwind...

On Tuesday Cam and I headed out at Mullaloo Beach with the toys though we didn't realize how windy it was.  We didn't venture far at all, just did some circles really though I was loving the surfing... can't wait to get 'Gonzo' out for a downwinder.  Yup, she's named.  A combo of Gonzo the Great from the muppets and from Hunter S. Thompson's writing...  after playing on her in the surf the name seemed apt.

My older white board also got named after a muppet - it's Beaker, goes well with the voice and I like it.  Thanks Cam!

Since Tuesday was so windy Cam and I decided to give the SUP's another go on Wednesday (Boxing Day).  We ventured to Bicton Baths mid morning presuming it'd be fairly uneventful and just a nice time on the water but once again we were wrong, only I didn't realize this until we'd already reached the Walter Point spit and then had to head back.  Saying it was windy is an understatement...  every time I stopped paddling I instantly started going backward.  There were several times I looked to the shore just to see if I was making any forward progress, I was but slowly...

Cam was a trooper as he's a new SUP paddler and he still made it all the way back.  We stopped at the beach about half way back and I gave him three choices of how we could proceed...

The Options:
-one person could sit with both boards and the other could go and get the car
-he could stay there and I'd paddle back and get the car
-we could both paddle back and get there eventually

He picked the last option thinking the wind was slightly less (because I told him it likely was)... and we made it.  He was doing really well though and has now improved dramatically as a SUPer in all the time into the wind.

My new toy... Gonzo...

12/24 - Christmas Eve WOD

Christmas Eve was the start of a crazy and awesome few days so it's taken me a while to update this little blog...  started off the morning bright and early at the Friends and Family Lululemon sale (thanks Shonelle) and then had coffee with Shonelle and Bren, it was great to stop for a little and savour the (hot) holiday season that was in full swing.  Then it was off to Cooee where this awaited me...

5RM Thruster

I partnered up with Sarah for this and neither of us were too thrilled with the heat or to be working out that morning so we took it pretty easy.  We also partnered up for the WOD...

In pairs:
Thrusters (50/35kg)
Every minute on the minute run 100m (swap)
Jac - 97 (front squats)
Sarah - 79
Total = 176

I did front squats instead of thrusters as my shoulder has been achy again and I don't want to push it.  I did Rx the pull-ups though.  I started on the 'front squats' and got 15 reps out in the first minute so that definitely helped my score.  I was also pretty solid on the pull-ups which I loved.  We were on the bar right near the door which helped to get into the 100m run quickly.  It wasn't a bad WOD and I'm glad I got a workout in before all the ham I'd eat later in the day...

Spent Christmas with Cam's family which was awesome and there was so much yummy food, especially the 7kg ham that Cam cooked up...  AMAZING.  There were definitely some pigishly full bellies and meat sweats happening, so good.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

12/22 - 12 Days of Cooee Christmas

Cooee Christmas WOD

On the 12th Day of Christmas Cooee CrossFit brought to me… (drawn out of the hat)
One weighted lunge (plate)
Two toes to bar
Three cockroaches (each side)
Four KB swings
Five burpees
Six tire jumps (with run to tires at back fence)
Seven squat jumps
Eight push-ups
Nine sit-ups
Ten cockroaches (each side)
Eleven chest to overhead (plate)
Twelve weighted get-ups
… work your way through, just like the song “On The 12th Day of Christmas”

This was a fun WOD.  I'm not sure how many people were there but it was definitely a full house.  A full costumed house.  It was a dress-up WOD and a fun workout with everyone followed up with a paleo potluck down at the beach.

It was also a friends and family WOD... Cam came along and I think he had fun as well (I mean it's not Southern but still...)

Here's proof of his sweatiness (only one tiny dry spot left on his shirt)...

Ok, perhaps I look more tired than him...

Group Shot - Source

Friday, December 21, 2012

Apocalypse Funnies

12/20 - 'Angie'

Met ‘Angie’ last night…

WOD “Angie”
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next
27:15 Rx

Holy crap this was hard. But it’s my own fault.  Let’s back up a few steps.

I requested a chipper from Coach Match on Monday.  Chippers tend to usually get programmed on Friday’s (occasionally Thursdays) but I since I WOD in the evenings (no evening classes on Friday) I tend to miss most of them it seems.  So I requested one.  They are my fave structure even though they usually hurt real bad (aka ‘Angie’).  So, my wish came true, a chipper.  I can only blame myself.

Regarding ‘Angie’… Cam did this WOD a few weeks ago at Southern and it just sounded like something I wanted to try and do as well.  I mentioned it to Tim and said that perhaps we should do it as a pairs workout over the holidays – we both do the full reps but one person works while the other rests (basically because there is only one pull-up rig at the Albert Street Gym).  After last night I no longer feel the need to do this.  But again, I asked for it. 

Let’s recap here:

The Good:
-I Rx-ed the WOD, woo-hoo
-I didn’t tear my hands, woo-hoo
-I didn’t cry or vomit, woo-hoo

The Bad:
-Every single part of my hurts today, ouch

Guess the good far outweighs the bad though my abs really want to argue that point.

The pull-ups… my hands were double taped, or well, taped and then covered – I used my tape straps and then over that had my JAW pull-up grips. This definitely saved my hands from tearing even though they were still quite sore from a week spent hanging off the bars.  At times it felt like I was slipping a bit and so I took the JAW grips off but that made no difference and actually put them back on to make it hurt a little less.  I did bounce around the bars a bit mostly because of the different sizes.  In the second half I also did a bunch with a mixed grip (one hand forward, one backward) which helped me to feel a bit stronger and to get more done.  I started off with sets of 5 but was quite quickly down to ones and twos.  Made it through 100 though.  It took me 12 minutes for the pull-ups.  Not a great time but did it.

The push-ups also sucked.  I did a few sets of 10 then was doing sets of five and then three’s and twos.  I just focused on keeping rest to a minimum and keeping my core tight on the push back up part to keep from caterpillaring (I don’t want to use that other word).  I finished the push-ups right at 19 minutes, so 7 minutes to complete the 100.

The sit-ups were just about focusing and moving.  I did the first 50 then stopped to rest and then I did 10’s the rest of the way with minimal rest.  My abs though were/ are screaming.

The squats after the rest of the work that had been completed weren’t too bad.  I did 20 to start then sets of 10 the rest of the way.  I made sure to focus on depth especially as I got tired (for Kayla!) and afterward asked Coach Tim how they looked especially near the end when he was watching me and he said that my hip was well below my knees.  Yay for improvement.  Glad I did this WOD, happy to get through it relatively unscathed (hello abs, no tears), and to do it all Rx-ed was even better.

Friday Funnies... Christmas Edition!