Thursday, January 19, 2012

1/18 - it's all coming back to me now... and TMI (warning!)

Every single step hurts... it's all coming back - the last time I did (part) of this WOD... my calves kill even with extensive rolling last night both before and after.  I'm wearing little heels today as I can't imagine walking up the stairs here at work with my regular high heels on - yes, my calves are not my friends but it was good - I like this WOD... 

WOD #1
“OPT’s Flight Simulator”
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
of double-unders (or 2 x single-unders)
You must stop between sets and you must do the entire set unbroken before moving to the next set.
20 minute cut off 
35 up

Got to 35 completed on the way up and then struggled for over 10 minutes to try (unsuccessfully) get 40.  Every time I'd get between 25-30 and then trip up.  I only got above 30 once and that was when I got 35.  It's not too bad though as I did a modified version of this WOD (up to a max. of 30) a few months back and that took me about 25 minutes...  It's funny though - I had up to 15 done within a minute.  Shows you how quickly it gets hard. 

I joined the 6pm class when they started this WOD to continue my ladder just because I was determined to get 40 consecutive and since I was fresh(er) I managed it on my first go (Woohoo!) and then I went for 45... again, first try (Sweet!) but then couldn't get 50... not even close.  At about 40-45 I could just feel the ease falling away and my arms crying while my breath burned my lungs.  Yes, it was hard.  I tried about 3 times and then was done, knowing how bad my calves would hate me today.  Was a great WOD though - if you have a skipping rope you should give it a try anytime, anywhere... especially if you're still trying to master DU's.

Feel free to skip this paragraph, especially if you're not female... TMI Time:  I only write this because I've heard others speaking of it but during the last few rounds of the DU's higher sets and perhaps because I was tired and trying to relax everything to get more consistency but there were a few moments of bladder control issues... just a bit but it was there.  And to prove that I'm not alone in this - from the SICFIT Blog...

WOD #2
'deadlift ladder'
every 30 secs complete 1 deadlift,
move onto the next bar which increases by 10kg,
keep moving bars until no longer able to deadlift weight.
90kg (1RM PR!)

This was a lot of fun because there were bars set up all around the room - going up in weight by 10kg so you didn't have to worry about adding weight in between rounds - it took Match almost an hour to set them up but it was worth it...  Just realized that my previous (2RM) PR was 70kg (thought it was 80kg)... didn't think too much about what weight I was lifting last night just went to the next bar and gave it a shot... I'm quite happy with getting 90kg - PR by 20kg! I'll take it.

It's funny that last night I was conveying my current mental struggles to Tim - about how I don't feel like I'm getting stronger or losing weight anymore, I feel stuck - in a plateau but now looking at this - I AM getting stronger...  now I need to work on my head (post coming later on this one).

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