Spent the day hanging out with Cam on Saturday, quite filled with fun adventures too - beach time and enjoying the pontoon at South Beach, recording Free Falling with him being amazing on the guitar as I played 4 chords repeatedly on the ukulele and then him taking me through a session of yoga which I haven't done in over a year. It was jam packed and when he left early in the evening all I wanted was ice cream and so I tried to call in my boys... last minute texts to Vini (heading for dinner with Shonelle) and Tim (wodding with Kosta) got me an invite to Albert Street Garage first.
Tim had mentioned Kosta was on the way over to their place and I should drop by and so I did. Of course I also brought my shoes because how would I be able to resist WODing? On my way over I decided I'd just do some power snatching to see where I was at - haven't tried my max in a while.
I just worked my way up to 40kg (PR) which I managed a few reps at and though it wasn't hard it was really messing with my head and I was struggling with it.
The boys had a crazy WOD planned so I decided I'd do one snatch EMOM for 20 minutes or so - planning to start at 40kg and then drop the weight as time went on. I managed one rep (I think) at 40kg before dropping down mostly because of the mental barrier. I stayed at 35kg for the entire 30 minutes.
1 power snatch @ 35kg
Still need to work on this. I still want to Rx Isabel (30 snatches at 45kg) and while I think I can actually do the weight I need to figure out how to not fear it first. Time. It's my goal to accomplish by February.
Afterwards I was rewarded with frozen yogurt (Tutti Fruitti for the win!) and then coffee. It was a good night and oh, the things I learned chatting with Tim and Kosta. Ha!
Vini gave me the call up on Saturday to come and play with the big boys again on Sunday (this was before the ice cream text went out). He had mentioned that Ric was also coming to play (he didn't) but there were 6 of us and it was fun.
We spent about 30* minutes working up to our 1RM C&J (power clean!). This was fun. I knew I had previously gotten 60kg though I wasn't sure how much I could power clean nor how the heat was going to effect me - though we didn't start until 6pm it was still over 30 degrees out. Not much need for a warmup though Jack took us on a run and we did go through our own stuff before lifting.
*probably closer to an hour since the clock never actually went on but still good
Work up to 1RM C&J
62.5kg PR
I got a new PR of 62.5kg which I am so happy about. The power clean wasn't too bad I just have to be quicker on the 'pop' portion of the jerk. When the weight is heavier I tend to have a pause which doesn't help me at all (opposite actually). It's easily seen in the video.
After, we split into two groups and did the (horrible, awful, sweaty, long WOD)...
7 rounds
40 double unders
8:42 35kg
Jack and I were the first to tackle this. I managed to stay slightly in front of him because I was doing front squats to his thrusters but on the last round the double unders started failing me - mostly my shoulders were tired from all the lifting and I struggled to get through them. He beat me by 30 seconds.
The WOD was tough. If it had only been 5 rounds it wouldn't have been too horrible but going into the 5th round it got really hard. The push was tough but getting through it was quite satisfying.
Tim, Shonelle and Vini went next - here's a video of part of their WOD.
It was a solid weekend with some good fun at the Albert Street Garage and I'm quite excited for the New Year's Day WODfest. Vini doesn't know it yet but I'm going to tackle Angie again. Haha!
Bonus video because I'm amazed and in awe every time I watch him play.