Friday, February 22, 2013

2/21 - Another Day...

Been a busy week with lots of WOD-ing happening but surprisingly, other than a few niggling spots I’m feeling pretty good.  My achilles is still tight from last week though Cam has been helping a bit as has the rolling I’ve been doing – it’s mostly just tight in the morning when I get out of bed and when I was trying to skip on one foot last night in the warm-up but getting there.

Otherwise, I just feel tired – a bit of fatigue rather than any nagging injuries which is a bonus given how big the week has been so far.  Last night was another of those days.

400m run
Bear Complex

I was actually looking forward to most of this WOD other than the chest to overhead as my lats were tired from all the pull-ups and it was fairly heavy.  In the warm-up though I managed three reps and knew it would be hard but most definitely do-able (even if it required split jerks to complete – it did).

50 Double Unders
20 Dead Lifts 60/40kg
20 Burpees (jumping over the bar)
20 Toes to Bar
20 Chest to Over Head 60/40kg
50 Double Unders
8:42 Rx except T2B (subbed v-ups)

This was a good one.  I am happy that it was only one round as that was tiring enough – especially since it was hot still.  I was sweating insanely before we’d even finished the warm-up.  I did the first 47 DU’s unbroken then managed 2, tripping one rep short so finished that off quickly and then onto the deadlifts which I broke into two sets of 10, no problem just focused on good form and not killing myself early on.  The burpees were tiring though steady but harder as they were bar facing rather than the version we’d do at Cooee in which you did the burpee parallel to the bar and then jumped over side ways.  A few times I didn’t get back enough from the bar and was pretty close to hitting my face on it when dropping down.  Oops.

I did one T2B on the bars before realizing that my hands were not going to get through them without some serious damage so I did V-ups which seemed infinitely harder.  My abs were screaming.  The chest to overhead was the hardest part and took me 3 minutes to do.  I started them at 5 minutes in and finished them with 8 minutes on the clock.  Struggle.  It was heavy and I was feeling every single other thing I’d done this week.  I split jerked most of them. I started with a set of 5 then did 5 sets of 3 from then on.  I could really feel my lower back as well in these which I think was partly due to killing my abs in the v-ups.  Definitely a struggle but am happy that I managed to stay with the Rx weight and finish it off.

The last set of DU’s were solid though my lungs were burning and I didn’t get them unbroken, I think I did 30 then stopped once more before finishing off.  I’m happy with my time though considering the amount spent on the chest to overhead.

Calf stretch
Glute stretch
Rolling out – quads/ IT bands, Achilles/ calves

We finished off with a few stretches then meandered upstairs to continue rolling out.  My quads, actually more specifically my IT bands are quite tight so I’m really focused on mobilizing them.  I realized that I’ve ran 7km already this week which is pretty solid overall for me – the non-runner.  So that’s a decent amount.  Cam told me to wait until I was running 20km a week… I’m pretty sure I laughed in his face.  Funny boy.  We’ll see I guess – I just find it so boring.  Anyone have suggestions to alleviate that aspect?


  1. Chuck some sprints in with the running, Jac. Im doing a massive (not) 9km a week and sprints (and good music and running through random streets i haven't been through before) are helping alleviate boredom x - bren

  2. Thanks Bren... 4 of those km last week were sprint type of work in WODs. There's als a big hill by my house that I should start doing repeats on once in a while. And yes, I hear you on the music though I try to avoid it when I'm running with someone - that being said, Cam has a 'zombie run' app on his phone that might also be fun to change things up... ha!
