Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/6 - Paleo Struggles and Future WOD

So a bit of a fail this week. I was planning on going to the box on Tuesday night especially after I’d seen the WOD but I went to the dentist at noon and my mouth was still frozen 4 hours later – given that I hadn’t eaten in 5 hours (a few grapes don’t really count) and on my one attempt to drink water I spit it all back out over my desk so I figured WODing wasn’t the best idea.  I was hungry and grumpy and my sinuses were frozen so I went home to bed.  That being said I am keeping note of the Tuesday WOD to do it maybe this weekend.

Tuesday’s WOD (for future reference)
50 DU’s
10 burpees
40 DU’s
10 burpees
30 DU’s
10 burpees
20 DU’s
10 burpees
10 DU’s
10 burpees

After a good night sleep and making up for all the food I didn’t consume Tuesday afternoon I was back at the box on Wednesday (last night).

200m run
One arm dumbbell strict press
Sit-ups/ rolling sit-ups
Front squats (with dowel)
200m run
Mobility (calves/ triceps)

After a quick 200m run the class was split into three groups, one on each movement for the tabata stuff and we rotated through each movement after 20 seconds.  The 10 seconds rest was our transition time.  We did 4 rounds of this with the sit-ups turning into rolling sit-ups for the second two rounds and the one arm dumbbell strict press alternating arms each time around.  It was a cool format to warm-up and incorporated all the movements that we’d be seeing in the WOD.

5 rounds
100m run
10 thrusters (30/42.5kg)
10 box jumps (18/24”)
10 pull-ups
100m run
18:28 (25kg thrusters/ Rx/ Rx)

This was a tough WOD – 5 rounds is a lot but glad I pushed through it.  I didn’t feel so well at the beginning of the session and so I knew the WOD was going to really hurt.  It’s the first week of me going strict paleo (more below) and my energy levels are low (hello detoxing).  I tried a few 30kg thrusters in the warm-up and while I know I can do them they felt really tiring so I backed off a bit.  This was definitely a good idea.

The runs were okay, I actually looked forward to them as a bit of ‘rest’ from everything else.  Even though we had 200m to run between rounds we had to run the 100m loop twice which is always a challenge when you get back to the start and have to go back out again.  Oh well.  It wasn’t far at least – much better than doing two 400m laps like last week.

The thrusters were the worst part for me.  I haven’t done thrusters in ages and I definitely felt them.  I focused on good form though – knees out on the squat which helped.  I think the first round I went unbroken and then from there I went either 5-5 or 6-4 for the rest. 

The box jumps were okay even though at this point I was still quite winded.  I did them all unbroken and just focused on getting through them as 10 wasn’t a huge number.  The transition I took to the pull-ups though was slow(ish).  I was gasping for air at this point.

I was quite happy with the pull-ups though, even being tired I still managed to do the first 5 of all rounds unbroken then 3-2 to finish off.  When we started I actually hung up a band not knowing if I’d be able to do them all Rx-ed but I did and that was good.


I had good intentions of rolling out my pecs especially however that didn’t happen.  I laid flat on my back trying not to vomit and then when this wasn’t fully working rolled over into child’s pose until I could stand up and make it home in one piece.  Definitely not good. 


Well, first off I’ll fully admit that I had horribly processed nothing like real food from a can soup on Tuesday night.  After over 7 hours of not eating (completely not like me at all) I just wanted something and for some reason soup appealed to me.  Once I could feel my face again I started with some scrambled eggs and fried up  ham but still really wanted soup so I let myself have it.  I needed the calories anyway – so vegetable beef soup it was.  I remember how I used to eat this all the time in the cold winter months but it didn’t really taste good to me anymore, it was nice and warm and easy to consume but really the only thing it had going for it was exactly that – it was convenient.  I am not going to regret it though or feel guilty for it on only the second day of going strict as my body needed it – I wasn’t feeling well from the dentist and needed to get something into my body.

Well, three days in and definitely feeling the lack of sugar but I know this is a good thing and that once I get through this phase I’ll feel good again.  I remember this feeling the first time and it helped talking it through with Pete and realizing that it was merely my body purging through the crap that it was filled with.  It makes me realize too how far I had strayed with what I was consuming too and that there was probably more sugar and crap in my diet that I had noticed.  I spent most of the day craving a flat white, sugar and bread which was in some ways quite funny as I rarely ever ate bread anyway.  It’s good to have Cam on my team here as well as he’s supportive and also good at slapping my hand from anything non-paleo (relatively speaking at least).

Had a solid day though and managed to avoid any temptations even while feeling nauseous before/ after crossfit.  Made a good, reliable dinner that I always enjoy (red thai curry) and that helped.

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