Another 1RM day at the
box and I was looking forward to it. Was
looking even more forward to it when Ali showed up for the 4:30 class and also
again when she mentioned that Tarrsha was also coming. I love working out with these (crazy strong)
gals and they push me so I knew it would be good.
Find 1RM Clean and
63kg PR (power clean
and jerk)
15, 10, 5
Strict Pull Up
Ring Row
Sit Up
Kettlebell Swing 25/16kg
3:43 Rx KB
I stuck to power
cleaning after all the reps of sntaches the day before. Also, my previous PR was a power clean and jerk
(62.5kg) so I knew I could. I just wasn’t
warmed up enough for the snatches (heavy) to feel comfortable. My 1RM front squat is only 65kg – need to
improve that one. And so we rushed
through 20 minutes of cleaning jerking.
The cleans actually felt harder for the most part than the jerks though
there were still times as it got heavier that I doubted my shoulders more than
We did were mostly
going up by 2.5kg as we got heavier and rather than going from 60kg to 62.5kg,
I snuck on an additional 0.5kg (thanks Brendan for that tip the night
before). I knew I didn’t have 65kg in my
after straining my back on the power clean at 60kg but still I really wanted a
PR (after missing it on the snatch the night before). I was actually scared of the power clean on
this lift (wish I had my weight belt actually – it’s ordered) but got it and
then stuck the jerk and was done.
Lifting with Ali and
Tarrsha was great. Ali was super strong
throughout and solid in all her lifts.
Tarrsha struggled a bit with her mental game tonight. It made me realize that (especially with the Olympic
lifts) how important the mental game is.
You have to be very present in the moment with what you’re doing – not thinking
about what comes next but just being comfortable in the movement. All those reps at lighter weight are very
important to allow your body to know the feeling of the movement when the
weight gets heavy or you get a little tired. Repetition counts.
After we did a
little WOD, it didn’t take long at all.
It was meant to be strict pull-ups but my shoulders weren’t going to have
any of that even if it was scaled so I went with ring rows. It was a good decision on my part. I did all reps unbroken which felt good too.
Afterward I did a
ton of mobility on my back and serratus (ouch my abs) and a little on my
shoulders. Need to do lots more of this
too to keep my body going.