Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4/15 – Snatch!

Was definitely looking forward to tonight at the box after finding out what the WOD was –snatching! – though didn’t actually check until after regional tickets were sorted (it was an ordeal but it happened).  I wasn’t sure how my shoulders would hold up as they have been hurting lately, a different hurt though.  I woke up late Sunday night/ Monday morning and wanted to cry because my shoulders were aching so badly.  I’m not sure why but Luke thinks it might just be referred pain from spots on the back of my shoulders being tight.  Regardless I just wanted to heat them up so I covered myself in deep heat and through on a long sleeve shirt – Cam loved the smell… um, nope.  Ha.  A hot shower in the morning also helped as did a constant source of ibuprofen so though they didn’t hurt by the time the WOD rolled around I didn’t exactly trust them.

After a partnered warm-up we had I think 10-12 minutes to work up to our 1 rep attempts.  I did the warm-up partnered with Brendan and we used a 20kg bar which was no issue for me.  I switched to a 15kg bar when we started adding weight (he jumped in with someone else so I had the bar to myself) and did some reps at 25kg then 35kg.  Maybe I made the jump too soon or whatever (though 35kg was my working weight for sets last week in Oly class) but I really struggled with 35kg.  Basically I didn’t make any increase to weight beyond this for the entire time.  I even dropped a few of them – yup, complete misses.

Coach Jono was upstairs on the stationary bike and  was watching me lift.  There was a bit of a nod after my first wonky attempt at 35kg and then a questioning look after I dropped the next.  He wanted to know what was up, I pointed to my head.  He agreed.  I love silent communication.  Cam came by after I’d missed the lift and was trying to talk to me and I gave him the hand, literally.  I did apologize for it – not my finest moment but I was frustrated with myself and trying to sort it out with feedback from Jono which was where all my concentration was at that point. 

I’m not really sure how it progressed from there – after the next lift he actually gave me some words from above (I walked over to him), after a few more shoddy attempts he started to come down to coach me some more.  I was quite appreciative of the feedback especially as this wasn’t his coaching session, he was going about his own training so that was awesome – a bit of one on one on the side.  He stayed watching me for the rest of the class through good and bad lifts, acknowledging the good, encouraging the not so good and telling me when to add weight.  After a few solid attempts at 35 I bumped it up just a little.  37.5kg then 40kg followed by a bigger jump straight to 45kg which I managed to get.  He told me to add more at that point and I did – he asked what my PR was and I said 45.5kg which was why I was going up to 46kg.  I had about 5 attempts at it, a few times getting it high enough but not dropping and other times getting close but just not being able to lock out my arms (need to work on punching through) but never actually got it.  I’m happy with my attempts and how I got back at it even after struggling through at 35kg for so long.  I wasn’t afraid of it and I really wanted it but it just wasn’t my day.  It will be though, and soon.  Makes me want to practice all the more now.  50kg snatch by primal?

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