Friday, April 5, 2013

4/3 - Team WOD

 In Teams  (Lauren, Holly and I)
Row 1 Mile (1.6km)
5000/3500kg Ground to Overhead

Was a fun little WOD tonight that I was quite looking forward to.

Initially wanted to partner up with Tarrsha but turns out the coaches had other plans and made our teams for us.  I was in a threesome with Holly and Lauren.  When we were talking about what weight to load the barbell to they suggested 20-25kg but I wanted to go at least 35kg.  Coach Hayden let us have two bars to do it so they went with 30kg and I went with 35kg and I am glad I did.

Holly started on the row and did just over 500m and then Lauren did the same.  I did almost 600m finishing up and though it hurt I was quite happy that I managed to hold a 1:55 pace on average for the distance while only pulling at a 30 stroke per minute rate.  It didn’t feel hard though still made my lungs burn.

We kept the same order for the ground to overhead – we all did clean and jerks.  Holly started with 5 and then Lauren I think did 8 so I did 7 to round us back to the 5 mark and then from there on out we all did 5’s.  I push jerked all my reps and though they felt hard I didn’t have to stop much for any of them.  I also didn’t find myself overarching my back either which was good.  Definite improvement.  It was a fun one overall and nice to work in teams for a change.

As an aside, my legs – hammies mostly, glutes a litte – are really sore still from Tuesday’s squats.  Definitely means two things – one I need to squat more and two I’m starting to engage the proper muscle groups as in the past it’s been my quads that have always hurt more than my posterior muscles.  Progress.

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