Monday, October 31, 2011

10/31 - choices...

Today was Jack and Tim's 20th birthdays so they each made a WOD, both 20 minute AMRAPs and we had a choice which to do...

The options:

6 box jumps
6 toes to bar
6 squat cleans (40/60kg)
1 clean & jerk
7/12 (24" box, 28kg bar, floor for toes to bar)

10 power snatch (30/50kg)
10 pistols
100m KB farmers carry (24/32kg)

I chose Jack because I preferred the air conditioned box over the humidity outside (farmer carries).

It hurt.  That's pretty much all I can say about it.  Hurt.  Mostly the squat cleans - I could do without squats for a few days - after Murph friday, wall balls saturday and then today.... ouch. 

The box jumps got easier once Match told me to look at the box rather than straight ahead which I was doing - it definitely felt better and I knew just how much effort I needed to put in while having some confidence that I wasn't going to slip off the box and kill my shin (again!).  Still, the 24" height was hard - normally Rx is 20" for girls so this was a good test and I managed to do them all.

Toes to bar was the rest portion of this WOD though with there only being 6 it wasn't much of a rest.  I need to practice these more (on the floor) so get up to actual hanging toes to bar.  Squat cleans were a struggle but I managed them (slooowly!) and the single clean and jerk was oddly fun as it only had to be done once.

I'm not at the box today but I hear the WOD's will be the same and those that were in today just do the opposite.  Nice!

The birthday boys... source

Sunday, October 30, 2011

10/29 - Affiliate Cup Training

Yesterday was our first day of training for the Affiliate Cup which is in two weeks.  Cooee has 4 teams entered - 3 beginner teams and 1 intermediate team.  I'm on one of the beginner teams with Ross, Adam and Lisa though Lisa and Adam were unable to make training. 

Because of the numbers, Ross and I split onto the other two beginner teams which were missing a guy and girl so it all worked out well.  Tim programmed 3 wods for us to do which were perfectly set for all our Murph sore bodies.  One team did each of the WOD's then rotated through - each WOD was 5 minutes in total.

WOD #1
One person works at a time - men's weight 35kg, women's weight 25kg:
1 point per deadlift
2 points per sumo deadlift high pull (SDHP)
3 points per clean and press
4 points for snatch

We alternated between boys and girls and gave warnings when we had one rep to go doing anywhere from 5-10 reps at a time.  Dom did snatches and the rest of us did the clean and press which was a little slower than deadlifting but worth it for the points.  Nobody had any SDHP's (so painful after Murph)

WOD #2
Synchronized wall-balls (mens weight 6kg, women's weight 3kg)
Could only score points for wall-balls if they were in time (from squat through to wall and catch) and also if the two other teammates had their bars locked out overhead (men's weight 40kg, women's 25kg). 

This definitely required a lot of communication between those doing the wall balls and those holding up the bars as you didn't want to waste time resting independently so stopping at the same time was required.  This was also the first time I have ever done wall balls so it was good practice.

WOD #3
Max box jumps
Had to gather plates and stack them up - each team member got points for their max jump.

I managed 12 20kg plates (approx. 2-1/4 inches each) for a total height of 27" jump.  I failed twice at 13 not because I didn't have the height but because I couldn't manage to get both my feet squarely on the plates and stumbled off, the second time scraping my entire shin on the corner which was painful. 

Dom had a good point afterwards when we were talking through the WOD in that we should have had a couple red (5kg) and green (10kg) plates at the ready to add to the blues (20kg) so that we could get a few extra points.  Good to have this knowledge for anything similar in the future.

Apparently there was an "epic" 4th WOD that is now being saved for next weekend because we were all moving slowly after the first three from two pretty intense days. 

A bunch of us went for coffee and breakkie afterwards which was a ton of fun.  It's great bonding with new teams and will make the competition a little less scary as we're all in it together!  Can't wait.

Affiliate Cup
November 12
Kingsway Sporting Complex

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Half finished, half about to start... the crew that did Murph on Friday.  Thanks to Match and Kirst for hosting the bbq after - totally hit the spot!


Friday, October 28, 2011

10/28 - Murph!

Today was Murph!  Since it was (finally!) a public holiday here we only had one workout scheduled though with the sign up it turned into two (8am and 9am start times). 

Murph is one of *the* benchmark Crossfit workouts.  It consists of...

1.6 km (1 mile) run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats

1.6 km (1 mile) run
runs at beginning and end break up the middle however you want.
53:52 (red band only for *all* pull-ups, knees for push-ups)

I felt good having completed this workout - it was a chaotic dance for the 26 of us who did the workout at 8am.  All plans went out the window when bar space was free off I'd go to get in some more pull-ups.  I tried to get these done early in the WOD when bar space was free but after 70 my hands hurt - I'd ripped one of my calluses so grabbing the bar was torture. 

The only plan I stuck to was to bang out reps in sets of 10 at a minimum though when I started to realize that I'd been avoiding the squats I started doing 20- 40 at a time because there was so many.  This wasn't a killer workout but just a steady keep on moving workout...  I didn't really look at the clock that much just kept moving from pull-ups to push-ups to squats to whatever was next.  The runs pretty much sucked - thankfully it wasn't too hot but during the first 600m to the road and back it was disheartening to know you had to retrace those steps before you were done with the 400m stretch behind the building in the middle.  I was just steady on this, one step at a time. 

I'm glad to have finished this WOD - going in that was all I was aiming for - and doing it under an hour was great.  Next time I'd like to go faster and think I'll have a better idea of what I'm in for.

Now, I fix my poor little hands...  ouch!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/26 - a repeat... kinda...

Skills: 6 sets of 10 beat kicks on the bars

This was fun though quite painful on my hands - might need to consider gloves (will be fully determined after Murph on Friday).  Was good practice for kipping and tied back into the 'dish' moves we practiced on Monday.  Really feel the difference when staying strong through the core.  Should help for Friday's Murph (yes, Murph is fully on my mind)  

WOD #2
Squat cleans (45/60kg)
Box jumps (20/24″)
11:02 (18kg, 20" box)

This workout was quite painful after the hill sprints on Tuesday night - definitely could feel my quads screaming at the bottom of the squat cleans.  I started out with 23kg - did the first 21 reps with that but then dropped down to 18kg for the next two rounds.  There really was no point in staying with the higher weight as I was starting to sacrifice form at the bottom of the squat - plus, with Murph on friday...

I did all the box jumps as jumps - no more stepping up for me (yay! progress!) but again, felt the tired/soreness of the previous night.  It was a harder workout than it looked.

Got to the box early and played around on the rings with Jack and Pete.  Their gymnastics certification
 has really bumped up their coaching on these new skills and they were able to give me some things to work on to gain shoulder strength for ring movements. The new movement is to stand with my arms fully extended holding the rings and then lift my arms above my head/ moving my body forward ensure I keep my arms fully straight and the 'dish' form of my body.  Definitely feel it in the shoulders.  The other movement is more ring rows.  I played around a bit trying to get into the ring dip position which I managed to do today (improvement over monday) but still can't lock out my arms.  Practice, practice, practice.

Murph on friday as it's a public holiday here and therefore only morning sessions (8am and 9am due to numbers).  For those that don't know Murph is one of the hero workouts and consists of:

1 mile (1.6km) run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile (1.6km) run

Start and end with the run, the pull-ups, push-ups and squats can be broken down however you wish.  I'm hoping to do the pull-ups with only the red band.  The push-ups will probably be from my knees.  We have the option to scale this but I'm going to do the entire thing - no matter how long it takes - just to prove to myself that I can.  Should be fun!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Funnies...

Perfect Form - Source Unknown

King of the Jungle - Source Unknown
So True! -

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/25 oh my quads... and an awesome run

Felt like I needed to use up a little energy all afternoon so was thinking of making a little WOD for myself at the park near my house for after work.  This is how it went...

WOD #1
5 rounds
run downhill
10 box jumps (approx. 10" wall)
10 dips (on same wall)
run up hill
10 up and overs*

The up and overs were on this little memorial wall - it was above my waist so I had to use my arms to push up like getting out of a pool and then lift my legs over one at a time til both feet were on the bench on the other side then jump back - that was one rep - so 5 on each side each set.  Only one minor injury from this when I decided to scrape my shin on the wall on the way back over on the 4th set.  Ouch!

The hill was insane!  Stole a picture off of google (below) but that's not quite from the bottom - I need to go and take a picture one day.  Anyway, the rest was basically the run down, the box jumps weren't so bad and the dips always good pretty quick leaving not much rest before trudging back up with burning quads.  Hard but I did it which was awesome.

WOD #2

Was only planning on a short run over to the other park where the monkey bars are not surrounded by sand but once I started going I had that free feeling again like last night so I kept going, turning right instead of left.  I followed mostly the same route as a few Saturday's ago though this time I was on my own (and without music**) but still fought the urge to stop and walk.  Actually, I didn't have the urge as strongly this time, it was there but easily pushed aside.  It helped that a fireman I passed said 'nice work, good job' as I passed him so that gave me a little extra bounce at the point where last time I was dying to walk.  It was a pleasant evening for a run, slightly overcast, cool(ish). And most importantly peaceful.

**This was the longest/ farthest I have run in as far as I can remember (ever?) alone WITHOUT music.  When I was training for the half marathon my ipod was almost more important on the packing list than my shoes so that tells you a lot.  I was walking over to the park and I though I should have brought it but wasn't about to turn back to get it and it was actually quiet on my run.  Sure, for the first bit my head was all over the place (usually why I need to drown out my thoughts with music) but today, it got quiet and it was perfect.  Listening to my breathing and the sound of my feet on the pavement.  Perfect. 

The Hill... (not my photo)

Monday, October 24, 2011

10/24 - rocking the 200's

WOD #1
Tabata hollow body (dish sit)

More abs... it took me all last week to stop hurting from the roll-outs on monday, I think I'll feel the same after these - back off the floor engaging upper abs, legs off the floor, toes pointed engaging lower abs - lower back solid on the ground... half way through it was killing but we did them.

WOD #2
5 rounds
10 parallet push-ups
10 second dip hold
200m run
9:48 (knee push-ups, box dips)

This was a very different WOD from what we've typically been doing and inspired by the gymnastics certification that all the coaches did this weekend.  The parallet push-ups were quite hard compared to regular push-ups because we were engaging our lats more than our chest and biceps. Good exercise to engage my (currently non-existent) paddling muscles.  The dip hold was good - I had my knees up as well which wasn't too bad considering it was just 10 seconds.  And the 200m runs...

I rocked the 200m runs today.  I probably wasn't that much faster than usual but they felt good.  Really good.  I've been needing a run I think for a while - something to just push myself with and this was it.  It felt freeing in a sense and making the turn at half way and getting a face full of wind was perfect.  I definitely felt the little bounce in my step.  I liked it.

Afterwards I managed only 3 pull-ups (twice) with the orange band.  Was tired after the WOD.  I also played around on the rings and bit and with coaching from Jack and Tim managed to get up on the rings very briefly with my arms at my sides which is something I have never been able to do before.  I have to remember to focus on pushing straight down when I jump up and then locking my arms out by rotating my wrists outward a little bit.  I'm excited to practice this more - and Tim told me he can't wait until I can do my first muscle-up so there's a little motivation right there to keep on it.  It was a good day - one that I needed.

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21 - Emotional Breakdown...

I'm not ready to write this post yet.  There were frustrations, there were tears, there were feelings of not being good enough and it all hit me at once.  I'm still processing, understanding, reconciling, owning.  It'll take a bit more time I think.  But I broke down - not in a getting stronger way at all.  Today it just was.  I'll accept it, I'll own it, I'll write about it (later) and I'll move on.  For now just the WOD.

WOD #1
4 minutes pull-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes push-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes sit-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes DU's
1 minute rest
4 minutes bear crawl
1 minute rest
4 minutes burpees
294 (48, 70,0,125,12,39)

Used only the red bands for the pull-ups... push-ups from my knees not toes...  sit-ups were major frustration and I'm owning it but also letting it go now... bear crawl hard on the shoulders but not bad with bent knees, burpees were horrible as always... that's it for this WOD, leaving it all behind and getting better, stronger, pushing further next time I'm in the box... moving on.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/19 - TGU's and more KB's

WOD #1
Find your TGU max

Hadn't done TGU's since fundamentals so it was good to review them though they're not my favorite.  I had to use both arms to press the KB on the initial movement but otherwise it was good.  This move messes with my shoulder a bit so I didn't want to try any heavier.  

WOD #2
Run 400m then -
18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 KB clean & press (16/24kg)
3, 6, 9, 12, 15,18 double-unders
Run 400m to finish
11:36 (12 kg KB)

This was fun.  I felt pretty good on the first 400m run though could have done without my shoelace coming undone.  Retied it right before jumping into the KB clean & presses.  My left arm is weaker than my right on these I think partly because I was also favoring my left shoulder (the rotational movement isn't good).  The DU's were consistent and a few of the other girls today also rocked the DU's which was awesome - nice work Vicky and Vicki!  The last run was painful - after the intensity of knocking out 18 DU's it was hard but it was also the end so that helped though once again I could have done without my (other) shoelace coming undone.  Lesson learned, make sure your shoes are double knotted before a WOD!

Another great WOD.

Also - my feet started cramping doing the KB's and DU's.  I think I need to go back to my Asics for a bit rather than my Nike frees or alternate somehow.  I think it's the DU's that do it - this isn't the first time - and I had no problem just running in my Nike's on the weekend.  Hmmm.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Abs still sore...

It's been two days - my abs are still screaming from the roll-outs even with a day of rest.  I told you they were killer. 

Here's a picture of Alex doing the roll-outs the other night - so.much.core.strength...

Photo Credit

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/17 - Oh my abs...

Last nights workout...  

WOD #1
5, 5, 5, 5, 5 back squats
max. 50kg

This was good.  Felt better when I took my Nike frees off and was just in my sock feet - more solid at the bottom of the squat.  Could have tried 55kg (would have been hard) but since we had more squats in the WOD I didn't want to push it.

WOD #2
AMRAP 10 -
10 OHS (30/45kg)
10 roll-outs
10 burpee bar hops
3/29 (18kg OHS)

Match is (slightly) evil (which is a complete term of endearment from me).  We had been talking about how "good" roll-outs were last week - and by "good" we meant absolutely insane ab workout so he added them this week.  I can definitely feel my abs screaming this morning.  This workout was fun and challenging.  The overhead squats allowed me a little practice on my snatch movement and really made me focus on good form especially when tired - full depth was tough but with concentration entirely do-able.  The roll-outs where easier when we did them last but still hurt.  I picked a line on the floor and made sure to get that distance each time.  The burpee bar hops weren't so bad either (gasp!)...  I kept it steady though I am a little upset with myself for not getting the last one in of the 4th set.  I heard Match's voice and assumed he was signally 'time's up' but we still had 6 seconds left - I paused and then heard the beep - there was time to do it but I didn't get it.  Next time I know - go til the beep or the music stops.  My fault.

Also worked on pull-ups before and after the WOD - have dropped another band - now only using orange and getting 5 consecutive kipping pull-ups. SWEET!  So excited.  Can't wait for the next WOD with pull-ups (probably coming Wednesday or Friday!)

Post WOD - My (new) favorite shirt

Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday WOD

So Saturday was a great morning... met up with a cute (and very fit) boy Rob and goofed around doing handstand walks (very hard uphill)...  then we he made up a mini-wod at the park...

WOD #1
5 rounds
5 pull-ups (on the low monkey bars)
10 dips
20 box jumps*

I did jumping pull-ups because I am still working up to unassisted but it was still good.  We did 1.5 rounds of box jumps before our bench started to get sketchy (it was already falling apart) so we switched to a sprint around this tree instead.  It was a lot of fun though I was still easily caught as I sprinted my hardest on the last run.  Enjoyed just being silly with it though.

WOD #2
45ish minute run

I heard the question I was dreading the most - want to go for a run? Heh.  Reluctantly I said yes and I'm so glad I did.  Rob was good with going at my (sloooow) pace and letting me lead though I really had no idea where I was going. He was surprised when I kept heading right instead of left - getting further away from home knowing I still have to run back.  For the first little bit it was good as we had roads to cross which gave me a little breather as we got to stop briefly but then I ushered us down a road with no lights for which to stop at.  Ugh!  I struggled mentally a little, just wanting to stop (for no reason really) but Rob kept me going telling me to stop thinking about it and distracting me with stories.  We ran along the train tracks by the Roundhouse and then I had a "brilliant" idea - at least with regards to getting a breather - we ran through the park which has this wicked rope climbing structure at the playground.  I climbed to the top while Rob watched me, quite amused (as far as I could tell) from the bottom.  It was awesome indulging my inner child though it was brief and then I was forced to run again. Haha.  Finished with a sprint up the last block (just for Kimberley) and then made it home for coffee on the porch.  Perfect.

It was a good run - maybe 45 minutes in all and I ran it consistently (except for crossing the streets and park detour) which for me is a big thing as I usually run/walk when on my own.  I enjoyed having Rob there to distract me with stories and pushing me with his fitness that kept me running (there was no way I was going to stop with him there).   I would workout with him any day even though he kicks my ass in everything - he is very encouraging and I don't get left behind - it makes me strive harder and I'm better for it, stronger.

It was quite a sweaty run and I'm not sure how I'm going to survive working out in the heat all summer - maybe I'll be acclimatized to it by then if I continue slowly getting used to it.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Funny...

10/14 - More Shoulders...

Today was another heavy shoulder say at the box...

First up was ring/box dips.  So hard...  I can do the box dips (between two boxes, legs bent) but my arms felt so tired still from Wednesday's WOD.  Attempted to get on the rings but can't straighten my arms once my feet leave the ground.  Something to work on.

WOD #2
5 rounds
10 pushups (competition style - hands off the ground in between each rep)
5 ring dips or 10 box dips
10 thrusters (45/30kg Rx)
12:01 pushups on toes,  box dips, 23kg thrusters

This was hard.  Lots of shoulders.  I broke both the pushups and the thrusters into sets of 5.  Pushed through all 10 box dips in one go.  It was the first time doing thrusters where my legs weren't the limiting factor but rather my arms.  23kg felt heavy today but realized that if you get good upward momentum from the squat it helps get the bar overhead.  Lots of legs involved.  Not sure what tomorrow's WOD's are going to bring by my shoulders definitely could use a few days of rest. 

Playing afterwards I did another (easy) 5 kipping pull-ups with just the red band.  Then another set of 4.  I'm feeling stronger.  Goal is to have one unassisted pull-up by mid-November.  Match also challenged me to get 3 consecutive unassisted  by Christmas.  I can do it!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sometimes it's just mental... aka What I Learned at Crossfit Tonight

Sometimes it’s just mental.  Motivation over struggle, determination over pain.  This is what I learned tonight.  I knew my shoulders were going to burn, could tell just by looking at the board – overhead weighted situps, 200m weighted overhead walk – back to back – three times each?  Crazy.   My muscles were crying before it even started but I was focused.  Less than 10 minutes, that’s all it’d be.  10 minutes of time – penalties for putting the weight down – I wouldn’t have it.  The burn started on the first set – out the door to start the walk – trying to find a comfortable position holding the plate overhead – 5kg – walk faster, no running – each step one more closer to being finished, to dropping the weight.  To the fence, turn around – half way there – Dom close on my heels – keep in front.  Kirst was waiting as we got back to the door – did you put it down she asked – no way!  And the determination set in a little bit more.  I didn’t and I won’t. 

Round 2 – I realized I was counting my steps – for no reason – one, two, twenty, thirty, one hundred – still going.  Turnaround.  Starting over – one, two…  Slight movements in my arms – a little bit farther back, slightly bent, locked.  Small adjustments to ease the pain.  Mental.  Fighting through the ache – the tension.  Back to the box, success.

Round 3 – More counting – more focus.  Concrete.  Cars.  With each breath I wanted to drop the plate but I didn’t want to lose time, didn’t want to stop moving forward.  Everything within me wanted that final round to be unbroken, every fibre of every muscle screaming, but just a few more steps, everyone closer to the end.  Think positive – think proud.  Resolved.

I made it through all three rounds – 600m of intensity, throbbing shoulders, stronger shoulders.  And it wasn’t the weight that made them stronger tonight, it was my mind.  Resolute, unwavering.  Mental strength.  Sometimes it is just mental.

*I find there are two ways to look at a situation - from either a positive or a negative viewpoint.  If you look at things from a negative viewpoint you're already giving up.  You've already set yourself up for failure.  If you focus on the positive - on seeking a new, different way of approaching things you can battle through it - your mind can win out.  If you tell yourself you're going to do something you will.  You can tell yourself you're going to succeed or you can tell yourself you're going to fail.  What are you going to tell yourself today? 

also worth checking out - Crossfit Journal - Training the Mind


Today was a tough day on the shoulders, not for weight but rather for fatigue...  lots of overhead weight holding.

WOD #1
5 x 3 deadlifts
60kg final weight

I didn't really know what I'd be able to do here.  I can do more than 60kg but as that was already my 6th attempt I didn't go higher.  Next time I need to be confident enough to start higher.  I really liked the alternate grip (one hand forward the other backward) and could really feel a difference at the higher weight - something to keep in mind for next time.

WOD # 2:
3 rounds for time -
20 KB circles (24/32kg)
20 overhead bumper sit-ups
200m overhead bumper carry – on the spot, 5 air squat penalty for every time you put it down!
 9:35 (20kg KB, 5kg plate)

This was all about the shoulders - especially with the penalty for putting the plate down on the 200m walk (strict walk, no running allowed).  I was determined to not put the plate down at all which was a crazy struggle on round 3 but more mental than anything - another post about that coming up.

A few times I lost my momentum on the KB circles, was constant on the weighted situps and determined on the 200m walks.  I enjoyed this workout.

Afterward I was just playing around.  Did a handstand walk to the first wooden strip in the box but knew I wasn't going to get much more.  I'm pretty solid though now and can stay up on my hands but still need to work on generating forward momentum when I get stuck vertically.

Also did some pull-ups to practice kipping.  I used the red band and managed 5 consecutive pull-ups which was awesome as I have now jumped from using a combo of blue/orange to just red though they're tough.  Practice, practice!  I love new skills and seeing progress.

It was also fun just being Dom and I - quiet/calm workout. 

Dom and I doing KB circles - Photo Credit

Monday, October 10, 2011

10/10 - Shoulders and DU's

Pre-WOD - 100's workout
DU's for time

New PR - 32 DU's in a row, up from 26 on Saturday.  It's nice to have this skill now - makes the WOD's with the lower reps of DU's easier to bang out. Such as...

WOD #1
5 x 3 reps shoulder press

In hindsight I should have gone from 28kg to 30.5kg but the 28kg didn't feel so bad and since my brain still works in pounds bumping up by '5' didn't seem like such I big deal - it was (equivalent of 10ish pound)... I got 2.5 reps but couldn't get that last bit - I was determined to try again though before decreasing the weight and this was my downfall.  I have no doubt I could get 30.5kg if I hadn't struggled with the 33.  Next time it's all mine!  Regardless - new PR.  It's funny too - you really just want to add that little hitch into the press to get it up but since they were strict shoulder presses you couldn't - Dom had a good chuckle a couple of times when my feet were wanting to come off the ground.

WOD #2
3 rounds for time
10 push presses (45/30kg Rx)
20 DU's
200m run
6:57 (28kg push presses)

Match told me that I'd be able to do 28kg "no problem" as I'd done it on the strict shoulder presses.  He recommended either 23kg (more of a sprint) or 28kg (more of a struggle - my words).  I chose to go heavier as the 200m runs would slow me down anyway (still not a fast runner - ugh!).  It was hard - I got the first 10 push presses and nailed the DU's (20 in a row!) to catch up to Ross out the door - Ross is tall - Ross has loooong strides - Ross pulled away from me on every step - Ross is (thankfully) on my team for the Affiliate Cup.  200m was just long enough to be painful and realize how tired my shoulders were starting to feel before hitting it all over again.  Sets 2 and 3 I did 2x5 reps of the push presses - still pretty solid for that weight.  Struggled a bit on the DU's but still managed good chunks at a time which is awesome (see Pre-WOD above!)

WOD #3
100 sit ups for time

We did the last week or the one before and I got 2:53 so I was aiming to be faster.  I was sharing a mat with Match and he went out super fast - I was thinking it was crazy - that there's no way I could keep up and that he'd smash the time but he struggled halfway through - he also did the workout once already today.  I kept that steady pace, hit halfway about 1:25 and then sprinted the last 20 to try and beat the clock.  Still hurts but I swear I have some pretty solid abs hiding somewhere.

Today was good but I'm ready for more, recovered after doing nothing yesterday which felt good... yes, this is an addiction.  A pretty positive addiction.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday WOD at the park

Today was partner workouts and it was a TON of fun.

Match put us through the warm-up which included three (short) runs up the hill forwards and down backwards followed by two up the hill backwards (tough) and down forwards.  Little did any of us (including Match) know at the time that this was foreshadowing what was to come.

WOD #1
AMRAP 10 (partners with Shonelle)
person 1 - sprint up and down the hill
person 2 - bear crawl up the hill, sprint down
person 1 - backwards run up the hill, sprint down
person 2 - repeat from beginning
Each up and down counts as 1 rep.
11 reps

This was *not* the same hill as the warm up.  This was the hill on the far side of the field - make that two hills as there was a flat in the middle that we kept on going beyond.  It was tough.  The transition from both the bear crawls and the backwards running into the forward sprint was tricky.  Legs feeling like jello, momentum pulling you down the hill almost faster than your legs could move.  Fortunately there were no wipeouts.

WOD #2
Same Partners - broken down as you choose
Run around all lightposts on the field and then onto the cricket pitch
once both partners have completed the run:
80 double unders
150 KB swings (we had 6kg)
100 sit ups
sprint to wall
75 box jumps
50 dips
25 burpees

Shonelle and I rocked this workout and it was a lot of fun.  We were next to last coming in on the run as I'm slow and were immediately into the double unders - Shonelle knocked off a quick 20 then I was up.  I PRed by getting the next 26 in a row - I was determined. We killed the DU's a great skill to have mastered.  The kettleball swings were next, we were consistent - it was hard to go too fast with these but we were solid - granted we had a 6kg kettlebell which was nice and light.  Before we knew it we were on to the situps.

I was convinced we'd fly through these as last week we had a WOD with 100 sit ups for time and Shonelle and I were steady and solid.  Today it worked well as we broke it down into 10 each and the switches were seamless.  All out sprint to the wall - we were the first there passing Match and Vinnie on the situps but they weren't far behind and I knew Match would have us in his sights.  Shonelle made the box jumps look easy as I struggled through again 10 at a time - halfway through Shonelle thankfully pulled off an extra 5 at my request so I had a bit more rest.  Dips were pretty easy and then Tim clarified the number of burpees we had to do to finish (he had initially told us 10) - but it was actually 25.  Knowing it was the last movement we blasted through and were finished in second place.

It was truly a pairs workout - one person working the other supporting, encouraging, counting and a great start to Saturday.  Thanks Shonelle for being a wicked partner and Tim for putting together an awesome WOD.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Morning Clean and Jerks...

This mornings skill was Clean and Jerks adding to the hang cleans and squat cleans that we've focused on this week.  Tim did a great job on the skill portion walking us through the movements one step at a time into hang cleans, then squat cleans and finally split jerks.  It was fun to do these movements with a lighter bar (18kg) though my chin paid the price for it a few times.  Ouch.

The (sleepy and sunshine-y) warmup was a bit more challenging - Tim had us 'skip' the 400 meters that we would typically jog - I got a little tripped up in the corners and my shoulders were sore/ tired but it was an interesting change up.  I did however wish we were just jogging (and chatting - harder to chat while needing so much concentration).

1 hang clean
1 squat clean
2 hang clean
2 squat clean
3... etc.
On every minute 3 burpees
Score is number of rounds and reps
9/0 (18kg - Rx)

This a fun WOD... I think I got part way into 5 rounds in the first minute but then throw in the burpees and the increasing number of reps and it wasn't even possible to complete a full round per minute.  I enjoyed Rx-ing at a lower weight today though - allowed for strong focus on the movement and my tired quads from Wednesday's WOD and yoga needed the scale back.

Afterwards I interviewed Tim for a piece I'm going to submit to the Crossfit Games 2012 team to (hopefully) be selected to write for them leading up to the games.  Now I need to focus on writing the piece - goal for this weekend.  Fingers crossed they pick me.

Tomorrow WOD in  the park - Tim is coaching and while I begged for no burpess I have a feeling that it means that we will most definitely have to do some burpees.  Sunday is most definitely for rest.  My body needs it.


Crossfit Austin Rule

I would have failed at this this morning when I said I can't lift my elbows any higher (which is actually true, it's just inflexibility!)


Went to Bikram yoga last night for the first time.  I've done plenty of Moksha hot yoga but this was my first introduction to Bikram - I'd only ever heard that they were quite strict - militant almost but this was my chance to check it out.

It was quite a full class and while the studio was nice it didn't measure up to my expectations from Moksha.  The studio had a carpeted flooring (like a gymnastics floor) that made me question just how much sweat from other people it contained.  I much prefer the hardwood that I know gets cleaned before each class.

The class was pretty full and I lined myself up in the third row - knowing I was fully familiar with most of the postures but realizing that it's been almost a year since I've done a class.  It hurt.  PRing on squat cleans the day before going to a yoga class for the first time in ages is not something I'd recommend.  I could feel the ache in my legs but my crossfitter mind was not stopping for anything even with all the sweat and struggle.

I made it through class but found at times that my breathing was quite off.  I struggled with the initial movements that focused on breathing at the start of class - different movement than pranayama breathing that we did a Moksha so I was more focused on what the movement was (there wasn't any explanation from the instructor) rather than on what my breath was doing.  Lacking this initial focus was a huge deal as it set the tone for the rest of my practice.

I enjoyed the sweat and being in the hot room but I felt that I didn't get the typical relaxed, internalized practice that I did with Moksha.  The instruction was very chipping in tone and constant 'go, go, go' so I wasn't listening as much to my body.  Given that there are no other alternatives for hot yoga in Perth I'd probably go back but I'll always love my Moksha more - time for a studio here.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rx!!! and more 100's

 My second ever Rx-ed workout was tonight...  squat cleans and double unders but we'll get to that...

Met up with Jack, Match and Pete for some skills work this afternoon - a regularly scheduled 4pm time to practice - it's hard sometimes for me to get there from work that early but I do like working out with the boys even if I can't always do what they're doing.  Like last night for instance.  They were working on 'skin the cat' (poor name), iron crosses and muscle ups.  Now I only know a little about these moves - from Match helping me do one 'skin the cat' on Monday (I can't get my legs over but I can get back unassisted), from seeing Tim do iron crosses at gymnastics and him showing me the grip and initial movements on a muscle up.  I just don't have the strength yet to do any of them.  That being said - even attempting the movements/ scaling them help me to get better.  It gives me things to focus on.  Now if the box had a set of rings facing the wall that would allow me to walk up part of the way before flipping over for 'skin the cat' it'd be a bonus.  I think I need to get to those monkey bars near my house.

During this time I also practiced my pull-ups (a goal still to get an unassisted pull-up).  I was getting single reps with only the red band which is a huge improvement from the last WOD where I was using blue and orange.  I know I can't yet do a WOD with just the red band but if I keep doing a few when I can it will help.  Also, Jack took some time to coach me on how to 'kip' so that will also help - something for me to definitely practice.  My hands are getting tough from all this bar work.

The focus for today was Squat Cleans so we spent some good time going through the range of motion (rom).  I struggled a bit with connecting the clean to the squat which ensuring that I was fully extending.  It's just a lot more to focus on even though I don't have a problem with the rom for just the clean (one of my favorites). 

WOD #1
3 rounds for time -
5 squat cleans (30/45kg)
10 double unders
5 squat cleans
20 double unders
9:10 Rx

Initially I put 28 on the bar again as this was what I had for the cleans on Monday.  It felt a little hard but Tim gave me a little nudge that I looked great and another 2kg was really nothing.  It was most definitely something.  The squat cleans are what slowed me down in this WOD.  I rocked the DU's - I like the lower numbers and managed some sets unbroken including stringing together the last 20 unbroken.  It was a nice change to my previous DU struggles.  My technique on the squat cleans wasn't great and even though Tim was trying to be a good coach it became a bit much and frustrating - too many parts to focus on be corrected all at once.  It was good to drop the weight and spend more time afterwards focusing again on the technique which when explained in different terms by Jack made more sense to me - I think it definitely helped that Jack coached the cleans on Monday so knew my weaknesses there and could help break that down again.  The three of us all learned a lot I think about the movement, explaining the movement, what is beneficial in the middle of a WOD and what terms work better (how to fix rather than stating what is wrong, etc.) so I think this was a huge benefit.  We're all different and respond differently so talking through things is definitely good.

Afterwards (since I did the 5:15 workout rather than 6pm), Jack and I did a 100's workout.  We chose to do dips - I did mine with my hands on the edge of a box and he did his on the rings.

WOD #2
100 dips for time

The first 25 weren't too bad - about 40 seconds to complete them then they got hard with my sets dropping to 15, then a lot of 10's a few 5's then 5-7's to finish it off.  At one point when I had done 60-70 I laughed as I almost slipped off with one arm just buckling. My triceps don't feel to bad this morning (yet!) but I know they will.

Jack is absolutely awesome - he pushed hard to get 100 ring dips done.  I was sure he was going to max out at 50 as he was doing sets of 2 at a time after about 30 but he kept on pushing.  Truly inspiring.  At 53 reps I called a 'no rep' on him which he graciously accepted after all - the point of the 100's is to solidify a movement with correct range of motion.  To teach your body what that range is when it's extremely tired and wants to cheat.  The reminder of the set seemed to increase his determination.  It was also impressive during the last 4 minutes.  He had 16 reps left.  4 per minute.  20 minute cut-off.  I could see him eying the clock - skeptical.  Unsure if he was going to make it.  Quick break for water - 3 minutes, 15 reps.  He pushed out 2 in a row, another, another.  A failed attempt, back at it.  One more.  40 seconds left - 3 reps to go.  Eyes locked on the ticking seconds.  One rep.  Rest.  Hands on the rings, one more.  Break.  He was racing the clock with everything in him - digging deep for the 100th dip.  Hands on the rings, full extension, dip down, arms at 90, big kick, huge grunt and push.  Full extension for the last time.  19:56.  He did it.  Success.  Accomplishment.  He got better today.  A lot better.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Crossfit is an addiction - it slowly roots itself within us and we can't see ourselves doing it any other way.  We choose the challenges and struggles, the intensity and vomit inducing WOD's.  It's not just a workout it's a way of life.  A part of us.  Crossfit changes us, it changes our lives and we want to share that with everyone around us - preach our WOD ways and convert everyone we know.  There are however things we shouldn't say as part of this conversion (a little humour this morning)

Source Unknown

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hundreds and Cleans...

One of the coaches Jack just outlined his new focus (here) part of which included the 'hundred' workouts.  The idea is doing 100 reps of 'something' for time to improve the movement which I think works well as the focus on proper technique as you begin to get tired is what reinforces that movement.  So, I decided to try and join him for these/ do them on my own in areas that I need improvement.

Last night was the first night of these - I didn't know what I was going to do when I arrived at the box but figured I'd do pull-ups or box jumps depending on the workout but after chatting with Match and him demonstrating/ assisting me to try one 'skin the cat' I decided that I should work on toes to bar (or in my current case knees to chest).  I really struggle with this movement and need to focus on engaging my core.  I did 100 reps - the first 10 were together then some groups of 5 but then down to reps of 3's.  It was not only hard on my abs it was also hard on my hands.  I got through them all in a time of 11:10 (first 50 were just over 4 minutes so I dropped off time wise in the second half).  I didn't feel too bad yesterday but today my abs are sore.

I like the idea of the 100's so I'm going to continue.  I started a list of these workouts on my PR page that I'm going to try and get done over the coming weeks.  Thanks Jack for the inspiration!

We also started a new 4 week cycle at the box where Match will focus on the training breaking it up into one week each of skills, strength, power and endurance/ recovery.  This week was skills - cleans for the first 20 minutes of the workout - focusing on good technique doing reps with 18kg.  It felt pretty good and I need mostly to focus on keeping the bar close to my body especially when I'm putting it back down.

WOD #1
5 rounds for time -
8 power cleans (30/45kg)
9 burpee bar hops
10 box jumps
11:59 (23kg, 20" box)

I used 28kg for the cleans which I was a bit hesitant about at first but worked really well.  I was doing 2 sets of 4 for the last couple of rounds which was good.  In focusing on keeping the bar close to my body on the way down I managed to both drop it on my knee at one point and also scrape it down my shin at another - crossfit battle wounds.  Edit - nice bruises on *both* knees, scrape down my shin and other ‘marks’ on my thigh… heh

The burpees really sucked as they always do - 100 burpee workout is definitely on my list, maybe that will help.

The box jumps were (almost) fun.  They are getting better at least.  I was racing the clock on the last round - trying to get in before 12 minutes when I slipped on one of the jumps - only one foot made it to the top.  I thought at that point that I wouldn't make it but I pushed through the last 6 which killed and I did it with a second to spare.  Afterwards though I was really overheating and had to go sit outside.  I am going to melt this summer!

It was a fun workout - I'm liking the focused pieces as well.  I think we can all benefit from good technique and all need to be reminded of it at times so this 'cycle' will be a good thing to reinforce this.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Jac-Jack WOD - Saturday in the Park

Another Saturday Crossfit session at City Beach.  Tim was supposed to be coaching and we'd met earlier in the week to discuss the WOD that I'd made up (see post below).  I got woken up by a text at midnight the night before from him telling me that Jack would be coaching as Tim couldn't make it.

Started off the WOD with a good warm-up.  Jack was great at taking charge and clearly explaining things to the group many of whom were new to Crossfit.  He however followed this by a nasty sprint to the corner of the field, up the hill, around two trees and back.  I knew that this was to set the groups but it hurt all the same.

WOD #2 (groups of 4)
all 4 - walking lunges from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 air squats (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - backwards crab walk from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 tricep dips on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
all 4 - burpee broad jumps from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 box jumps on the wall (as a team) shared however you want
everyone runs back to the cricket pitch (teams stay together)
in pairs - wheelbarrow from the cricket pitch to the playground wall
150 pushups (as a team) shared however you want - Didn't do these

Decided to move the start halfway to the wall (rather than from the cricket pitch which was quite far).  I don't really know how it happened but it seemed that the first group asked for/ started doing the 150 reps as a group rather than one person working at a time.  It was okay as people were getting a workout but it was also a little disappointing as the camaraderie  that I was hoping for in the groups changed - rather than 3 people encouraging/ cheering for one person everyone was just going about their business so that was a bit of a fail.  On the plus side however everyone thought it was quite hard and had a good time I think working through it.

Personally, I struggled with the backward crab walk - it really out a strain on my shoulder - I think the weight and the angle more than anything as I had no problem with bear crawls and the wheelbarrow - which I walked all of (stopping only once halfway).  I also jumped the box jumps on the wall which is an improvement over previous workouts.

WOD #3 (groups of 4)
40 reps (each person) sit up med ball pass in teams

There were no medicine balls for this as Jack didn't get a chance to pick them up so we just did high fives which worked equally as well and was quite fun as you could hear the other teams counting so it was a little competitive.  I liked this one.

WOD #4
4 minute AMRAP
run/weave around 5 trees
then 1 situp, 1 pushup, 1 squat
2 situps, 2 pushups, 2 squates
3...  keep going
at 2 minutes run/weave around 5 trees  and continue reps

I got 8/ 8 (8 full rounds plus 8 pushups)

Was fun though the first all out sprint around the trees with everyone going at once was a little chaotic - fun, but chaotic.

It was a good day, great WOD's.  Interesting knowing what's coming and that it was me who was challenging all the people who chose to come out that day.  I'm glad it wasn't until the end that Match told people that I'd made up the workout - and it was good that I did it so that people couldn't hate me for it... haha.

Afterwards, we were an attractive bunch (tongues out) for the group photo.

Photo Credit