Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21 - Emotional Breakdown...

I'm not ready to write this post yet.  There were frustrations, there were tears, there were feelings of not being good enough and it all hit me at once.  I'm still processing, understanding, reconciling, owning.  It'll take a bit more time I think.  But I broke down - not in a getting stronger way at all.  Today it just was.  I'll accept it, I'll own it, I'll write about it (later) and I'll move on.  For now just the WOD.

WOD #1
4 minutes pull-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes push-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes sit-ups
1 minute rest
4 minutes DU's
1 minute rest
4 minutes bear crawl
1 minute rest
4 minutes burpees
294 (48, 70,0,125,12,39)

Used only the red bands for the pull-ups... push-ups from my knees not toes...  sit-ups were major frustration and I'm owning it but also letting it go now... bear crawl hard on the shoulders but not bad with bent knees, burpees were horrible as always... that's it for this WOD, leaving it all behind and getting better, stronger, pushing further next time I'm in the box... moving on.

1 comment:

  1. We've all been there. believe me. looks like it hit you after the push ups... but you came back strong on the last few movements, that's what it's all about. This 'struggle' would benefit you far greater in the long term than the workout itself. If you're able to shake it off and come back next time even stronger, then you're winning!
