Saturday, May 12, 2012

5/11 - "Clean and Jerks"

Last week of Clean and Jerks!  Another good one partnering up with Kirst.  We did a few of the movements we've been working on over the past three weeks then it was on to setting some PR's similar to the final snatch session.

3 sets 3x hang clean to split jerk (23/28/33kg)
3 sets 2x squat clean (33/38/40kg)
3 sets 2x clean pulls (60/65/70kg)
clean and jerk (2x40/45/47.5/52.5(PR)/57.5kg(f))

I was pulling too fast on the first phase of the squat cleans so Luke had me do deadlift then hang cleans to try and get the feeling.  After a bit more struggle he stopped the class and did a little demo on how to "lock" in on the start of the lift - really pulling your shoulders back/ tightening up the little muscles in the middle (these are weak on me and I'm constantly told to strengthen them).  His demonstration was solid - he had me lay on my back with one arm extended - he then grabbed my hand and pulled me up/ shook me around and I didn't really lift up much.  He then repeated the same thing but this time had me lock my shoulders back and I was lifted right off the floor because of the connection between my arm and my body.  Definitely got the picture from that and it REALLY did help.  I found that I actually couldn't "explode" off the ground any more because everything was already "locked" and there was nothing to "explode until I got up to my hips and could extend from there.  Sweet.  My squat cleans got solid after that.

I'm loving the clean and jerk now and (almost) squat cleans. Kirst and I started at 40kg (previous PR was 45kg) and it felt easy.  I did another at 45kg before moving to the "official" lifting platform and going for 47.5kg - new PR (easy).  Went up to 52.5 and got that no problem, again the squat clean felt solid it was dropping under on the jerk that I struggle with - I actually pressed the last bit of this one out but it counted.  I talked a bit to Luke to figure out how much I should jump up by (2.5kg or 5kg).  He suggested the 5kg and to make it my last lift.   57.5kg (PR on squat clean). Fair.  I squat cleaned it - it was hard but I made it - then didn't drop/ lock it out on the jerk though I did get it high enough had I dropped under it.  It's the confidence again - I chucked the weight behind me (very casually as Tim put it) so I knew it was over my head.  Next time I got this.  Still very happy with the progress made after the four weeks.  I'm totally ready for Rx-ing Grace at 45kg soon.

This week will be mostly deload - I have bicep tendonitis which is what has been causing issue in my left shoulder the past few weeks (it's a recurring injury unfortunately from overuse) and the only "cure" is rest so I'll be doing lighter weights/ modified wods until it goes away.

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